Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Creative marketing

" Help Me To Start! " Asked A Home Business Newbie


That is a very fair question. In the beginning a newbie really needs all possible help. Every new home business starter has his own sponsor, i.e. a person on who´s web site he has joined the program. The sponsor is normally more experienced and it is his duty to personally help the starter.


The biggest issue right in the beginning is to quarantee that the newbie will do the right things. The roles must be that the sponsor ( and Training Lesson ) must say what to do and the home business marketer must do the things. In this way the things will start to go to the right direction.

One of the greatest help is Training Lesson, a detailed and practical one. The lesson which is possible to learn while doing. The recommended promotions are simple enough, can be understood, are not too expensive and the lesson must proceed with slow enough speed.

The copystyle must be enthusiastic but not hype. Despite of all the help available, it is a newbie´s duty to learn and understand his web site and the promotions. What are the products, what information there is available and the most important issue: what a marketer has to do to become profitable?

My great advice to a newbie is that he should really read all text on his web site, make some notes and his own FAQ. Good way to learn is to train with a family member: a lot of questions.

A healthy way to start is to think simply: what am I selling, to whom and with which promotions. In order to keep it simple is extremely important. Good Training Lesson is very detailed and uses only phrases which are every day language.

The concept is to start from basic questions and continue later to more complicated promotion ways. Good lessons are divided, like schools, into sections ( Day 1, Day 2 etc ).

The idea of Training Lesson is that it is a complete, wide collection of all tools, which are needed to run the program. Even so many tools and instructions that a newbie must very thoroughly pick the best ones for him. This is important to understand.

Continue SLOWLY through the lessons. It is not a speed race. It is much more nicer to do one thing properly than many things not understanding their effects. And remember always: the responsibility is always at the newbie. It is your money, your motivation, your time and your profits.

Your lesson and sponsor just suggest defferent things. Home business marketing is a pure know-how and information business. I repeat: know-how and information. This means that by knowing your site and just one effective promotion way, and you will be on your way to success.

It is really that simple. The worst thing is to rush immediately to the next promotion method after done the previous one. It is not wise. Take your time because pondering things will happen only with time. Especially when the target is to find the first good way for promotion, that will bring the sales needed.

It is very understandable that an enthusiastic home business owner try to catch everything in a shortest time. But that is also extremely dangerous. Why? Because in home business marketing " fine tuning " is the key to results. That means thinking the results and possible corrections all the time.

That simply takes time and the newbie must wait until he´ll see the results. But what is more nicer than to see your results to become better and better time after time. I quarantee: it is one of the greatest things in online marketing.

Author: Juhani Tontti

About Author:

The Home Business Start has a passion to help people to start home business. You can take a look at my site, which gives a living to me. Thanks!

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Starting your own trucking business

Parenting Management


In the past, if you were a new employee, it was assumed you knew how to manage your personal life and you were expected to adapt to the corporate culture. This is no longer true and presents a problem for managers. Younger employees today have problems managing money, dressing appropriately, and interpersonal relations and communications, not to mention alcohol, drugs, and sex. They are raw and rough. But are they salvageable? They better be, for your company's sake, as they represent t


Tim Bryce

"Most children are raised by amateurs, not professionals."
- Bryce's Law


Want to know what to expect of the work force in the years ahead? Look no farther
than our schools or homes. Let me preface my remarks by saying that in addition
to all of my other responsibilities, I was very active in my local Little League for a
number of years where I served as coach, umpire, and on the local board of
directors. Further, I have been very active locally in offering Masonic scholarships to
High School students. In addition, my wife has been active in the local school system
for the last ten years at the elementary, middle, and high school levels (this also
included PTA and SAC). Although we probably won't win an award as the world's
best parents, we made a point of becoming an important and influential part of our
children's lives. We didn't take any special courses in parenting, we just got
involved. But we are the exceptions as opposed to the rule.

Prior to World War II, the country was immersed in an economic depression which
put a strain on families and disrupted our society. Everyone in a family was expected
to pitch in and do their part in order to survive, this included going to school and their
place of worship. Some families suffered severe hardships during this period causing
children to drop out of school and go to work. They didn't drop out as some form
of rebellion or protest, but to simply earn money to help support the family. Consequently,
many earned nothing higher than a Junior High diploma which was prized by many
families. The point is, there was a sense of family back then and the people's hunger
built character. They understood the value of a dollar, worked hard and squandered
nothing. It was this generation that got us through the war and propelled the country
towards economic success in the latter part of the 20th century.

In the 1950's and 1960's, as the country was experiencing an economic boom, a parent
normally stayed at home to manage the family, usually the wife. If a child
had a problem, a parent was always home to tend to their needs. Children no longer
had to drop out of school to support the family and our High Schools and Colleges
swelled with students. The "baby boomers" were considered well adjusted
and readily adapted to the work force. This generation saw us through the space
race and the technology revolution which changed the face of corporate America.

But in the last three decades, we began to lose faith in our economy and our
standard of living. As a result, both parents began to work inordinate hours and a
generation gap began to emerge. Exhausted by their work, the parents
would return home where the last thing they wanted to hear was their child's
problems. Consequently, children became social outcasts in their own homes and
often had to fend for themselves; they simply couldn't relate with their parents. Sure,
the parents would sign their kids up for Summer Camp, Little League and Soccer, but
this was viewed more as baby-sitting services as opposed to taking a true interest in
the child's development. They would also give their kids television sets and video games
to occupy their time.

Today, school teachers have become surrogate parents by default, something
they weren't trained for, nor inclined to accept. Talk to a teacher and you will hear
stories of lack of respect for authority, poor manners, and dysfunctional social
intercourse. Children today no longer learn their values from their parents
but rather from Hollywood. As young adults entering the work force, their work
ethic, values, and behavior are noticeably different than the prior generation. There
is no longer a sense of quality, service, or craftsmanship; just put in your time and
collect a paycheck. This is all having an adverse effect on how we conduct
business and the corporate culture.

Now, let me give you a the scary figure: probably 20%, or less, of today's
graduating High School seniors are socially well adjusted.

Knowing this, what should you do as a manager?


In the past, if you were a new employee, it was assumed you knew how to manage
your personal life and you were expected to adapt to the corporate culture. This
is no longer true and presents a problem for managers. Younger employees today
have problems managing money, dressing appropriately, and interpersonal relations
and communications, not to mention alcohol, drugs, and sex. They are raw and rough. But
are they salvageable? They better be, for your company's sake, as they represent
tomorrow's work force.

