Friday, February 8, 2008

Imagery - the Key to Unlocking your Performance Potential (part 2)


Human performance expert Jacques Dallaire, Ph.D., discusses imagery and its practical applications on the path to increased success and achievement.


Dr. Jacques Dallaire

[ This article is part 2 of 3. For part 1, see Performance File 09. ]

Rule #4 of the Mental Road states: “Your Dominant Thought Determines Your Emotions, the Behaviors that Result from Those Emotions and Ultimately, Your Performance.” (See Performance File #06.) But how does this happen?

Most experts in the world of Psychology agree on the basic premise that the human mind is characterized by two major divisions: the conscious mind and the subconscious or non-conscious mind. While they don’t all agree on the names to use when describing these two fundamental thought processes and some even look to subdivide the categories further, most would acknowledge that the subconscious mind is capable of more powerful and sophisticated thought processes than the conscious mind is capable of.

In its simplest terms, the conscious mind is the seat of reasoning or decision-making in the human species while the non-conscious mind is the reservoir for your emotions and is thought of as your ‘creative’ mind. Your conscious mind can be likened to the captain of a ship who directs, who makes decisions and gives orders that other crew members then execute. Your non-conscious mind is a reactive thought process that does not reason out as your conscious mind does but responds rather to the nature of the thoughts you hold in your conscious mind. In other words, the non-conscious mind takes its direction from the thoughts you choose to make dominant in your conscious mind. If you doubt that the non-conscious mind is more powerful that the conscious mind, consider this: you are not at this very moment consciously aware of or controlling the various processes in your body that are keeping you alive. Likewise, you are not consciously in control of these processes each moment of every day, even when you are sleeping! Heart function, circulation, cellular rebuilding, nervous system function, digestion, memory, motor control, muscle activity, the immune system, hormonal shifts, energy metabolism, etc. – all of these processes are being coordinated at this very moment by your non-conscious mind. If we had to consciously think through this coordination process, we probably would not be able to live very long and enjoy healthy lives… your conscious mind cannot operate your body but it can get in the way of its smooth operation.

As you try to understand the role of the conscious and the non-conscious mind as far performance is concerned, there are a couple of simple rules that you should keep in mind.
Two basic rules of the conscious mind:

1. The conscious mind looks at options and makes a decision based on that analysis.
2. Once the conscious mind makes a decision, all other options are thrown out for the moment. The conscious mind then interprets the information that it subsequently receives in a manner that supports that decision.

Two basic rules of the non-conscious mind:

1. The non-conscious mind always agrees with what the conscious mind tells it, whether it is based in reality or not.
2. The non-conscious mind moves in the direction that the conscious mind points it.

The fundamental truth is that we cannot directly control our subconscious mind…it has been programmed, over decades sometimes, by our life experiences and our beliefs and value systems. Our subconscious mind responds to the thoughts we process in our conscious mind and takes over as the architect of our emotions and reactions. If I commanded you right now to “be happy”, while you could certainly fake happiness, exhibiting the characteristics we associate with a happy person (smiling, laughing, etc.) to truly feel happiness, you would have to think ‘happy’ thoughts…thoughts that would gradually lead you to become happy. Likewise, if I commanded you to be “sad”, you wouldn’t truly feel the deep sorrow associated with sadness unless you first processed thoughts in your conscious mind that are saddening and as a consequence, you would gradually become sad. Again, consider the emotions you’ve experienced while watching different movies, some happy, some sad, some arousing, etc. By immersing yourself in the story and imagining yourself in the situation being projected, your mind and body responds much the same way as if you were truly there, experiencing the emotions that would be consistent with that situation.

The impact of these simple rules on performance is profound. At its core, the sub-conscious mind does not challenge the validity of the thoughts you process in your conscious mind. Whatever thought you make dominant in your conscious mind, your sub-conscious mind accepts it as true – whether it is in fact true or not. What that means is if you think you are a loser, your subconscious mind will simply say “loser... I can do that” and initiate the emotions and the behaviors that are consistent with losing. On the other hand, if you think of yourself as a winner, your subconscious mind says “winner, I can become that person” and the emotions and behaviors that result make it easier for you to become successful. If the thoughts are positive and productive, you are able to more easily focus on the task at hand and your performance is better but if they are negative and destructive, your performance will deteriorate as you violate the Rules of the Mental Road. We all know this to be true…how you think and feel influences how you perform.

What is Imagery?

First, let’s understand that imagery is not the same as visualization. Imagery involves the creation and use of all the senses (sight, sound, feel, taste, and smell) in the imagination to influence or change existing thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors. Visualization (or “seeing with the mind’s eye”) is a narrower concept since it only describes one part of imagery – the ‘seeing’ part.

