Friday, March 14, 2008

Women in business sacramento

8 Tips of Persistence That Will Increase Your MLM Staying Power


As a professional network marketer, you are in a business that can be challenging at times. If you know the statistics, many would be network marketers quit after numerous failures. Only some are able to carry on despite all opposition and challenges until they obtain success. Here is why.


As a professional network marketer, you are in a business that can be challenging at times. If you know the statistics, many would be network marketers quit after numerous failures. Only some are able to carry on despite all opposition and challenges until they obtain success.

If you are in a mlm company that has all the supports in place for you to be successful, but you have still been contemplating giving up, know that one of the major causes of failure is lack of persistence. If you want to achieve in your home business, you must arm yourself with a mindset of persistence no matter the obstacles you face.

Here are 8 tips from Napoleon Hill's classic, "Think and Grow Rich" that you can use to train yourself to be persistent.

1. Have a definite purpose. The first step and the most important is to know what you want. A powerful motive or "why" is the driving force in maintaining persistence to help you overcome difficulties.

2. Maintain your desire. Make sure you have a specific object or desire that will help you maintain your mindset of persistence.

3. Be self-reliant. Believe in your ability to carry out your plan. This will increase your persistence thermometer!

4. Have definite plans. You need to have organized plans to encourage persistence. It doesn't matter if they aren't that good to start with. Just make sure you have plans.

5. Have an accurate knowledge base. It helps if you know your goals and plans aren't based on guesswork, crazy theories, and the like. You must have knowledge based on experience and observation to encourage persistence.

6. Be cooperative. A mindset of sympathy, understanding, and having a cooperative attitude towards others helps you to develop persistence.

7. Amp up that will power. If you make the habit of concentrating your thoughts upon plan building so you can achieve your definite purpose, your persistence level will continue to increase.

8. Be a creature of habit. Persistence does not come automatically. It is the result of habit. Your mind absorbs your daily experiences. So, focus on never letting your persistent mindset go no matter the ups and downs you go through in life as well as in your network marketing business.

Hill says you develop persistence by doing the following four steps. Anyone can do these steps and it does not require any huge effort on your part.

1. Always have a definite purpose backed by a blazing desire to achieve your goals and dreams.

2. Always have a definite plan that you consistently act upon.

3. Have a mindset that stays closed to any type of negativity and discouraging influences. This can
include negative statements and suggestion by your colleagues, friends, relatives, etc.

4. Make sure you have a friendly alliance with at least one person who consistently encourages you to act on your plan and purpose.

If you have been thinking of leaving your network marketing home business due to discouragement, take heart at Napoleon Hill's words. They don't require you to spend money, or a huge effort on your part. Develop a habit of persistence and you will never have to worry about falling into the ever-swelling ranks of the quitters.

Author: Monique Hawkins

About Author:

Monique Hawkins is a retail representative for a network marketing company. She believes all can be successful in network marketing with the right skills and mentoring. To discover how to end years of failure and frustration with MLM, visit

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Online marketing

Is MLM a Dying Business?


If you have tried and gotten rejected, your probably the first to answer, 'I hope so!' After all, how much rejection can one soul take? Is MLM dead?


If you have tried and gotten rejected, your probably the first to answer, "I hope so!" After all, how much rejection can one soul take?

Especially when it comes from your family and close friends. You sister says she can find the item WAY cheaper at the store. And there is just no way you mom can afford more pet odor eliminator when she doesn't have a pet anymore.

And the neighbor over the fence just can't understand how he can be debt free and vacationing on a beach in 90 days if he would just join you in your work.

Almost everyone who has tried network marketing, also known as MLM, knows these situations well. You have bought into the product and now all you have to do is get everyone you know signed up, too, at the same time getting them to understand that your $50 bottle of vitamins will out perform the bottle they buy at the supermarket for 1/10 the cost. Then it is just a few easy steps to the Master of the Universe level where they will make millions!

The other type of person out there is the one who has not bought into the product, but has run into someone who has. Buy the product, join the plan, be a millionaire. And they all seem to be pushy and don't know the answers to questions. And that has turned you off.

That is the problem. The basic idea of this type of marketing is that everyone in your daily life will be a customer. If they don't want, need or can't afford the product, no problem! And everyone who buys the product is going to be a distributor of yours. If they don't have a motivated bone in their body, no problem!

With such a small nymber of people that you know and would feel comfortable trying to sell things, there was a lot of rejection. Not only did you have to sell the product, but also the program. The person who got you into it made it sound so easy – that's because they were selling it! And once you have hit up your mom, sister, neighbour, a couple of co-workers and your great aunt, that didn't leave many other people. The worst part was that you were trying to sell something they didn't really want, need or could get a lot cheaper elsewhere. After your small circle of friends has rejected you, you would hang up your hat until the next big thing came along.

Why are things different now?
The Internet! It has opened doors no one thought possible. There are two reasons for this.

First, when you have a small circle, as the average person does, that is the extent of your contacts. Very rarely will you have a chance to talk to your mom's best friend's sister's niece, especially about a business opportunity. But now, with the Internet, you can reach countless people. But only spend time with the ones who are interested. If someone opens an email or clicks on a page and reads your pitch but aren't interested in pursuing it, no time is lost. If the reader is interested in what you have to offer, chances are they will be motivated as well. It could be time well spent to exchange emails. Which is another point, they are sitting in front of their computer just like you are. They are in their comfort zone because they don't want to be rejected either. AND it sells itself. You don't have to sound like a snake-oil salesman if the idea you have is sound.

The second impact the Internet has had on network marketing is the products themselves.

It is now possible to offer items for which there is a real need, web hosting, for example. This is a need that is growing and useful. No more are the pay plans based on selling a physical product, but a virtual one. You don't have inventory to keep or buy. The needs that are being filled are ongoing and now these 'schemes' are built with numerous satisfied customers to back up claims.

Another benefit is that credit cards can be used online which means they are automated reoccurring payments. This means that people are more likely to maintain a long term relationship.

Is network marketing dead and buried?
Not even close. It just has a new way of presenting itself. It has gotten a makeover and is ready for a new generation.