Perhaps we can take a lesson from the military services here. The military is
well aware they are not getting the "cream of the crop" when they take on new
recruits. Many are social misfits coming from broken homes. As such, the
military's initial role is to break the individual of bad habits and impose a new
system of discipline and work ethic. Individualism is replaced by teamwork and,
in the process, a sense of belonging and family is imposed. This is either readily
accepted by the new recruit or they are drummed out of the service. Discipline,
organization, teamwork, and a strong work ethic can have a dramatic affect on a
drifting soul. By doing so, it can bring order to lives and a sense of purpose,
something that perhaps was neglected at home.

Today's Drill Instructors and junior officers also find themselves as surrogate parents
and are now instructed in counseling young soldiers. The boot camps of today are
a lot different than what the country experienced during World War II, Korea, and
Viet Nam. Yet, we are producing a fine class of soldiers which makes our country
proud. In other words, they must be doing something right.

If we have learned anything from the military in this regard, it is that the
times have changed and our employees today have different needs requiring
a new type of manager who can adequately tend to them. And like today's
Drill Instructors and school teachers, managers are finding themselves in the
role of surrogate parents, like it or not. Managers bristle at this notion. After all,
they want to get on with their business and do not want to be regarded as a
baby-sitter. But the fact remains, home parenting skills are at an all-time low
and to overcome this problem, someone has to assume the duty to compensate
for this inadequacy. Again, the military readily understands this and has adapted
accordingly. But can business?

Understand this, corporate America's "recruits" come predominantly from the
colleges and universities whose purpose is not to teach social skills, but rather,
to teach people how to learn. A college diploma most definitely does not
mean the graduate is socially well-adjusted, but that he/she has learned to study
and accept new ideas. If anything, the student's extracurricular activities tell
more about a person's personality than the degree itself. For example, participation
in team sports, club activities, or Greek life speaks volumes about a person's
personality and social skills.


In the past, new corporate recruits underwent special training programs to learn how
the company conducts business. Sales people in particular had to undergo rigorous
training to learn how to present products and care for the customers. Workmen
underwent training to learn how to build quality products. However, such programs
have been slashed in recent times as a means for cutting costs (and will be the subject
of a future paper).

There was also a period where mentors were assigned to new employees to chaperone
them on their journey through the corporate world. Mentors were basically a
"Big Brother/Sister" program where senior employees would offer sage advice
to neophytes on adapting to the corporate world. But like the training programs,
mentoring is also being phased out.

Although mentoring and training programs were intended to develop the employee's
skills and effectiveness from a corporate perspective, neither dwelled on the personal
problems of the employee.

Now that new employees are left to fend for themselves, a generation gap is emerging
in business. Managers from just about every job segment are frustrated with new
employees, and, likewise, new employees are frustrated with management. Whereas
managers lament how little is accomplished by new employees, new employees
complain how much time they are putting in at work. This highlights a significant
difference between the generations: whereas the new employees are watching the
clock, the managers are watching what is produced. The two are not synonymous,
but nobody has taught the young employees this yet. To the "newbies," their time is
what is important, regardless if they produce anything worthwhile or not; to the manager,
it is just the opposite. Also, young people believe calling in sick is an acceptable form of
behavior. Where did they learn all this? On their own. It is a sad state of affairs when
the media has more influence over the values of our children than parents do. But
when adults abdicate parenting to the media, it is not entirely surprising.

So, what is needed? More training? Mentoring? Nope. Just some parenting. The sooner
corporations realize this, the sooner they can begin to develop mature and responsible
employees. Again, this is why the military now teaches its Drill Instructors basic
counseling techniques, so they can help new recruits find their way through life and become
a good soldier. It is most definitely not "baby-sitting" but, rather, a recognition that parents
have dropped the ball in their child's development and someone has to pick up the
pieces in order for the newbie to realize their potential.

I do not claim to have a Ph.D. in parenting, but as I see it there are three primary
duties a parent needs to inculcate:

  • Role Model - first, a parent has to be a good role model with attributes their subordinates
    want to aspire to attain. Role models are respected for their authority and become
    a highly credible source of information and inspiration,

  • Teacher - second, a parent has to be able to teach, not just academic lessons but
    those of life; e.g., morality, socialization, even finances (e.g., balancing a
    checkbook, life insurance, etc.). It is the teacher who establishes the rules and
    regulations of the classroom and, as such, is also the disciplinarian.

  • Guidance Counselor - third, parenting includes guiding others on their path through
    life, explaining options and making recommendations.

Very important, a parent has to recognize they won't have all of the answers, but
should know how to point someone in the right direction to get the answers they need.

Above all else, a parent has to care about the welfare of their offspring. I am not
suggesting corporate parents love their children like biological parents, but they
need to invest time in the person, believe in the person, and motivate them
accordingly, whether through kindness or a good swift kick in the rear. The
corporate parent has to also know when their work is complete and allow the
offspring to move on to the next stage of their corporate life.

The military has the advantage of written contracts and boot camps to
indoctrinate new recruits. Perhaps a corporate boot camp could be devised
and teach the same lessons as found in the military, such as:

  • Cause and effect, e.g., if you make a mistake, you know you will be penalized accordingly.

  • The value of good workmanship and its impact on others.

  • How to give and take an order.

  • Discipline and code of conduct.

  • Teamwork.


Companies today are at a loss coping with the newest generation of
workers. What they don't realize is, it will get worse before it gets better. Since
most biological parents are content with allowing others to teach their children
the necessary values in life, teachers, the military and corporations are forced to
pick up the slack, like it or not. The sooner we admit this, the sooner we can address
how to remedy the situation. Whether this involves one-on-one counseling or a
boot camp type of environment, something has to be done to teach our newest wave
of workers the proper values to succeed in business and in life.

Let me leave you with a real-life story on parenting in the workplace. Some time
ago I was visiting with a CIO in Columbus, Ohio who took me on a tour of
his facility. Along the way, we happened upon a young programmer who
was new to the company. Frankly, he looked a little wet behind the ears and
had long hair over his collar. After the CIO introduced me to the young man, he
instructed him to go get a haircut. The young programmer, shot back
indignantly, "You can't say that to me!"

The CIO turned calmly but deliberately to the programmer, and said,
"Yes I can. Watch," then pointing to his mouth, "Get a haircut. Now!"

The programmer backed down and, to his credit, dutifully got a haircut.

