Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chula vista business

Don't Join a Network Marketing Business to Make'll Fail


Is your perspective on network marketing where it should be? Do you think you have what it takes to be successful in this industry? Have you tried network marketing before and failed? Are you not achieving the results you thought you would. If you're struggling in your primary business, 9 out of 10 times, it's not the business.


Is your perspective on network marketing where it should be? Do you think you have what it takes to be successful in this industry? Have you tried network marketing before and failed? Are you not achieving the results you thought you would.

If you're struggling in your primary business, 9 out of 10 times, it's not the business.

Let's start off this article with a little quiz. It's two parts and you can do it in your head or write the answers down on paper, but either way, don't take any longer than 15 seconds to answer each one.

Name the following:

1. The 5 wealthiest people in the world
2. The last 5 heisman trophy winners
3. The last 5 winners of ms america
4. 5 people who have won the nobel prize
5. 5 academy award winners for best actor
6. The last 5 world series winners

That's a total of 30 people if you answered each one completely.

Now, name the following:

1. 5 teachers who aided your journey through school
2. 5 friends who helped through difficult times
3. 5 people who taught you that you were worthwhile
4. 5 people who made you feel appreciated
5. 5 people you enjoy spending time with
6. 5 heroes whose stories have inspired you in your lifetime

That's also a list of 30 people total. Which list was easier to do?

The purpose of this exercise is to show you one thing. The people who actually mean the most in your life are not the ones with the most credentials (ie, the richest, prettiest, most wins, etc.)

It's the 3rd grade teacher who never gave up on you. It's the friend who was there when you were struggling. It's the motivational speaker who inspired you to accomplish your dreams. It's the parent or grandparent who supported you when others said you wouldn't amount to anything in life.

Understanding the true concept of network marketing is not about money. With a good company that is solid and worth being a part of, the money will come. People who are successful in this business know it's about caring for other people. It's about being a mentor and helping people accomplish their goals and helping them to realize their dreams. The money is a result of doing the business the right way. It's not the goal. If you want to make $10,000 per month in this business, you need the people, and they need the people, and their people need the people. It's a people business and it's about paying it forward.

If you make money the objective, you'll dwindle in this business faster than anything. You'll be a statistic. Don't do it because of you. Do it for those you mentor. Change your thought process. Do you think Bill Gates and Paul Allen thought about all the money they would make by having a great computer operating system? No! Their thought process was based on wanting to put a PC in every household because they saw the potential of what it could do and how it could help people. Did Thomas Edison have dollar signs in his head when working on one of his inventions? Of course not. He wanted to discover a way to communicate with someone a good distance away without having to write a letter and wait for mail. Did Abraham Lincoln desire to become president because it would allow him to bank all kinds of money? I think not. These are people who wanted to make a difference in other peoples lives and have, or will leave legacies.

Don't have the mentality of, "We're going to make a billion dollars with these guys." Make it a mindset to think, "We're going to help a billion people with this." Wake up each morning with the thought of, "How many people can I help this morning?" If you're in network marketing, and you do it right, you personally will positively affect the lives of thousands and thousands of people all around the world!

If you've failed at network marketing before, think about your motivation. Is your mind set on making the next $40 check or helping others and building your business for the long haul which will make more many times over and over? Change your perspective. How many people are going to remember you because you made a lot of money versus how many people will remember you because you had a positive affect on their life? How many people are going to remember if you help them achieve their dreams?

Set your sights on bigger and better things that will last longer than your own lifetime instead of just yourself. Pay it forward. It will come back to you and your legacy will live much longer than you ever will.

Author: Darren Robinson

About Author:

Darren Robinson has been involved in network marketing for a number of years. Many of those years spent in frustration and failure. Now, success is all that happens in his life and you can visit Darren's blog at for more articles to help you achieve your goals.

Random related phrase:

chula vista business

Misspelled random related phrase:

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