Author: Jaz Lai

About Author:

Jaz Lai is an Internet Home Business Expert. For further recommended resources on how to start a profitable home based business that are Guaranteed to jumpstart your monthly income. Click here

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Busness solutions

Astrological Help May Prove Fruitful For Your Career


Astrology hasn't left even a single sphere of your life from its purview. It throws light on almost every aspect of your life. This incredible stream can also give you some insight into your probable career. In fact a psychic astrologer could tell you a great deal about your basic...


Astrology hasn't left even a single sphere of your life from its purview. It throws light on almost every aspect of your life. This incredible stream can also give you some insight into your probable career. In fact a psychic astrologer could tell you a great deal about your basic instincts and traits that would help you ascertain a path for career making.

Astrological recommendations have in fact proved useful in zooming in on right career option for many. Your sun sign and birth chart happen to be full of mysteries related to your life that is unfolded by an expert astrologer in order to find out best possible career for you.

An analysis of various astrological houses can prove very handy in making a firm opinion on best possible career for a person. Planetary movements and specifically position of Saturn greatly reveal the success that you are expected to achieve in life. It is said that a Saturn staying in the tenth house ensures that you would be a great success on career front.

Even a Sun placed in tenth house is positive, from career point of view. Moon in tenth house indicates great role of luck in your career elevation. Mercury in tenth house shows your willingness to make money and also ensures that you make moolahs.

Jupiter in tenth house reflects that person is going to be a public personality, he is likely to take up acting, music or dance as a career option. In Vedic astrology, Rahu and ketu are two hypothetical planets which play crucial role in deciding your career.

Thus career path is ascertained by astrology through examination of various positions of planets in different astrological houses. Usually fourth and tenth houses happen to be under consideration. Some astrologers believe that position of different planets in tenth house depicts different careers.

I would recommend you to pay a visit to a psychic astrologer. A psychic astrologer could be of great help in guiding you towards a right career path to ensure your bright future.

A comparison of two favorable career options would help you chose the one that best suits to you. So, it is wise to seek astrological help for a wonderful career ahead.

Author: Ashish Jain

About Author:

The author writes about a number of different topics. For more information on astrology visit and also visit the article pages: and

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Home based business review

Choosing the Right Paralegal Courses


Paralegals typically have a bachelor's degree to help them professionally assist lawyers or corporations and government agencies dealing with the law. Paralegals help lawyers navigate the large amounts of paperwork generated in legal proceedings by indexing, photocopying, and filing.


Paralegals typically have a bachelor's degree to help them professionally assist lawyers or corporations and government agencies dealing with the law. Paralegals help lawyers navigate the large amounts of paperwork generated in legal proceedings by indexing, photocopying, and filing. Paralegals also may hold hearings or interview witnesses. A job as a paralegal may help a recent college graduate get into law school, it may help a professional make connections and gain experience to enter law, business, or government, or it may be a rewarding career in itself.

In 2001, the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) estimated that 84 percent of paralegals had formal paralegal education beyond an associate's or bachelor's degree. Numerous courses exist to help paralegals advance their careers.

Before choosing any program, however, the NFPA urges paralegals to critically evaluate the program. Make certain the program is approved by the American Bar Association. The NFPA provides a list, for a small fee, of accredited paralegal training programs. Online directories can also help a paralegal find a program, either online or at a local college or university.

Many of these paralegal programs are also online. A quick search on the Internet reveals several online paralegal courses. Kaplan University, Keiser College, Saint Leo University, the University of Phoenix Online, and Berkeley College all offer online paralegal education programs. Online schools can lead to paralegal certificates, paralegal associate degrees, paralegal bachelor's degrees, or law certificates. Online courses let paralegals learn, for the most part, at their own pace.

Online introductory courses prepare a paralegal for the legal environment. More advanced studies allow paralegals to learn about management, or specialize in fields like civil litigation, criminal law, or business contracts. Online courses may also boost the career of an experienced paralegal who does not have a bachelor's degree.

Online courses allow paralegals to learn more and specialize, opening the door to more opportunities for advancement in this rapidly growing field.

Paralegals typically have a bachelor's degree to help them professionally assist lawyers or corporations and government agencies dealing with the law. Paralegals help lawyers navigate the large amounts of paperwork generated in legal proceedings by indexing, photocopying, and filing. Paralegals also may hold hearings or interview witnesses. A job as a paralegal may help a recent college graduate get into law school, it may help a professional make connections and gain experience to enter law, business, or government, or it may be a rewarding career in itself.

Author: John Pawlett

About Author:

career education programs runs an informative career help site that looks into all aspects of education from teaching to exams To find out more visit Education Programs

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Personal business letter format

High Achievers Most Guarded Secret


Successful investment advisors surround themselves with best of everything, including but limited to: the best people, the best training, the best strategies, the best tactics, the best resources and the best opportunities. The reason why? Success people don't want to sit around and try to re-create the wheel. They realize that someone else has already spent hundreds of hours and literally thousands of dollars doing all the grunt work to be successful.


High Achievers Most Guarded Secret
Finally Revealed-

Do you know any high achievers, if you do, you know they surround themselves with exceptional resources.

Successful investment advisors surround themselves with best of everything, including but limited to: the best people, the best training, the best strategies, the best tactics, the best resources and the best opportunities.

The reason why? Success people don't want to sit around and try to re-create the wheel. They realize that someone else has already spent hundreds of hours and literally thousands of dollars doing all the grunt work to be successful.

High Achievers want to do everything faster, cheaper, and smarter then their competitors every chance they get. They do not want to waste time or money spinning their wheels trying to find out what work and what doesn't.

You always will hear people say, if I knew then, what I know now I could have been earning $20, $30, or $50,000 month 10 to 15 years ago. High Achievers does not have that problem. They seek, discover, and attach themselves to resources that will help them achieve their vision.

Of course you have to have a vision or goal is mind to begin with and most successful people do, no matter if they are an executives, entrepreneurs, or professional athlete. As an investment advisor your goal can be anything, because you control your destiny. If you don't have a goal let me set one for you. From this point on your goal is to earn $50,000 a month. This is only the beginning. So now what do you have to do to earn $50,000 a month and what resources will you need?

The resources can be something as little as additional training or something more profound, like masterminding with like minded advisors who are already traveling down the yellow brick road to riches.

