Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ohio business directory

“the 2 Biggest Challenges to Building Lasting Wealth”


Learn why it’s important to have a long term financial plan for your Internet business. Find out the two biggest challenges that could stand in your way if you are not prepared.


If you desire to have Internet business success in the long term then you need to know how to build lasting wealth. This doesn’t mean just earning more money. It is more focused on knowing how to maintain that wealth. Think about lottery winners. They don’t manage their money wisely and end up being in debt a few months or years later. Don’t let this happen to you. Understand how to build lasting wealth.

Lasting wealth can help to you achieve a point when you don’t need to work every again. Your wealth will last beyond your lifetime and help your relatives as well. For example, the Rockefellers are a well known wealthy family that has maintained their wealth for several generations. The Rockefellers know how to build lasting wealth.

One step to lasting wealth is to understand how to make your goals real. Goals should prompt you to get up in the morning and to go after your goal. You should always be growing and striving to achieve more. Associate with people that have achieved more then you have so you can elevate your financial and life level. Seek out the advice of coaches and mentors.

Most people spend a great deal of money to go to college. They believe that earning that magical degree will guarantee them a life of wealth. Not necessarily. You may have a respectable college degree, but that is only part of the picture. The career that you thought was the path to financial wealth may be paved with potholes such as a relentless hours and effort. These side effects can be obstacles to building lasting wealth.

The two biggest challenges to building lasting wealth include taxes and lawsuits.

1.) Taxes.
You can’t escape the tax man. However, you can decrease your taxes significantly if you know how. Most people pay around 50% in taxes (including federal, state, and social security taxes). You can legally pay less than 10% tax if you know the proper techniques.

2.) Lawsuits.
The average person is involved in 5-7 lawsuits during the course of their lives. Lawsuits arise due to several reasons from car accidents to divorce. Lawyers are everywhere and are on the search for lawsuits all the time. Therefore, lawsuits play a part in the creation of wealth.

By recognizing these challenges you are one step closer to building lasting wealth.

Author: Matt Bacak

About Author:

Matt Bacak began investing his first earnings at the tender age of 12, a young businessman in the making. Now, 15 years later, Bacak survived failed businesses, botched partnerships, heavy credit card debt and bankruptcy - all in preparation for the accomplishments he has achieved today as a well-established Internet millionaire and best-selling author.

For more information, visit or sign up for his Powerful Promoting Tips at

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1 comment:

free business directories Australia said...

Thanks for information its very useful for us thank you