Saturday, March 1, 2008

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US Government Mint - Discover All About it


Main purpose of this article is to give you an insight about the us government mint and guide you further into understanding everything related to this subject.


As you probably already know a mint is a facility which manufactures coins for currency. In the United States, the US Government Mint facilities are responsible for creating enough amounts of currency to be used by the population. There are of course multiple facilities located in the country. The main facilities are located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New York and other places. They are all responsible for maintaining a stable economy.

The Us Government Mint as multiple functions. His first of course consist of distributing money both in paper and coin for various businesses and the general public. But it is also responsible for the security featured on the currencies that needs to be re-issued. The US Government Mint is also responsible for bringing in old money that congress has recalled. A recall for money occurs generally when the government see a problem that has not been made clear.

Another aspect is the quantity of gold and silver distributed as coins. The US government mint need to make sure it as a good hold on it. There is one type of coin that you can find in gold and silver and these are the American eagle group of coins. You can only get them through authorized coin dealers by the US government mint.

This facility is highly guarded and is accessible by authorized people only. It is important for this facility (value of $100 billion) to be under protection because the government sometimes rely on its reserve of gold and silver. The US government mint is the legal issuer of all the money printed in America.

We have all heard of Fort Knox! It is one of the other facilities under the control of the US government Mint. As you probably know Fort Knox is known to be one of the most secure places on earth. As such we could say that the US government Mint is also the keeper of the nation’s economic wealth.

For more information about the US government Mint you can take a look at their website. You will find a great quantity of information regarding its different functions and more. All those to help the country develop itself even more.

Author: Frederic Madore

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