Masterminding is a supplement to additional training not a replacement. This is not a one or the other situation.

Masterminds are great because it allow people like you, who want to be high achievers to gain real world hands-on experience and knowledge from people have already done what you are trying to achieve. If a group of like minded advisors who are ready earning $20, $30, or $50,000 month can teach you exact what they are doing, so you don't have to waste hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars trying to figure it out how to get on the fast track. Would you want to talk and collaborate with them? Of course you would. That's a mastermind.


The term Masterminds was created and made famous in Napoleon Hill book Think and Grow Rich which was create from a series of books and report called the Laws of Success. Napoleon work was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, the steel industrialist in 1907.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon defined Masterminds as: "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the sprit of harmony." He also said, "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be liken to a third mind."

Napoleon Hill discovered and documented the fact that all of the 504 successful people he interviewed had a mastermind supporting/surrounding them. It was very consistent. Some were very open about it, while some protected their mastermind from view from the outside. But all used the principle massively and purposely.

Other people have defined masterminds as the process of bringing together multiple perspectives, maturity, experience, and wisdom from fields of accomplishments. To come together, to collaborate, to focus, to combine laser like precise attention on you, your business and improving it's performance, profitability, and impact.


For years high achievers has kept a deep dark secret. The secret is the leveraging of intellectual "know how," by tapping into the minds, methods, the experience, the maturities, and the mindsets of different successful people within and outside your business environment, your communities, your industry, and your field.

You want to deliberately and continually surround yourself with people who can lend to you the benefit of all the experiences...all the pitfalls... all the opportunities...all the years and year of experimentation...all the investment of time of human capital, of intellectual capital, of financial capital...they have already made ahead of you. And allow them to give you perspective, ideas, recommendations, and constructive suggestions and advice.

I absolutely encourage everyone in any business to join a mastermind or mentor group of their profession. Why would you want to take all of the extra time, all the extra expense, all the extra heartache doing it either ineffectually or doing it totally wrong when there are people eager to collaboratively help guide, counsel, adjust you before you make a commitment to do it right?

You will be able to model other people success immediately
You will be guided by a group of mentors which have "been there, done that"
You will be exposed to a wide source and variety of ideas which you would not normally be exposed to.
You will drastically cut the time it takes an idea, strategy, or tactic from a thought to implementation.
Less trial and error. Streamline problem solving with group of like-mind individuals.
You have people who can empathize with your situation and offer suggestions which are very specific and appropriate.
Encouragement, motivation and accountability to your goals
Access to people, resources, and library of information
Network of support in a non-judgmental community

Research show that the reason why most people don't reach their goals is not due to the lack of ambition, motivation or knowledge. According to research:

37% is due to lack of information or know how to apply what they know.

29% is due to lack of resources or access to the tools, systems, and people that make the difference.


Did you know that Thomas Edison (inventor), Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone mogul), Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motor Co.), and Harvey Firestone (Founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.) were all members of a Mastermind Group? This group of leaders knew something many of us did not. They knew they couldn't create in a bubble, and therefore relied on each other for priceless feedback, ideas, accountability. This group of leaders met several times a year and named themselves the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers also controlled much of the industries in our county for many years.

In 1727, Benjamin Franklin convinced 12 of his to friends to form a club dedicated to mutual improvement. The club would meet every Friday to discuss the topics of the day. The club later named their meeting Junto, which is defined as a private forum for discussion and a stealth instrument for leading public opinion. One of the functions of the group was to brainstorm publicly beneficial ideas. Another function of Junto was to bring together ingenious acquaintance into a club of mutual improvements. Junto lasted for 40 years and eventually became the heart of the American Philosophical Society.

People who have done the impossible have all had masterminds. Jesus personally selected 12 men and told them to follow him. The world was never the same.

Orville and Wilbur Wright were told they could never build make a flying transporter. Not all did they build the first airplane, but also created a billion dollar industry that never existed prior to their first flight.

Andrew Carnegie aggregated a team around him and built the world's biggest steel manufacturing company.

Other Notable Masterminds
Declaration of Independence
12 Members of a Jury

Other Notable people interviewed by Napoleon Hill for The Laws of Success:

Theodore Roosevelt- President of United States
Charles M. Schwab- President of United States Steel Corp.
John D. Rockefeller- Founder of Standard Oil Companies
F.W. Woolworth- Founder of F.W. Woolworth Co.
Woodrow Wilson- President of United States
Wm. Wrigley Jr.- Founder of Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.
Julius Rosenwald- Chairman of Board, Sears, Roebuck Co.


The hardest and most important part of any task in getting started in the first place. So here are some baby steps to get you started.

1.Find a Mastermind with that supports the goals you want achieve and hold you accountable.
2.The Mastermind should be composed of many different people with their corresponding perspectives, voices and opinions. This is absolutely vital.
3.Find a Mastermind that requires their clients to conform to basic rules of civilized behavior.
a.No arguing, negativity, value-judging or interrupting.
b.All member are required to attend and participate
c.The members should have mutual respect each other

Good luck and much success to those who take action!

About Inc. is an executive coaching firm located in Atlanta, Georgia whose service specializes in creating optimization processes and marketing strategies for financial and investment advisors. Advisors can download 10 sample strategic marketing and optimization reports at

For further information contact:
Bobby Ellis, President and CEO,
Phone: (404) 964-2927


About Author:

Bobby Ellis is the founder of an executive coaching firm focused on helping business owners advance their: strategic marketing, process optimization, systemization, and client relations.

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South carolina small business association

Job Demand High for Qualified Hvac Recruits


Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) industry Satisfying thousands of eager professional to getting jobs in this industries. Also learn how supply and demand have sky rocketed air conditioning and heating technician salaries all over the US.


Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) are in for hot job prospects and cool wages. Also known as climate control, those who are trained to perform maintenance, repair and install HVAC systems will see an increase in employment faster than average for other occupations. This is according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), through the year 2014.

What is a Typical HVAC Job Like?