I had just witnessed a little "Parenting Management" in action. The CIO
exercised his authority and had quickly instructed the newbie on one
of the rules to be observed in the workplace. The programmer's biological
parents hadn't instructed him properly, now it defaulted to his corporate

"Parenting Management" - Just remember, you heard it here first.

Author: Tim Bryce

About Author:

Tim Bryce is the Managing Director of M. Bryce & Associates (MBA)
of Palm Harbor, Florida and has 30 years of experience in the field.
He is available for training and consulting on an international basis.
He can be contacted at: timb001@phmainstreet.com

Copyright © 2006 MBA. All rights reserved.

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Cell phone number search

Corner Fireplace - What you Need to Know About Corner Fireplace Designs


While most all home buyers hope to find that perfect home which includes a beautiful fireplace, in many cases it just doesn't happen. But that doesn't mean you still can't have a fireplace. Even if that new home doesn't seem to have enough room you can always put in a corner fireplace.


While most all home buyers hope to find that perfect home which includes a beautiful fireplace, in many cases it just doesn't happen. But that doesn't mean you still can't have a fireplace. Even if that new home doesn't seem to have enough room you can always put in a corner fireplace. A corner fireplace design offers several advantages in homes without an existing fireplace or chimney.

1. If you are only looking for a cozy appearance of a nice fire, then a gel fueled fireplace is a good solution.

2. If you want a corner fireplace design that includes a wood burning unit then you can easily add on a chimney or vent to the unit.

3. A corner fireplace can take up less space than a bigger standard fireplace does.

Which areas of your home are a good fit for a corner fireplace design?

A corner fireplace can be ideal in any small room like a bedroom, but it works well in other rooms as well.

Let's say that you have a room where your wall features or built-ins are taking up the space where a built-in fireplace should go. A corner fireplace design may be your only answer without doing major renovations.

There are so many ideas that you can come up with when it comes to finding the ideal spot for a corner fireplace.

You can also add a corner fireplace mantel to make a conversation piece as well.

To find more ideas on a corner fireplace design you can look at some of the many home design magazines or do some surfing online. You're only limited by your imagination.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Author: Terry Edwards

About Author:

By the way, you can learn more about a Corner Fireplace as well as much more information on all types of fireplaces at http://www.FireplacesA-z.com

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Overnight business cards

A Simple Formula For Writing Articles With A Minimal Amount Of Time And Effort


As a writer you may have ever felt overwhelmed by a blank sensation when trying to write an article. To eliminate the problem you may try to follow the tips in this article. Ok, let's start it. I don't want to waste your invaluable time.


As a writer you may have ever felt overwhelmed by a blank sensation when trying to write an article. To eliminate the problem you may try to follow the tips in this article. Ok, let's start it. I don't want to waste your invaluable time.

First, if you have a collection of private label contents, take a look at them. Try to find an article that covers similar subject with the article you want to write. For example if you want to write an article about badminton you can look for an article about tennis. Both have many similarities. They are games that require racket and net to play. In addition they can be played single or double. Just change the word "tennis" to "badminton" and change any inappropriate words. For example you may have to change the word "tennis ball" to "shuttlecock".

Another example is if you want to create an article about restaurants in your city you can use an article about restaurants in Kuala Lumpur or New York or any other cities. The key here is the more similarities exist the easier your writing task will be.

What will be easier if you want to create an article about "web writer", using an article with title "Hire a Web Designer" or "Hire a Broker"? I believe you are agree with me to choose the first one because compared with a broker there are more similarities between a web writer and a web designer. Both of them, a writer and a web designer, normally serve people who are running a business on the internet which means their customers are more likely have similar problems.

In case you can not find an article that cover similar subject like that just open one of your private label articles. There are common titles which can be used for various subjects. Here are some of them:

How To Find …
The Secret To …
The Basics of …
The Benefits of …
Mistakes To Avoid When …
and so on…

Just open one of them no matter whether the subject is related with yours or not.

Now you can alter the article. For example, below is a private label article about cigar:

--- START---

4 Tips for Lighting a Cigar

For new smokers, lighting a cigar can seem as daunting as learning to choose a good single. Here are four tips to guide you in lighting a cigar for the first time.

--- END---

If you want to write an article about web hosting you can alter the article above so it becomes:

--- START---

Several Tips For Finding a Reliable Web Hosting Provider

For beginners, choosing a reliable hosting service can be difficult because there are a huge number of hosting companies with different hosting plans in the market right now. Here are some important factors you should consider in deciding which one to choose.

--- END---

After you have finished several first sentences like that you should be able to finish your article easily. You can do this method again and again for any subjects. Collecting many private label contents can also be very beneficial to you because besides you will have good quality contents to get the creative juices flowing you will be able to take some sentences from here and there.

Finally although you can just "search and replace" for some words it is advisable to take it a step further in order to make your article really unique. Do not forget also to check your article to make sure it does not contain wrong information.

Author: Heris Yunora

About Author:

Heris Yunora
Private Label Web Content and Tools

Random related phrase:

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Verio inc growing your business one click at a time

Toot your Web Horn: the Best Ways to Promote your Home Business Web Site


Learn the most successful ways to promote your home business website online and off.


Traffic on the freeway is bad. Traffic on the Internet is good. With over 60 million web sites on the Net, you need a solid strategy for steering customers to your home business web site.

Search Engines

Search engines are the yellow pages for a home business web site. Over 80% of Internet surfers use search engines to find information on the web. To get the most traffic to your site, list with the big search engine players Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Smaller search engines also get results from the big three so you'll be covered in case customers visit less popular engines.

Looking Good

Your home business web site can be simple or complex but it must be functional and attractive. Make sure your site does what it is supposed to do – provide customers with concise, useful information about your product or service. Be wary of making things too complicated. The site should be easy to navigate or customers will look elsewhere.

Your home business web site should also look professional, not cheap. If you aren't design savvy, spend money on a good web designer. The investment will pay off by attracting more people to your web page.

On-line Ads

The Internet has many sites where you can list your home business web site for free. To guarantee the greatest exposure, place your ad on several (20 or more) sites and repeat the process every month.

Banner advertisements can be as effective as TV spots in increasing customer awareness of your business. A banner ad should be direct, i.e. promote a benefit of rather than just the name of the product or service. Try participating in a banner exchange program such as LinkExchange that connects your home business web site to other company sites that have similar customer bases.

