Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Make Money Easily!


If you want to make money easily my advice to you is to just get on with it. Learn the basics of whatever it is you want to have a crack at and then go with the flow. You WILL make mistakes, as it is only by failing that we succeed.


Have you ever wondered why it is that some folks can independently make money easily whereas as others struggle to earn a buck, and some can't even manage that? Sure, there are those who have natural entrepreneurial skills, but making money is not as difficult as many think. So just what are the secrets between success and failure?

Well, duplicating a proven method is one way to succeed, but even that won't be enough if you lack the drive and determination to make it. What all entrepreneurs have in common is that they never give up no matter what. It really is a simple as that in so many cases. Patience and persistence will prevail in the long term, and that's a fact.

What usually happens when folks try to make money easily is they get distracted with research. They often find what appears to be an interesting and doable project and one which they have a genuine interest in, whether it's an online or offline venture, but then comes what is known as analysis paralysis.

Not wanting to fail, the befuddled one often gets trapped into micro analysis of what is most likely a very simple concept. They then begin to pole-vault over mouse poop and start asking the dreaded 'what if' questions. Many often think themselves out of something before they've even begun, whereas others wear themselves out mentally, so that by the time they do get around to making a start they've lost all interest and the project fails shortly afterwards. Sound familiar?

If you want to make money easily my advice to you is to just get on with it. Learn the basics of whatever it is you want to have a crack at and then go with the flow. You WILL make mistakes, as it is only by failing that we succeed. Remember, that to a greater or lesser degree you will need to invest money in order to make money and be very wary of any sales pitch or get rich quick schemes that tell you otherwise.

I can speak with some authority here as I was a prize procrastinator. Fear of failure held me back for years and I found a million reasons why I couldn't pursue something and hardly a single one why I should. Yet I never stopped dreaming but those dreams remained dreams. That was until the day I saw this acronym - KISS - which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid! That was it, was making complicated issues out of simple matters and I didn't even know it.

Eventually I opted for an online business venture as the capital required to set up a virtual business really is negligible compared to a bricks and mortar company. Being a solopreneur or netentrepreneur as we're often referred to, really has been the best thing I've ever done in my life. It's not always easy as the virtual high street is constantly changing, but the freedom it gives me is indescribably wonderful. I'm neither an employee nor a boss and life is just great.

Making money easily is perhaps a bit of a cliche, but it's certainly easy to make your own money relatively painlessly providing you keep at it and don't give up no matter what. If you still need a little inspiration I'll just quote you from something I read at the same time the KISS acronym hit me in the face:

Of 100 people who start with a plan today, 80 will drop out within 6 months.
Of the 20 left, 16 will drop out within the next 6 months.
Of the 4 left, only 1 will still be at it 6 months later.
Be that 1

Author: Gary Tooth

About Author:

Read more on Earning, Spending and Saving money including articles on Fast Cash Loans, choosing the best Credit Card Offers and a piece on the Small Business Loan. All this and more at Make Out Money dot com

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