An HVAC mechanic must be skilled in many aspects. Hospitals, schools, office buildings, malls, and apartment buildings have very complicated climate systems in place that can only be cared for by highly skilled and trained professionals. Most of the time after graduating from a HVAC program, you can usually choose a job that focuses on either installation or maintenance and repair. There are other areas of expertise in HVAC involving hydraulics (water-based heating systems), solar panels, or commercial refrigeration.

HVAC mechanics and installers are skilled in using high-powered tools like metal snips, electric drills, pipe cutters and benders, measurement gauges, and acetylene torches, which assist in the repair of refrigerant lines and air ducts. During training, you'll also get familiar with reading things like voltmeters, pressure gauges, manometers, and other testing devices that monitor airflow, refrigerant pressure, electrical circuits, burners, and other components.

Learning the HVAC Ropes

The objective of the Refrigeration School, Inc. is to train and prepare students for entry level positions. A student is required to complete each phase of training with a proven degree of competency and, upon successful completion of the course; the student will have the necessary skills to enter these fields. Students study theory, design, equipment construction, electronics, as well as the basics of installation, maintenance, and repair. It is understood that to become an expert in any field requires dedication, hard work, and continued schooling, and most certainly having or acquiring the proper attitude, drive and motivation.

While HVAC mechanics of years past might have learned on the job, as equipment becomes more efficient and the industry adopts more energy saving devices most employers expect you to have completed HVAC training. The Refrigeration School, Inc. is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, and complies with all local, state, and federal regulations. RSI is licensed to operate by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education and is a Member of the Arizona Private School Association.

Author: Phil Laboon

About Author:

For more information on HVAC jobs and careers. please visit our HVAC Education websites.

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Green industry business management best practice

The Abc of Mystery Shopping – be Prepared Before you Venture Into Mystery Shopping


The ABC of Mystery Shopping – Be Prepared before you Venture into Mystery Shopping


There’s nothing more important when you are about to plunge into a new business than to be prepared. Obtaining information about mystery shopping before you actually become a mystery shopper is crucial for building realistic expectations and maximizing your income as a mystery shopper.

Mystery shopping is now more than an amateurish recruitment of secret shoppers to check on consumer service. Mystery shopping has become a legitimate market research tool for evaluating staff performance and developing more effective customer service policies to attract more consumers and realize higher revenues. Organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for the Consumer, the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA), and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) have also paid substantial attention to the growing niche of mystery shopping companies, and have tried to somehow guide the ethical conduct of firms on the market for mystery shopping services.

As with other successful business projects, providing mystery shopping services has been emulated by scam artists and pyramid structures. In fact, some mystery shopping scams have succeeded in casting a shadow over the legitimacy of the bona fide mystery shopping companies. Mystery shopping, however, is a legitimate way to recruit secret shoppers whose feedback and staged customer experiences can provide valuable insights to team managers and business entrepreneurs how to develop and improve the quality of service on their premises.

Mystery shopping jobs also allows secret shoppers to earn some extra cash and various perks – freebies, free trials, or free services. Some may try to outstretch the benefits of mystery shopping to mystery shoppers to extensive limits by implying that mystery shopping can bring you millions or can change your lifestyle dramatically. Whereas this is not true, mystery shopping can surely provide some extra cash, extra free services or even purchases and services you otherwise wouldn’t afford at all or on a regular basis. For instance, my latest gas station mystery shopping experience allowed me to refill my tank three times in a week – something that I ordinary do over a period of three weeks. By taking on this mystery shopping assignment, I managed to travel to my parents’, who live hundreds of miles away, two times practically for free, and spend some happy moments together – something that usually happens once or twice a year. Therefore, mystery shopping can give people some flexibility and extra resources to do something that can either provide more comfort in their lifestyle, or can simply ensure some more happy moments and entertainment.

Potential mystery shoppers have to be forewarned of the lurking mystery shopper scams out there. But in the same time, mystery shopping should be embraced as an activity that makes real impact in the world of customer service. Various companies – small, medium and large businesses rely on mystery shoppers’ feedback to evaluate the true advantages of their customer service and to better attune their services to the needs of their customers. Mystery shopping is a powerful market research mechanism and brings meaningful results to businesses that employ it. Therefore, mystery shopping is a responsible, yet entertaining, occupation that helps both businesses and secret customers share in the benefits of improved customer service, innovated products and better consumer environment.

Author: Mike Smith

About Author:

I’ve currently dedicated myself to copywriting and website content optimization. I hold a BA in Economics, and I’m currently working as a part-time copywriter for a web design company. I’ve done extensive research on Secret Shopping and other work-from-home opportunities. I highly recommend mystery shopping jobs to everyone considering an online career. From more info visit

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Free real estate business plan

Is Drop Shipping A Legitimate Home Business Money Maker?


Information on drop shipping and how you can turn it into a true home business.


There are hundreds of ways to make money online, but some just don't make you the money you're probably hoping for. Drop shipping is, fortunately, not under that category. Drop shipping is a legitimate home business money maker for more reasons than you would think. Before you make drop shipping a home business, shouldn't you know what it is?

Drop shipping is a type of retailing where you pass the order and shipping details to a wholesaler. From there, the wholesaler dispatches the product and complete order to the customer directly. This saves you the hassle of having to store products at your house or in a building, and it also saves you the hassle of shipping things out.

The way you can make this a home business money maker is by collecting the difference between the wholesale price you are billed and the retail price you sell it for. This can be tricky determining what to set your retail price at because the internet is a very competitive industry. If you set the pricing too high, your potential customers will likely go elsewhere to do business. If you set them too low, your overall profit will be minimal.

While it is important to come up with a price to sell your product for, first you have to select a product that will create a home business money maker. Obviously, the more intrigued you are the better chances you will have of having success. Therefore, look into public appeal for products that you yourself have interest in.

There are several websites on the internet that allow you to see how many times a keyword phrase is being searched. This will help you determine what products can legitimately make money and which ones will fail you.

After you find the product you want to promote, you have to find a place to provide the products. This is where you want to search the major search engines to find a quality affiliate program to sell the products from. Once you find an affiliate program for a wholesale company, they will take it from there. They will handle the products, deal with the money and drop ship all products.

What you have to do is market the product(s) and generate a traffic volume using various marketing techniques. Without any customers you have no business, but with an extensive marketing campaign you can truly make a decent profit from drop shipping.