Affiliate programs offer an excellent opportunity to promote your home business web site. Affiliate businesses post links to your web page on their sites. You pay them a commission or set fee based on the amount of traffic sent to your web site. Pay arrangements vary and can be based on the number of people who visit your site or the number of customers who purchase your product.

Bloggin' It

Bloggers are the hot new information medium. Getting them to write about your home business web site is an excellent way to gain exposure to potential customers.

Technorati Blog Directory provides a listing of blogs by industry. Do your research here to determine which blogs might be interested in writing about your business. Send a short, personal email to a few blog writers describing your web site and asking the blogger to write about it. Offer the writer something in return, for example, free product or a link back to his blog on your web site.

Off-line Ads

Cruising Down the Highway

Your car is a moving billboard for a home business web site. Window decals and bumper stickers are inexpensive ways to get the word out about your web site. Spend a few extra dollars for a personalized license plate with your web address.

Old Media Standby

Regardless of what the bloggers say, people still read the printed page. Run ads in the classifieds of large and small papers, trade magazines, and free weeklies. Your choice of print media will depend on the product or service offered and whether you do business locally or nationwide.

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Author: Michael Laleye

About Author:

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Your business com

Internet Home Business Marketing & Promotion: Testing Your Traffic


Getting visitors to come to your Internet site is the crux of the success of your home business online marketing promotion. You can build the greatest home business Internet site but if its marketing and promotion doesn't bring users to the site it's useless...


Getting visitors to come to your Internet site is the crux of the success of your home business online marketing promotion. You can build the greatest home business Internet site but if its marketing and promotion doesn't bring users to the site it's useless. Once those visitors are coming to your site your tracking software can let you know which pages they view and for how long and what brings them to the site and what page they are on when they exit the site. All this information helps you improve your site and the online sales process for your home business Internet marketing and promotion.

Your online marketing and promotion plan for your Internet home business should include the following goals:

* To get instant low cost traffic to your site so that these users can let you know if your Web sales copy works, if the order form is right, if the navigation is easy and if the opt-in e-mail offer is productive.

* To test whether the sales process you have set up online does the optimal job of converting your home Internet business' Web traffic into the greatest number of sales.

* To bring the greatest number of consumers to your Web site in the least amount of time.

* And to assure that putting your Web traffic marketing and promotion campaign on autopilot successfully grows your Internet home business.

When it comes to testing your Internet site prior to home business online marketing promotion a lot of entrepreneurs don't know how to test and what to test. The basics that you need to look at are the ordering process, the sales copy, the opt-in e-mail offer and the navigation of the site. The ordering process must be designed with the assumption that the consumer who buys from you has never done so online before. Make it so easy to navigate that the Web novice won't give up in frustration.

When looking at the sales copy on your site you want to pay close attention to how captivating your headlines are, how clear and influential the benefits are spelled out, that the guarantee is prominent and clear and that there is a strong call to action.

The opt-in offer must be prominent and just about mouth-watering. The point of testing this is to make sure that you're getting the contact information from that consumer. You know can lure them to your site time and time again until they say otherwise.

The most important thing to look at when testing your site's navigation is to make sure that someone who wants to buy your product or service online can do it in two easy clicks. More than that and you start to lose the interest of this instant-gratification audience - especially if your market is under 35 years of age.

Author: Michael Laleye

About Author:

Michael Laleye Is A Plug In Profit Site Member As Well As An Authority On Developing Home Based Affiliate Businesses Online. Get more Information On How To Build Your Own Home Based Affiliate Business. For Affiliate Business Ideas To Make Money Online, Visit: http://www.MyAffiliateStarter.com

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Business brokers portland

Career Personality Tests


Ever taken a career personality test? They can be both fun and eye opening! This article goes into detail about the how and why of career personality tests and helps you determine if you should take one.


Since most people spend a majority of their life on the job, choosing a career that you actually enjoy is very important for a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. Choosing a career that does not suit your personality can lead to confusion, unhappiness and boredom. People seek to find a career that best suits their natural traits and talents. When your work lets you realize your true potential and utilize your talents to the fullest, only then can you be satisfied with your career.

Personality Tests

Large corporate companies and business houses around the world hire employees by conducting personality tests as it measures skills, abilities, values and interests. These tests determine one's aptitude for a certain type of career and even mention the right job that suits an individual's personality. They determine the personality type; whether you are outgoing or reserved, realistic or imaginative, logical or sensitive, organized or spontaneous.

Personality Tests Help:

-Match individuals to career interests
-Improve employee communication
-Increase team effectiveness and productivity
-Reduce workplace conflict
-People understand themselves and others

How A Personality Test Works

An informal series of questions is prepared and a team of experts analyzes the test results. They examine different personality aspects to form a personality profile. This profile is then discussed within a group, comprising of a panel of psychology graduates and career advisors. The best career choice is made according to the personality type and a detailed report is declared in front of the candidate.

There are a variety of tests that measure your intelligence and skills and assess your ability to succeed in a career. Some are more complex as compared to others. Some might be free of cost or may charge a nominal fee. The tests range from a five-minute color test to an hour-long complete personality test.

1)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This is the most important tool that helps to assess a personality type and explore career options. A certain amount of fee is charged for conducting the test. It is fast, secure and confidential.

2)Career Key: This is a free online assessment tool that helps people make the best career choice.

3)Keirsey Temperament Sorter: This tool helps discover what type of temperament you possess and tells if you are an Artisan, Guardian, Rational or Idealist. They also charge a small fee for conducting the test.

4)Princeton Review Career Quiz: A series of questions are answered and accordingly, the best career choice is determined. They estimate your personal interests and usual styles. Registration is necessary for getting the results.

5)Strong Interest Inventory: This tool helps to match your interest with a professional career.

The results of these tests give a fair indication of an individual's personality and should not be relied on as absolute. The examiners analyze the personality profile based on the answers. Taking a few personality tests can acquaint you with new career options that might not have been considered before.

These instruments help evaluate your personality type and explore new career options. A proper match between your job and your personality plays a major role in ensuring job satisfaction. Personality tests will direct you to a profession that will best compliment your personality.

Author: Tony Jacowski

About Author:

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Home based business entrepreneur

Wood Wine Racks are Very Modular


Many people use wood wine racks because these are the best for a large collection of wine and are relatively cheap.


When choosing the type of wine rack you need to consider the following, do you want a freestanding, wall mounted or table top wine rack. For example, one popular choice for wine racks is steel, since this material can be heated and made into beautiful artistic pieces. Wine racks can be made out of several materials. Today you can find any type of wine rack on the internet there are tower, table and wall mounted wine racks.

