Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tis The Season For A Franchise


Is a franchise targeted at a particular season a worthwhile investment?


People say that Christmas is "too commercial". While for Christmas purists, the evident truth of this is a source of sorrow, for the Scrooges among us who wish to make some money out of it, that is good to know. The strong increase in the number of people spending money on leisure pursuits and activities has helped to boost demand for a number of seasonal franchises.

Seasonal franchises can include a vast array of business ideas and models including ice cream parlours, garden services and Christmas gift outlets. However, opting for a business that does not often have a regular monthly turnover can present a number of problems and therefore may only be suitable for someone will good management skills and budgeting experience.

Competent franchisees sometimes run two franchises to help ensure they have a reliable level of income throughout the year. For instance, a swimming pool cleaning franchise is likely to have a stronger turnover during the summer months, but profit will fall as winter arrives.

Therefore, a franchisee could look at opting for a second business that could boost revenues during the winter. A Christmas house decorating operation that attracts clients and money in December could help to offset the less profitable months of the seasonal franchise that sees profits surge in summer.

Potential franchisees are reminded that before committing to any operation they must make sure they do adequate market research and undertake sufficient preparation for setting up their own venture.

The first step for anyone looking to move into the seasonal franchise business is to request information from the leading chains who offer suitable opportunities. This literature can then be used to compare different options as well as assessing possible business structures and the amount of investment required to get up and running. It will also help establish what can be done to help limit the effects of seasonal differences.

Another crucial factor is to calculate how much it will cost to recruit and train staff, especially as they are likely to be employed seasonally and may not return each year. In addition, the storage of equipment that is only used during a few months of the year must be incorporated into any initial business plans.

New franchisees also need to place strong importance on how much support they will receive from the company as it could be vital to ensuring maximum returns and long-term success. This is especially crucial when marketing and publicity is needed to drum up sufficient business during the traditionally busy months to help lesson the impact of slow times.

However, no matter how much training and support is given by companies, franchisees must realise that a lot of hard work and business flair is the key to success within the seasonal franchise market.

Author: Diarmuid Kieran

About Author:

Webmaster for Franchise Direct franchise opportunity websites.

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