Author: Paul Jesse

About Author:

Paul Jesse is a retired government employee, private pilot and author of numerous home business articles. He earns commissions from several affiliate programs every month. He invites you to visit his website.

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Money market funds

The Phone-Phobic's Guide to MLM Success: Why you Don't Need to get Dialing to Build Downline


Most people believe you can't build a successful MLM business without strong telephone skills. Yet many people say they hate using the telephone and cold calling. This article explores ways to build a successful MLM without having to rely on cold calling


Most people believe you can't build a successful MLM business without strong telephone skills. Yet many people say they hate using the telephone. Does that mean they'll never succeed in network marketing? Not necessarily - it all depends on what exactly they dislike, and what they're willing to replace it with.

In reality, telephone skills aren't an integral part of network marketing. Communication skills, however, are critical. Network marketing is about creating relationships - something you can't do without communication. The telephone is a tool for communication, but it's not the only one. You can always communicate face-to-face with people you already know. For those you don't, many MLMs can now be run completely online - so if you're confident communicating by e-mail, this might be worth considering.


Of course, often the phone isn't really the problem. Most of us will happily phone people we know. It's only when we have to start talking about our business to complete strangers that nerves kick in. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Cold calling (calling someone who hasn't approached you first) is something that unnerves most of us.

Luckily, cold calling skills are far from critical to building a strong MLM. Internet marketer Daegan Smith built a team of over 1,800 downline in less than 7 months without once making a cold call. Frank Rumbauskas, author of ‘Cold Calling is a Waste of Time' states that cold calling actually does your business more harm than good. While not everyone agrees, facts are that cold calling simply connects you with new people who might be interested in your MLM (prospects), and there are many other ways to do that.


This is the basis of ‘grass roots' network marketing, and the way many MLM companies suggest you start. All other things being equal, people prefer to do (and go into) business with people they know, like and trust; so it makes sense to start with people you already know (your warm market). To do this, just make a list of everyone you know, then tell them about your opportunity and what it can do for them.

Be aware, though, that experts disagree about whether this really is the best place to start. If you were hiring for a traditional job, you wouldn't take someone without the right skills just because they were a friend (and if you did, you'd probably regret it!) While network marketing isn't a ‘job', it still requires a certain mindset. It can't hurt to give friends and family the option to get involved, but unless they're seriously interested in what your MLM can do for them, they probably won't put in the time and effort it will need.


The next technique for generating prospects is ‘Referral Marketing' - basically, asking people you already know to refer you to people you don't. For an example of why this works, imagine you've just been called out of the blue and asked to buy a widget you weren't looking for. Chances are, you'd say no, right? But what if you'd recently told a friend you wanted a widget, and the caller (who'd spoken to your friend) mentioned your friend's name? You want a widget and here's someone contacting you offering to sell you one. Wouldn't you at least think about it?

To use the power of referral marketing, go back to your warm market, and ask each person who they can think of that might be interested in your opportunity, and why (not everyone will know someone, but many will) Once you've got their contact details, contacting them becomes much less daunting, because you already know there's a chance they'll be interested. And if they're not, don't forget to ask them for names of people who might be!


Lastly, there's the internet - a tool that's totally revolutionised the network marketing industry. Instead of limiting our prospects to people we know personally and their networks, we now literally have the entire world at our fingertips. This allows interested people come to us to ask for more information, instead of us having to contact them.

Internet Marketing just requires you to have a good website that sums up your MLM's benefits (a sales page) and lets interested visitors give you some way of contacting them (a lead capture page) For an excellent example of a page that does both these things, please see the resource box. Any good MLM should provide these as part of your business tools - all you then need to do is get those visitors.

Of course, getting visitors can be a little trickier than it first seems, but there are many resources out there that will help. Learning how and where to advertise, how to work with forums, blogs and search engine optimisation is beyond the scope of this article but training tools exist. And, as with referral marketing, once you know someone's probably going to be interested in your opportunity, it's a lot easier to phone or e-mail them back to talk to them about it.


So there you go - three simple ways to build a strong MLM without having to cold call, and potentially, without having to use the telephone at all. Different techniques will work better for different people - try each and see which brings you best results. Good luck!

Author: Tanja Gardner

About Author:

Tanja Gardner is a Counsellor with Success University, the internet's #1 personal development company To see the kind of sales page she mentions, please visit To learn how to generate MLM prospects (and profits), visit

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Work at home travel agent

How To Determine A Legitimate Home-Based Business That Will Work For You


Starting a home-based business is serious and you do not want to enter into a venture without thoroughly checking it out first.This article details different considerations that the novice can put into action when considering starting a home-based business.


Thousands of opportunities to start a home business are presented to you on a daily basis. E-mails are sent to you multiple times during a day asking you to join their business. But how do you determine which are legitimate and which are not?

In considering a home-based business one of the factors to determine is whether-or-not you work well under the direction of someone else who has already established their business and you are entering in as a franchise. Unless you are starting something completely new, you will have to follow the guidelines that have already been set in place. The best way to determine if a business venture is legitimate and right for you is to do some research and footwork. Start asking around about the business, if you know someone who has joined a particular home-based business that you are interested in talk to him or her about the positives and negatives. You can also join some of the online forums associated with the business. These are very helpful and the participants are very frank and honest Do not go into the business venture with your eyes closed.

Look at the advantages and disadvantages of business opportunities that come with everything you need to start. This is a very personal decision based on what works best for your personality as much as it is a financial decision. If you choose to invest in a business or franchise that has an already established a workable concept, you are not starting from scratch trying to invent something new for consumers. This type of business venture will often bring in earnings at a faster rate than starting from scratch and you will often have support in the initial phases and throughout the lifetime of the business. I chose the plug-in profit site for this very reason. I realized I was a novice and needed all the help and support I could get. There is also a 30 day plan that one can follow exclusively and this also helps a great deal to have a daily plan you can follow when you are starting something new. For me this has taken a lot of guesswork out of my strategies.

The potential disadvantages of joining a franchise is that out of ten corporations that offer to sell franchises and other business opportunities nine of them fail in the first five years of being in operation. So when you are looking into this type of business venture, take notice as to how long they have been in service. The other side of this is if you rule out all companies that have been in business for five years or more you could miss the opportunity of joining a business on the ground floor that has a great potential for profit.