You can use tall wine racks and great a bar, the way to do this is to place the racks on either side and place a countertop across them. Many people use wood wine racks because these are the best for a large collection of wine and are relatively cheap. Temperature-controlled, freestanding wine racks are a perfect storage system, though they are more expensive than a simple wine rack in a cool spot. When installing a wine rack many people turn to a baker's style of rack because it puts to good use the extra shelving, there is more storage and there is a work center. Storage racks allow you to organize your wine collection and keep it safe and sound.

Wood is hardy and durable. In addition, it might have mismatched wood grains, which would show if stained. Simple wood racks are available to attach underneath a kitchen cabinet. You can make your selection from pieces made from all types of finished wood and wrought iron, or a combination of materials.

Many of the metal wine racks today combine artistic art with functionality; some have circles, spirals and many other unique designs. Using a metal wine rack allows the wine collector to add artwork and style, while wooden racks are built for functionality. It is important when purchasing wrought iron wine racks that you buy one that is preassembled. Wrought iron wine racks are made to last. Stainless steel wine racks are more moderately priced than wrought iron wine racks, for example, although the latter have become very popular as well.

Wine bottles themselves are elegant and beautiful to look at, and the right wine rack can really add to the visual appreciation of your wine bottles as they await their opening day, whether in a cellar -- or on display in your kitchen or living room. Many home owners who keep a wine collection do not have as many bottles as a commercial establishment. Many of the wine racks are designed for everyday use where the wine aficionado is able to retrieve the wine for everyday use. Metal wine racks can be used to store wine bottles but metal wine racks are not as flexible as wood wine racks, with wood racks you are able to adapt them and make different sizes to save space.

There are some wine rack that are able to be divided into separate cabinets, the ability to divide is great because some wines need cooler temperatures while other types of wines do not. Find a spot in your house that stays about the same cool temperature year-round. When choosing where to store your wine make sure you get a suitable wine rack where you are able to control the temperature and the humidity so the wine does not get ruined.

Author: David Fishman

About Author:

Chris O'neill and David Marc Fishman are the owners of auction site. Priceriot is a new online auction where prices drop as people shop for computers.

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home based business entrepreneur

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Photographer business card template

Ways To Avoid Home Business Failure


When you are working from home, there is always going to be something inside of you that says that no matter how much work you do, you can always do more. This is something that a lot of home business owners find.


When you are working from home, there is always going to be something inside of you that says that no matter how much work you do, you can always do more. This is something that a lot of home business owners find. Because their work is at their home, they are always tempted to keep working. It is ironic because most of the people who run home businesses have thought that they would do this so they do not have to work hours that are longer.

They have probably thought that by working at home they could cut back on the hours that they were at work. And this is usually true but as everyone knows, setting up a home business can take many hours and if you have everything that you need at your home, it might be tempting to go to work for awhile after you eat supper or once the kids are in bed.

This can be a dangerous habit because if you start to do so much work that you are working in the evenings, you are going to find that you want to do even more work and that you take on more. Pretty soon you will find yourself working 20 hour days and your family will be wishing you go back to your old job because then at least once you were home, you were home for the night.

There are several ways to avoid this but first you must understand that it is vital that you take steps to avoid working all day and night. You mgith think you are being very productive but you need to know that working too many hours will make you burn out on what you are doing and might cause you to cut corners because you simply do not care any more. You might find that you have to go back to your old job because you simply can not stand your home business any longer. It is very important that you do not work long hours.

There are ways to make sure this happens. First of all, from the beginning, set hours for yourself. Tell yourself that you will only work certain hours and then stick to it. Depending on what you are doing in your home business there are ways to do this. If you are a project based home business, take only as many projects as you can complete in regular hours. If you are a home business that relies on being available, be sure that you have clear cut hours to work.

These can be any that you wish. If you want to work all day and night, that is fine but then be sure you are taking many days off a week. If you want to work for 3 days straight, and then have 4 day long weekends, this might be a great way to spend time with your family. If you want to work each day, then make your days shorter.

Author: Obinna Heche

About Author:

Obinna Heche. Los Angeles - California Delivering the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home successfully.. http://www.homeincomeportal.com/obhmy365

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Busness women

Making Money On The Net, Really?


Throughout the web, you will find hundreds of business opportunities. From selling coffee to selling cars, you'll find hundreds of things that you have the opportunity to get into to make money. Here is the summary of the most popular online money making business models.


Throughout the web, you will find hundreds of business opportunities. From selling coffee to selling cars, you'll find hundreds of things that you have the opportunity to get into to make money. Yet, it is sad to report to you that on average, 70% of all new home based businesses will fail within the first three years that they are out there. Now, before you get discouraged, realize that they do this because of several reasons.

1. They are poorly executed, by individuals that are looking for a get rich quick scheme and realize that, well; it takes work to make money.
2. They are scams that were un-researched, poorly designed or just plain old dumb to start with.
3. The individuals that got into them didn't have the income to put into the business to make the business work.

With that said, there are some excellent things that you can do to actually make an income from home. You will likely need to invest something in it (you don't get something for nothing!) and you'll have to invest time in making it work well.

Here are some things that you can do in brief.

Affiliate Marketing

This is an easy to understand concept. You'll design a website that is geared at selling someone else's product. You get a cut for the sales that are made because someone that came to your website makes a purchase. Often, you get a kickback even if they just visit the site. This is one of many programs that you can usually do together to make even more money. In other words, pair it up with other business opportunities and you are sure to see some profit.

Selling Readymade Products

For those that are looking to sell a product that someone else has made, check out these. Often, these are sold by the development of a website that promotes the product. Things like digitalized products or software are very hot sellers. People come to your website to learn about the product and you sell it to them or provide a link to where they can purchase it. In most cases, you get a commission like payment for doing this.

Think you can't just sell products online anymore? You can. In fact, you'll even be able to find products that are below cost and sell them with a good mark up as well.

Writing And Selling Ebooks

People come to the internet to get information. Why not sell it to them? If you have knowledge (or can get it) about a topic that others want to learn about, you can easily tap into this business market. All you need to do is to write an ebook (or have it written by a professional) and market it. This can be done through eBay or through hundreds of other methods.

Joint Venture

You can often team up your sales with others that are selling the same or similar products. By working together, you can hit a larger amount of people and pull in more sales. A joint venture usually splits the commission made as well as the cost of doing business.


