Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Scams|network Marketing| Can you Spot Them


Learn how you can be more careful in picking out a network marketing company to represent.


In most instances it’s not too difficult to pick out a network marketing scam. You always have to watch out for the company that asks for upfront money to become a member of the network with nothing in return. This is called a pyramid scheme and these types of schemes have been around for a long time. In these pyramid schemes, money is generated by each new member paying a fee to join the company. If you’ll notice, in speaking with people today who are not knowledgeable in network marketing, they use the term, is this a pyramid scheme? Here is where all the explanations come in for you in trying to defend what you are doing as legal and legitimate. Most companies have a distributor kit as part of joining with them and that does not mean it’s a pyramid, because you are getting something for your dollars. Purchasing a distributor kit gives you an explanation of the company, its products and how to use the products. When you do a demonstration at your home and you don’t have any products to show your new customers, how is that going to look? That does not make you very credible as a business owner or recruiter for your company. So the reason for distributor kits with companies is to introduce you to your company’s products and also have some on hand for demonstration purposes. Network marketing, by no means, is immune to scams, where you have people you’re going to have scams. You’ve been around long enough to know that paying out money and receiving nothing for it should certainly throw up a red flag for you. People are on the internet constantly looking to take your money the easy way. Don’t be in a rush and make sure you check out every opportunity thoroughly. If you think it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. There are many good people and companies out there on the internet where you can get an honest evaluation on a company, all you have to do is do some research and you’ll find your information. If there is contact information, phone, address, email address, then contact these people, speak with them and you can check them out via internet I’m sure you’ll get a feeling for their honesty. If there is not contact information, then I would suggest steering clear of these people and organizations.

Author: George Collins

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