After careful research and looking at the financial risks and benefits you have decided that a franchise is what you are interested in consider carefully the following questions: * Is there a particular district you will have to work in? * Do you like the product line? * Does the business have an established business record? * Is there a name brand that is associated with this opportunity * Is training and support part of the business package or are you on your own once they receive your money? Starting a home-based business is serious and you do not want to enter into a venture without thoroughly checking it out first.

Copyright © Eleanor Tilghman

Author: Eleanor Tilghman

About Author:

To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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Internet Home Business Income Building Ideas Online : Forums


Having just spent time in my favorite forum catching up on today`s posts, I realized that forums are not just great places to pick up internet business ideas and meet new people, but how essential they are for internet home business building.


Cynthia Minnaar

Having just spent time in my favorite forum catching up on today`s posts, I realized that forums are not just great places to pick up internet business ideas and meet new people, but how essential they are for internet home business building.

Whilst not all forum members are internet home business owners, most are trying to generate an online home income from a wide variety of different sources. Forums provide an essential platform for like minded people to network and draw on the vast amount of constantly changing internet business building ideas, knowledge and information available on the internet.

We need to keep up to date with what is happening online in order to be aware of important changes that could have an effect our online home business as well as our home business income. Forums are just the place to get that information. By keeping abreast of what is going on in the online world about for example algorithm changes or amendments and changes to programs you are involved with will help you prepare in advance in order to avoid shock and disappointment.

We have the great opportunity to keep up-to-date by joining a variety of good active forums that are related to internet marketing, online home business, seo and internet business building ideas and have an experienced, solid and knowledgeable membership.

By keeping in touch with one another and keeping up with the current online news, which we will find in these forums, then we will all be aware of any changes that are either happening or are in the pipeline that could affect our internet home business or home business income.

It is in the forums that we hear about the latest releases of software, the latest products, strategies or packages and also the very important feedback from the experienced members. This way the newer members will stand a good chance of avoiding any new scams as well as be aware of any really good products or service that are recommended by trusted and well known members.

Whilst drawing on all the valuable knowledge and constructively contributing in the forums, the best bit is being able to quietly promote your own site or internet home business in the space at the bottom of every post - your own signature. So be sure to complete your profile when you join a forum and set up your signature with your keywords linked to your url. Check the rules relating to signatures as they do differ from forum to forum.

When setting up your profile you will have the option to display the country you are from. This enables members from the same country to easily locate each other to discuss and exchange online business ideas as well as solve problems relative to that country, for example which payment processors can or cannot be used in that country or more importantly how do members in that country receive the income earned from their online home business.

Forums provide a win-win situation for all active members so it is advisable to get involved in a variety of forums related to your online activities, contribute and draw from the gold mine of internet home business building ideas whilst at the same time promoting your online home business.

Author: Cynthia Minnaar

About Author:

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner and webmaster of, the online home business site for internet home business opportunities, ideas to start an online home business, internet income training and more. Get your own Plug-In Profit Site setup free and start making money online. You may publish my article provided you include the resource box.

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MLM Training: Proven Steps to Get Your Downline On the Phone (scripts and power phrases included)


If the fear of phoning stops you or the people in your MLM organization from making calls, then none of you will make much money in your network marketing business. Continue reading and you'll get the exact steps I used to train my MLM downline how to successfully call prospects...and be really good at it.


Prior to becoming involved in network marketing, I was a member of the U.S. Navy's Underwater Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team (the Navy's bomb squad). I learned many great lessons there that helped me with my MLM business years later, one of which was overcoming fear.

In the Navy, what allowed people to overcome their fear of defusing bombs under water was simple: drill, drill, drill – and when you're sick of drilling, drill some more. Overcoming fear did not mean read, read and when you're sick of reading, read some more; that doesn't make someone skilled at defusing bombs. By the way, drill means repetitiously going over something to learn it well.

It's the same with getting appointments so you can share either the MLM business opportunity or your products with someone. Not that reading and learning the way bombs go "boom" and phones go "ring-ring" isn't important, it is. Reading or studying is only one part of knowing something and getting effective at it.

Here's why some distributors in your MLM organization quit. Just think what would have happened if the bomb squad trainers told the bomb squad to go home and read about the most common ways a bomb blows up, and then sent them out by themselves to defuse a bomb.

Yet that's what network marketing leaders are often guilty of – asking their new distributors to go home and make their list of prospects. They're given a sheet (sometimes) of objections they "might" encounter, and then are told to call their prospects and invite them to take a look at a great MLM business…BOOM! Ever wonder why that new distributor in your network marketing organization disappears within 30 days?

What worked best for me was to start with a script. Very often I've heard people say they don't/can't use scripts. That's fine. Write down what you plan to say anyway, because you need to get comfortable with making your call. You'll need to repeat it several times. It's very helpful to "invite yourself" into a tape recorder microphone. Listen to the tape and ask yourself "Would I accept that invitation?"

One of my scripts went something like this:

You: "Hi, John, this is Sue. Do you have a minute or did I catch you at a bad time?"

Prospect: "No, I have a minute. What's up?"

You: "Great, are you open to a business outside of_______(what they currently do for a living)?"

Now, here are some likely responses you'll hear. These are the common objections and questions that you can almost always expect to get from your MLM prospects:

  • What is it?
  • Is this a pyramid?
  • Is it Network Marketing or multi-level marketing?
  • Is this sales?
  • What would I be doing?
  • I'm too busy, I don't have time.
  • What is the investment?

Here are the steps to take so you don't get caught off guard by your prospect's objections to your network marketing business:
Step 1) Drill
Step 2) Drill
Step 3) Drill

These are the questions and objections! You know what they are! Drilling these beforehand is like knowing what's going to be on the test!

This is how I finish the invitation:
You" (This was already stated, but I put it here again so you get the whole sequence.) "Great, are you open to a business outside of ________ (what they currently do for a living)?"

The most common response is:

Prospect: "What is it?" This is exactly what you want them to ask.

You: "Do you have Internet access?" (If not, send them the Brilliant Compensation video.)