Are you able to teach an individual something? If so, then you should write up an ecourse. This is simply a series of emails, of website information or any other medium that is used to teach or coach an individual. You simply provide information they want and they pay you to do it.


If you are a good speaker and have information to sell (or that you can obtain) then teleseminars are the way to go. You simply provide a conference call where individuals can call in and listen to what you are teaching them. Of course, they paid you first.

Public Domain Products

Little did you know that you could use material that is labeled as public domain to help enhance your business. Team this up with other types of marketing and you are sure to sell your product.

Directory or Review Websites

By creating websites where individuals go to receive a product or service, you are opening the door to making profits. Team this up with things like affiliate marketing and Google Adsense and you'll see an income.

Membership Sites

Develop a membership of individuals that are looking for your products or information. They will pay you monthly to use your service.


One of the fastest growing ways of marketing on the web, you simply put together an online form of a magazine or newspaper and sell it. You can also give it away free and fill it with ads to your products or website campaign.


Learn how to make money on eBay one of the world's largest auction websites. You can make an income, not just a few dollars if you develop a campaign to do so.


Blogs work well on websites. By providing information there about your products or attracting individuals back to your blog, you can promote the products on your website easier.

Google Adsense

Normally individuals pair up Google Adsense with other marketing campaigns to sell their products. This is a way of getting a few extra profits when individuals visit ads that are on your website.


In the digital age, people are looking to stay connected all the time. With podcasting, you can sell your product or service or you can actually build a casting such as a radio show that goes out around the world.

Amazon Book Reseller

If you have books lying around your house that you would like to get rid of, you can become listed on Amazon as a reseller. Unlike eBay this is not an auction site. It's a great way to sell books that you don't need. (You can also find free or really cheap ones to sell if you don't have any!)

Opinion Panels

Why not take a few surveys and make money? There are many survey websites on the web that do actually pay you a good deal of money to take them. Once you find them, its easy sailing here.


Making money online can happen. You have to make the right decision about doing so though. You'll need to find the business that fits into your life and your needs. Then, you'll need to learn how to do the business, what it takes and the tricks of the trade. If you can learn this, you can buy it to learn throughout the web. From a little stream to a full time income, the internet is full of ways you can make money.

Author: Keith Lee

About Author:

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the topic of Internet Marketing for years. Go to his website http://MyInternetMarketingSuccess.com for some superb tips.

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Logo business checks

Work At Home Legitimately


There's little doubt that legitimate work at home businesses and jobs are among the fastest growing careers brought on by the advent of the Internet. In fact this field has grown so much that it can even be said that it's become an industry in itself as more and more...


There's little doubt that legitimate work at home businesses and jobs are among the fastest growing careers brought on by the advent of the Internet. In fact this field has grown so much that it can even be said that it's become an industry in itself as more and more people are constantly choosing to earn their income working at home.

The disappointment is that so many unscrupulous people out there are trying to rip off those seeing a legitimate work at home job. Con artists numbering by the dozens, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands are striving to capitalize on innocent people's desire to stay at home and earn a decent income. These criminals find that there's never a shortage of people who want to believe in their scams of easy income and instant wealth.

So how does someone looking to find a legitimate work at home job separate the scams from the real ones? Despite evidence to the contrary, there are legitimate business opportunities out there that allow someone to earn a good living. The trick is to trust common sense augmented by thorough background research. Watch out for the following signs that warn whether or not an opportunity is legitimate:

Advertisements for "envelope stuffing", "mail processors", and "home typists."

These advertisements are always the same. They typical procedure is to charge a certain amount of money, claiming it covers the set of instructions they then send about how to advertise for envelope stuffers. Essentially the "business" is to sell the business to others, except the employee is selling the same product at a significantly lower price than was paid for it. This is obviously not a legitimate work at home opportunity.

Any business asking for a fee.

This is one sure sign that a work at home opportunity is not a legitimate one. Consider this question: How many real jobs involve the prospective employer charging his prospective employee a fee to get the job? Just imagine someone going for an interview where the employer tells them they must pay $39.95 to get the job. So why would an online employer be any different? There's no reason for this fee unless the fee is all the alleged employer is after.

Job listings with typos, all capital letters, or other examples of bad writing.

Real opportunities backed by actual professionals will maintain a professional appearance. Excessive misspellings, misuse of grammar, "net-speak" or other unprofessional writing should be an enormous red flag. Legitimate business always strives to appear legitimate.

"No skills or experience necessary!"

It's a job; some level of skill is always required. If skills and experience weren't really necessary, they would hire high-school students at minimum wage. Jobs that require no skills or experience pay very poorly because the competition for them is universal - there's nothing to disqualify anyone from the position. It's especially challenging to manage employees remotely. For this reason, employers are very particular when hiring applicants for work at home job positions. The legitimate positions are those that are most likely to require high skills and vast experience.

Author: Mary Johnson

About Author:

Mary Johnson writes for several web sites, on home management and family and home issues.

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logo business checks

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Music business quotes

What's a Good Franchise?


When you are considering a franchise opportunity, keep in mind that you are the owner, not the worker. Then you will begin the process of discovering opportunities that will meet your needs with rewarding business concepts that deserve investigation.


I am asked constantly, what’s a good franchise? When you are investigating franchise opportunities, what attracts your attention? Probable a large, well-known franchise. This is due to brand recognition.

Some people chose a franchise because of their ego, and what “The Jones’s” will think. They buy a franchise because it sounds exciting or cool. They buy a franchise hoping to impress their neighbors or friends. Because of this, they look up franchises on the Internet and either include or reject them based on the “cool factor”. As a result, many overlook excellent opportunities of sold money-making opportunities, sometimes with a much better return on investment than famous brands.

Take cleaning homes as an example. There is an excellent RIO with some house cleaning franchises, but it is not a very impressive concept. But if you could make $150 K to $200k a year would you really care if people knew you managed people who clean houses? When I paired a client with a cleaning franchise that met her finical requirements, her ability to manage her business from her home, and the time off she craved, she did not care that if her neighbors would be impressed. Today her business is thriving, she is financially successful, and she has personally never cleaned a toilet. From day 1, she thought of herself as a business OWNER, and not a worker in the establishment.

When you are considering a franchise opportunity, keep in mind that you are the owner, not the worker. Then you will begin the process of discovering opportunities that will meet your needs with rewarding business concepts that deserve investigation. If you would like more information there are two great websites: www.masterfranchisingandareadeveloperopportunity.com or www.franmartconnection.com

Author: Katherine Fein

About Author:

I have experienced success in the franchise business as the owner of multiple types of franchise units. I have extensive knowledge of starting, growing, operating, and selling franchises. Like Fran Mart Connection, I believe strongly that a business should facilitate the dreams of its owner. In 1983 I completed my MBA in small business management and entrepreneurial studies, then purchased her first franchise. I won numerous awards for quality management, and became a key “go to” business owner upon whom the Franchisor depended on to train new franchise owners. In 1998, I successfully sold all of my franchises. Today I continue to consult in business development and work force training. I am excited about my relationship with Fran Mart Connection as an independent consultant, as it affords me the opportunity to use my knowledge first hand about franchising and business ownership. I have become is an expert in advising and coaching others in decision matrix development, and execution. Whether I am coaching youth debating, serving on a local political committee, or helping in my community, my passion is to help others achieve their dreams. I am an avid reader, and active in the local library system volunteer organization. I have three (almost grown) children, one getting ready to go off to college. www.masterfranchisingandareadeveloperopportunity.com or www.franmartconnection.com

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music business quotes

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Minorities and women in business

Freelance Art For Beginners


Find out how you can go about getting freelance art work.


So you have a talent at art and would like to go into freelance art work but how do you go about starting up your own freelance art business? What should you do to get freelance art jobs? In this article we are going to go through a number of ideas that will help you get started.

The first thing you will want to do is to create a portfolio of your art work. It is best to keep this specialized to a field you want to cover, an area where your greatest strengths lie. If you like a variety of styles then have a separate portfolio for each different style which you can submit individually depending on people's needs. Your portfolio should be neatly presented in a zip up folder and small enough to fit comfortably on your potential client's desk.

Once you have designed your freelance art portfolio the next step will be to find the clients. There are a number of freelance jobs boards on the internet today, including freelanceworkexchange.com, elance.com and guru.com where you can find freelance work but you may also want to try approaching newspapers, magazines and book publishers to find out whether they have any requirements for freelance artists. There are also a number of other places you can look such as greeting cards companies, design companies and advertising agencies, depending on what style you are particularly looking at and the type of work that you would like to do.

Another way you can promote your art is by setting up your own website. If you do not have web design skills then try to find someone who is able to help you who does have the skills necessary to create a website that will help to promote your freelance art work.

When you have someone who is interested in commissioning art from you the next thing you will want to do is to set up a freelance art work contract. This contract should include details as to what the work is that is to be done, the delivery date, as well as the cost and payment terms. If the project is a fairly large one then you may also want to have smaller milestones so that you both know what the progress is on the project at each particular stage.

For many artists, freelancing is the only way to get enough work if they want to make money as an artist. Before starting freelance art work you should develop a well presented portfolio which reflects your style, strengths and an area that you want to specialize in. You should use this portfolio when contacting clients either through freelance jobs boards, at newspapers, magazines, publishers, or other commissioning companies and use a website to further promote your work. Once you have clients who are interested in working with you, you will need to create a freelance work contract so that you both understand what is required.

Author: Rob Palmer

About Author:

Rob Palmer is the Editor of Freelance Work Exchange, the leading jobs site for contract professionals worldwide. Looking for a legitimate home business opportunity? Join Freelance Work Exchange for just $2.95 and get access to thousands of freelance jobs and work-at-home jobs for writers, designers, programmers and freelancers. http://www.freelanceworkexchange.com

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minorities and women in business

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Business complaints com

5 of Today's Best Franchise Opportunities


Owning a franchise business is a smart way to be your own boss while drastically reducing the risks and costs of building a business from the ground up. However, not all franchise opportunities are created equally.


Owning a franchise business is a smart way to be your own boss while drastically reducing the risks and costs of building a business from the ground up. However, not all franchise opportunities are created equally. Any business could say that it has "franchise opportunities" available when it wants to expand regardless of the profitability of the original location. Great franchise opportunities are those that have solid business systems in place, a strong corporate support system, and thorough training programs. This article will focus on the top 5 opportunities today that exhibit all of the qualities of a winning franchise opportunity.

Opportunity #1 of 5: Quiznos Subs Every single day 295,734,134 Americans spend money to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is why food franchise opportunities are so successful. Though much of the working population may intend to brown bag-it for work hour meals, it's much simpler and more enjoyable to grab a quick bite out. Quiznos is one of the most successful franchise opportunities because it offers "fast" food while appealing to today's health conscious population. Open a Quiznos franchise near a business park and you'll instantly attract hungry workers in search of a delicious yet healthy meal.

Opportunity #2 of 5: It's a Grind Coffee House There's no denying that coffee shops are big business. It's a Grind coffee shop is now the fastest growing coffee franchise in the United States and one of the hottest franchise opportunities of the day. While there are plenty of coffee shops that haven't had the formula to seriously grow in the shadow of Starbucks, It's a Grind just has that winning combination of style, ambiance, and selection. Franchise opportunities that afford you the opportunity to attract daily repeat customers are few and far between, but completely commonplace at It's a Grind.

Opportunity #3 of 5: Cookie Cutters, Haircuts for Kids Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? Among other things, the truly unique angle and fun atmosphere of Cookie Cutters kids hair salon makes it one of the top franchise opportunities today. There are plenty of hair salons in every town and not much that separates one from another. But Cookie Cutters offers a kid-friendly environment that is enjoyable for both kids and adults. Instead of salon chairs kids sit on horses and airplanes, instead of staring into the mirror kids watch cartoons, and instead of coloring books in the waiting area there are slides, props, and games. Because of its unique qualities, Cookie Cutters is getting lots of free publicity which makes it even easier to achieve success with this franchise opportunity.

Opportunity #4 of 5: Mobile Pit Stop The one thing everyone seems to have less of is time. The more and more we work and earn, the less and less time we have to spend with our families or relaxing. Faced with limited time, some tasks go by the wayside and oil changes seem to be one of them. Mobile Pit Stop offers a smart solution for saving time on a necessary task which is what makes it one of the most attractive franchise opportunities today. Of the franchise opportunities, Mobile Pit Stop has a low start up cost of around $3000. Because the business is mobile, growth is as simple as adding more vehicles to your fleet.

Opportunity #5 of 5: Maids Etc. You may not see who's behind it, but someone is responsible for cleaning every office building and home from coast to coast. Residential house cleaning services are a fast growing trend while just about every business in America out sources their cleaning. With tens of millions of office buildings and homes that need cleaning, it doesn't take long to build a large and profitable client list. Many businesses don't want just anyone cleaning around their most sensitive data and expensive equipment. Having a name like Maids Etc. gives your cleaning service the credibility needed to land contracts with large business clients.