Prospect: "Yes"

You: "Do you have something to write with?"

Prospect: "Yes"

You: Give the web address of your Brilliant Compensation website and say, "This is a purely educational online movie that explains our marketing strategy – watch this and then we can have an intelligent conversation about the target market, product lines and things like that. Read me back the address." (make sure it's correct) Confirm when they will have the time to review the information. Set when you will talk again. Hang up the phone.

Now, that script is one I've used successfully for years. The reason it works is because it was designed to PREVENT the objections mentioned above. It took me a long time to develop that script. In the example below there are several phrases I identified that actually CREATED common objections to my network marketing business invitation.

Avoid These Phrases and Instead Use…
(Phrase to avoid listed first, then recommended phrase listed second.)

I recently became involved
I'm working on a project…

I'd like to get you involved
I'm looking for the right person that…

I want you to…
You might want to…

I think you would love this
It may or may not be for you…

You would be good at this
This might be lucrative for us…

New business opportunity
Business idea or project

Are you interested?
You might want to see this

Are you looking for a business opportunity?
Do you keep your eyes open for expansion/diversification?

The point is, to overcome any type of fear, you must have both knowledge and practice. Therefore you must get with your network marketing organization and practice what to say to prospects and drill how to handle questions and objections. This is the best kind of MLM training I know. I've not seen or heard of a better way of overcoming telephone fears, training your distributors on what to say and how to have a lot of guests at your MLM business meetings than TEAM CALLING.

I put together a program called Assault Team Training – an event to teach people how to get past the fear of the phone, as well as talking to strangers (in person).

Eight distributors were invited to my house (because I had four phone lines and wanted two people per phone). To attend, each distributor had to bring 250 names with phone numbers.

Everyone spent the first hour around a table writing a script of what they would say on the telephone to invite contacts to an MLM business briefing we scheduled three days later. Then each person read their script back to the group and the group critiqued the script with one major emphasis: prevent the objection. We all agreed that in the invitation call, it's much easier to prevent objections than to have to handle them. (See example of what to say/what not to say above.)

Here's the best way to overcome the most common MLM objections. With good communication skills and using the phrases from the example above, we still got "Is this one of those pyramids!?" objection 50 % of the time.

It was this objection that constantly stopped or severely slowed down my organization's growth.

After everyone writes an MLM invitation script, the next step is to role play. At the Team Calling event, divide people into pairs and have them role-play with each other. Person A reads the script. Person B asks the most common questions or objections. Start slow and easy and get tougher as your partner gets better. It's very important that your partner feel successful. Compliment his/her efforts ALL THE TIME. Then switch: Person B invites and Person A asks the questions.

Because during the role playing, one person is constantly reading the MLM invite script – this serves as a drilling of the invitation. Once you as the leader are satisfied that everyone attending team calling is able to handle the above objections, then hit the phones.

Two people on each phone line. One is prospecting – the other coaching. After 15 minutes, switch. The person that was coaching switches to prospecting. The one that was prospecting is now the coach. Do this for one uninterrupted hour.

The rules are: No getting up. No bathroom, no food, no water, no answering cell phones. Nothing! It's so important to play by the rules. We all know the feeling of searching for any excuse not to dial the phone. Believe me, this is fear-facing at its best, but also one of the best forms of MLM training I know of.

By the way, people who show up late are not allowed in "the pit" until after the hour is up. I can't stress enough the importance of this SOLID HOUR of no interruptions.

Use Monday – it's the start of the week and the best day to invite to your weekly MLM business briefing without a weekend interfering. Charge $5.00 per person to cover the cost of the phone calls.

Your job as the leader is to help keep the calls under three minutes and to ensure that the person making the call wants to continue making calls. As a coach, resist the urge to correct "everything" you see a new person doing wrong. You don't want to unintentionally invalidate the person or make him/her feel that they're messing everything up. It's much better for the coach to consider the whole exercise as a gradual learning process. For some people, it can be a huge success just to dial 10 numbers in an hour.

I suggest that you teach everyone how to keep accurate records. It's very important for everyone to keep statistics while doing team calling. You want to keep track of Dials, Connects and Appointments. Set a goal for each, and then keep track of the activity.

This is the basis for coaching and measuring progress and is the backbone of successful MLM training. If anyone complains about their results, you can go straight to the Daily Marketing Worksheet and tell exactly where someone needs help. Maybe they need help with their actual phone skills, or maybe they're just not dialing enough numbers!

What Results Can You Expect? After two one-hour sessions in which everyone kept their statistics, the least number of confirmed appointments we've seen was eight. The most was 64. That's right!

The most impressive are those eight. What this represents is the minimum result of eight confirmed guests! What this means for you is that if someone spent two hours per week inviting through team calling, they would have a minimum of eight confirmed appointments at the weekly MLM business meeting.

The next time you or your distributors come to a business meeting without a guest, ask yourself and them, "How much actual time did you spend making calls?"

Making MLM prospecting phone calls isn't as hazardous as bomb squad work, but it really can be just as scary. But the way to handle any fear is learn how to do it and do it over and over. Confront what you fear most enough times and you won't fear it anymore.

Author: Tim Sales

About Author:

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free MLM training newsletter and listen to free training at

Random related phrase:

www business card com

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Grant to start a small business

Sales Prospecting is the Most Important Skill©


All sales skills are important. The most important is the one you do the poorest. For most of us that is Prospecting. Here is a simple way to overcome that.


William Truax

Those of us in commercial/industrial sales must use a variety of skills.

I have been a sales training consultant since 1978. One thing that virtually every sales person asks me at some time during our work together is, “which sales skill is most important?”

Now there is a common list of sales skills we all need:





Objection Handling


Product information and several others.

My response is always the same. Every one of these skills is equally important in selling. The Most Important is the one skill which is your weakest!

That’s right, the one you do poorly or the least. The one skill that you should do more often and/or better becomes the most important.

And guess which one that is for most sales professionals? Prospecting. Yes, the skill that allows us to use all those other skills. Without Prospecting we don’t have enough people on which we can use our sales technique skills.

That is why we developed our Blitz Call® prospecting system ( When we are in the field and come to a good Prospect or potential Prospect, why not stop. Yes, Fact to Face Prospecting can be very rewarding.