There are lots of great franchise opportunities available today. Before investing in a franchise opportunity, be sure to research the company thoroughly. The best franchise opportunities will be those with a great business model, products and services that are in high demand, and a corporate office that provides support, training, and advertising. If you're ready to be your own boss and earn your full potential, these 5 franchise opportunities are a great place to begin.

Author: Christine Harrell

About Author:

Author is a writer for FranchiseFetch specializing in franchising opportunities. For information you can visit http://www.FranchiseFetch.com

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Northeastern university center for family business

Tips on internet auction titles


With the millions of auctions that are on eBay and the thousands of similar products, you have to find a way to set yours apart from the others.


With the millions of auctions that are on eBay and the thousands of similar products, you have to find a way to set yours apart from the others. You can spend extra money on listing features, but this cuts into your profits. One thing you can do that costs nothing is to have a good title.

Remember that when a potential buyer is looking for something specific they will type in their search just like you would a search engine looking for websites of your interest. It is important to have a good title that will contain the keywords of what you are selling. Let's say you are selling a Widget Plus. You would want to make sure that in the title contained both the words widget and plus. The word plus in the product would indicate that the widget plus is an upgrade from the original widget. You also want your potential buyers to know that you have a widget plus and not just a plain widget.

I will show a few examples of less than desirable titles:

Cheapest Widgets on eBay! (Are they really? It does not have all of the keywords. Too cliché.)

***Widget Plus*** (It has the full name of the product, but the added asterisks to draw attention are annoying)

WIDGET PLUS! (This one is similar to the one above. This is like yelling, very annoying.)

Keep in mind that your intention is to draw a potential buyers eye without looking cheesy or cliché. In my opinion the best way to do this is the direct approach. Use a title that is professional sounding. When you use a format like this you are showing your potential buyers that you are confident in your product and describing it accurately without having to "pad" it with annoying font tactics.

Here are a few examples of good tittles:

Widget Plus. Unopened Widget. (What I did here was indicate the product I had and that it was still in the box. This is Important to state in the title if you have an unused product on auction. Buyers will want to see what kind of deal they can get on a new one. I also indicated just widget at the end instead of widget plus to catch the potential buyers that just typed widget in the search box.

Widget Plus. Like New Widget. NR! (I did the same as above except that it is a slightly used widget in excellent shape. I also indicated that I have no reserve on this auction. Most eBayers dislike reserve auctions because they feel like they are not getting a deal. Make sure you are accurate in your description. Do not indicate that your item is in better shape than it actually is. I always capitalize the first letter of each word. I believe that this draws attention without looking like the all caps example above. If you use an abbreviation like NR, make sure it is in caps. Nr just does not look good. The exclamation point on the end of this title is totally acceptable because if the widget plus is a good item NR! Is indicating a special deal.

Widget Plus. Free Shipping On Widget! (If you are able to, free shipping is a good way to attract potential buyers. If you have an accessory to throw in for free by all means do. This is also a great way to draw potential buyers. Make sure you watch your cost on the freebies, you don't want to lose money.

Tittles are one of the most important things in an eBay listing. If they are done properly you can increase the number of potential buyers that will stop and take a look at your auction. If the title looks like the title to a spam email the buyers will go on to the next seller. In the competitive world of eBay you have to use the best title possible to bring the eyes of the buyers to your auction and not another seller.

With the millions of auctions that are on eBay and the thousands of similar products, you have to find a way to set yours apart from the others. You can spend extra money on listing features, but this cuts into your profits. One thing you can do that costs nothing is to have a good title.

Remember that when a potential buyer is looking for something specific they will type in their search just like you would a search engine looking for websites of your interest. It is important to have a good title that will contain the keywords of what you are selling. Let's say you are selling a Widget Plus. You would want to make sure that in the title contained both the words widget and plus. The word plus in the product would indicate that the widget plus is an upgrade from the original widget. You also want your potential buyers to know that you have a widget plus and not just a plain widget.

I will show a few examples of less than desirable titles:

Cheapest Widgets on eBay! (Are they really? It does not have all of the keywords. Too cliché.)

***Widget Plus*** (It has the full name of the product, but the added asterisks to draw attention are annoying)

WIDGET PLUS! (This one is similar to the one above. This is like yelling, very annoying.)

Keep in mind that your intention is to draw a potential buyers eye without looking cheesy or cliché. In my opinion the best way to do this is the direct approach. Use a title that is professional sounding. When you use a format like this you are showing your potential buyers that you are confident in your product and describing it accurately without having to "pad" it with annoying font tactics.

Here are a few examples of good tittles:

Widget Plus. Unopened Widget. (What I did here was indicate the product I had and that it was still in the box. This is Important to state in the title if you have an unused product on auction. Buyers will want to see what kind of deal they can get on a new one. I also indicated just widget at the end instead of widget plus to catch the potential buyers that just typed widget in the search box.

Widget Plus. Like New Widget. NR! (I did the same as above except that it is a slightly used widget in excellent shape. I also indicated that I have no reserve on this auction. Most eBayers dislike reserve auctions because they feel like they are not getting a deal. Make sure you are accurate in your description. Do not indicate that your item is in better shape than it actually is. I always capitalize the first letter of each word. I believe that this draws attention without looking like the all caps example above. If you use an abbreviation like NR, make sure it is in caps. Nr just does not look good. The exclamation point on the end of this title is totally acceptable because if the widget plus is a good item NR! Is indicating a special deal.

Widget Plus. Free Shipping On Widget! (If you are able to, free shipping is a good way to attract potential buyers. If you have an accessory to throw in for free by all means do. This is also a great way to draw potential buyers. Make sure you watch your cost on the freebies, you don't want to lose money.

Tittles are one of the most important things in an eBay listing. If they are done properly you can increase the number of potential buyers that will stop and take a look at your auction. If the title looks like the title to a spam email the buyers will go on to the next seller. In the competitive world of eBay you have to use the best title possible to bring the eyes of the buyers to your auction and not another seller.

Author information: Shawn Sellen is the owner of http://www.auctionreel.com/

An Internet auction information website that also offers free downloads.

Author: Shawn Sellen

About Author:

Author information: Shawn Sellen is the owner of http://www.auctionreel.com/

An Internet auction information website that also offers free downloads.

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