Remember, it takes a minimum of 4 calls to make a sale. Therefore, your first call should be a Blitz Call – a pure Prospecting call, not a sales call. Your objective with a Blitz Call is simply to get an appointment for the 2nd call. I suggest that a typical Blitz Call should take less than 4 minutes, including parking the car.

Just think, if you made 3 Blitz Calls on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday that would be 9 a week. If you are in the field 40 weeks this year that would be 360 Prospecting calls. How would that change your life?

The Blitz Call system has tracking and follow up methods to get you to those next 3 calls.

So now you can make Sales Prospecting, NOT the most important skill.

Sell Well and Often

Bill Truax

© Copyright 2007 WJ Truax

Author: William Truax

About Author:

Bill Truax is a sales training consultant living outside Cleveland, OH. He has 3 books, 2 CD’s, seminars, and workshops on Prospecting and Making Cold Calls. Visit for product and contact information.

Random related phrase:

grant to start a small business

Misspelled random related phrase:

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Business travel market

How To Build A Responsive Opt-In List


The big players all have responsive lists of thousands of subscribers. They are able to create money on demand. This article shows you a few guidelines to follow.


Listbuilding is a marketing technique that every serious internet marketer should implement into their daily schedule. The big players all have responsive lists of thousands of subscribers. They are able to create money on demand. This article shows you a few guidelines to follow.

Offer a specific benefit for joining your list. For instance, 'join my list in the next week and receive this special report'. This gives visitors a compelling reason to actually join your list, especially if you do not charge them anything to join. Some examples of what you can give are discounts, audios, videos, reports and ebooks.

Always split test landing pages for your opt-in forms. Start by creating two opt-in list landing page models. Make both landing pages similar, but change one detail. For instance, one page could use a blue headline and the other could use a red headline. Send identical pay per click traffic to each page until you determine which opt-in landing page is more effective.

Test a squeeze page format for your landing page. This can be similar to a short copy format, but in general, it usually only contains one paragraph of language that could be described as sales copy. In many cases, a squeeze page is simply an opt-in form that contains two or three sentences of copy inside of the actual form. Remember to test this format with pay per click traffic.

Consider setting up a joint venture list with other successful business owners in your niche. You can each agree to write one or two lessons in the series. In the end, you will have a series of powerful lessons that position you as an expert by associating you with other experts and that also have a natural upsell mechanism built in: affiliate programs.

Communicate to those browsing your opt-in list landing page that they will be receiving a newsletter/ezine if they enter their information. You are better off trading a lower opt in rate for potential spam complaints. Several complaints could get you banned from the current autoresponder service you use for list building.

Do not use your own autoresponder script when building a list. Autoresponder services spend the time to get whitelisted by major email clients. You will never be able to do this on your own, which means your email will get filtered at a much higher rate. Additionally, it is easy to get blacklisted if you have no bargaining power.

Use print media to generate more leads. If you advertise online, your advertisement will always be alongside a direct competitor. If you use classified ads, you might be the only advertiser pitching an online newsletter for your given niche. You may want to look at local and regional newpapers with reasonable circulations and prices.

Author: Kurt Naulaerts

About Author:

If you thought the information in this article was helpful, you will want to check out Kurt Naulaerts and Ely Lennon's web site, where they offer powerful material for making money online.

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Hong kong business directory

Top 7 Resume Sample Words and Phrases to Instantly Improve your Resume


Instant resume rewrites that might mean the difference between a call back and falling flat.


Dr. Sander I. Marcus

Make no mistake about it, writing an effective resume has to be a highly individualized matter, since no two people are alike. Nevertheless, it is such a constricted and standardized format, that we resume writers find ourselves adopting certain phrases or words that each of us tends to prefer and that in fact help our clients get jobs. Every resume writer has his or her own list. Here is mine:

1. “$3,000,000” (vs. “$3M”) – To a skimmer’s eye, “$3M” looks like three dollars. If you are dealing with big numbers and write out all the zeros, the reader’s eye will find it anywhere on the page, no matter how fast they are skimming.

2. “Created a database for…” (vs. “Developed a database for…”) – “Developed” is an overused and nondescript word. Often databases, procedures, lists, or whatever other job activity you are writing about is something you actually put together (even if you used a standard software program to do it, for example). “Created” is closer to the truth and is certainly much more impressive.

3. “Applied xyz methods…” (vs. “Learned xyz methods….”) – Many people list important skills or knowledge that they learned on a job. But that isn’t going to impress a potential employer. The potential employer wants to know if you actually used those skills. How and where you learned them is immaterial.

4. “College courses include…” (vs. “Took courses in….” or “3 years of college) – If you went to college years ago and did not complete your degree, you look like an underachiever. Starting with “College courses include…” sends the message that you are a high school graduate who went to school to take courses (not just get a degree) or that you have been motivated to keep your education ongoing.

5. “All…” as in, “All human resources responsibilities in the office…” (vs., for example, “Human resources responsibilities include all functions…”) – Sometimes a key word isn’t what you’d think. “All” is a great key word to start a descriptive item in your resume. “All” instantly paints a picture of comprehensive responsibilities and a more rather than less important role.

6. “References available upon request” (vs. nothing) – Now, I know that many experts do not consider this phrase necessary because they believe that most readers assume that you will have references. But I’m not so sure. Unfortunately, there are potential employers out there (hopefully not too many) who may conclude that if you do not say anything about references, it must mean that you don’t have any, and therefore they can throw out your resume and have one less to read. So, keep it in.

7. “Value to an organization:”… (vs. “Career Summary”) – Who cares what your career summary is? In my humble opinion and extensive experience, deep down inside the first thing a potential employer really wants to know is if you can help their bottom line. Otherwise, I don’t really think they’re that interested in reading yet another career summary.

Author: Dr. Sander I. Marcus

About Author:

Sander Marcus, Ph.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Professional Resume Writer in Chicago. He has over 3 decades of experience in providing career counseling, aptitude testing, job search coaching, and resume writing to tens of thousands of individuals. He is the co-author of 2 books on academic underachievement, various tests, and numerous articles. Contacted him at, 312-567-3358.

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