Mental imagery for performance is not daydreaming about the great athlete, musician, or actor that you would like to be. Nor is it wishful thinking about how you would like to perform during a particular event. It is a learned skill that requires effort, quality practice, and focus to master. You can think of imagery as “mental holograms” that link your mind to all parts of your body involved in producing a particular performance. Imagery can be used to influence a particular set of performance skills or to influence emotions such as anxiety, and the behaviors that stem from those emotions.

Who of us has not imagined themselves to be the best in the world at some activity? When you go out and try to reproduce the mindset and behavior that is consistent with this image of success you create in your mind, you are mentally programming yourself to perform like a champion. We will discuss psychological and performance-based imagery further in the next Performance File installment.

Author: Dr. Jacques Dallaire

About Author:

Dr. Jacques Dalliare is the founding consultant of Performance Prime. For more information on programs and products which improve individual performance and enhance business performance, visit Performance Prime online, at

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The Power of the Fax


In July 2005, another curious law went into effect. This one, called the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 (JFPA) has several surprises for business owners in terms of sending routine faxes to their customers. This new law just doesn't impact the sending


In July 2005, another curious law went into effect. This one, called the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 (JFPA) has several surprises for business owners in terms of sending routine faxes to their customers. This new law just doesn't impact the sending of what we would think of as "junk" faxes. It addresses several other areas that will impact how you do business via fax.

What is a Junk Fax? Understandably, we would think of a junk fax as an unsolicited fax. However, under JFPA, unsolicited is defined as "any material advertising the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods or services which is transmitted to any person without that person's prior express invitation or permission, in writing or otherwise."

So, if you were sending out an announcement, via fax, regarding a new product or service to your customers, it could be considered a junk fax under JFPA.

Importance of an EBR But wait, the new law complicates things even more. Your "established business relationship" (EBR) is now extremely important in terms of marketing your business using the fax.

You are still allowed to send unsolicited faxes to anyone with whom you maintain an EBR. An EBR is defined as "a prior or existing relationship formed by a voluntary two-way communication between a person or entity and a residential subscriber with or without an exchange of consideration, on the basis of an inquiry, application, purchase or transaction by the residential subscriber regarding products or services offered by such person or entity, which relationship has not been previously terminated by either party."

Right to "Opt-Out" You also have to provide an "opt-out" option on all faxes. Fax cover sheets are now to include "opt-out" information, regardless if your business has an EBR or not, the first page of every fax solicitation has to tell the receiver how they can "opt-out" of receiving future faxes from your company.

And, we aren't talking about a simple "opt-out" check box. JFPA has kindly provided an extensive guideline for the "opt-out" notice. An "opt-out" needs:

· To be "clear and conspicuous and on the first page of the" fax; · Notice that your failure to comply within the shortest, reasonable amount of time with any opt-out notice sent by a customer will be a violation of the law; · A "domestic contact telephone and facsimile machine number" for the recipient to transmit any opt-out notice request; · A "cost-free mechanism" that the recipient can use to send the opt-out notice; and · Allows the recipient to opt out "at any time on any day of the week"

Failure to Comply Noncompliance equals sizeable penalties. The law allows anyone who has illegally received a junk fax to sue for and recover $500 - $1500 or more per violation. Surprisingly, the law now allows for class action lawsuits and even small claims court lawsuits to be filed.

Author: Tom Perkins

About Author:

Tom Perkins is a business solutions coach and certified personal trainer. He has a degree in accounting and works with fitness professionals leading them to profitability. Visit his website at

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Graduate Surveyors in the United Kingdom


Graduate Surveyors can find positions working for the defence force, mapping new terrain or providing consultation on new facilities. Engineering provides another alternative, with requirements for blue prints, land and geological surveys.


In the field of cartography, there are few jobs that are as uniquely suited to a graduate’s skills as the graduate surveyor. Surveyors are familiar figures in a variety of fields, mapping out residential and commercial lots for construction companies or determining the best land area for an urban planning firm. Graduate surveyors have a combination of skills that make their presence invaluable in the United Kingdom. Few people outside of cartography or engineering know how to make an accurate map, assess soil samples, or determine the structural issues of building on a certain type of land. Graduate surveyors in the United Kingdom can find work in a variety of fields.

Graduate surveyors in the United Kingdom work quite a bit as consultants to military organizations and defence contractors. The military needs surveyors to oversee soldiers in the mapping of new terrain or providing consultations on the creation of new facilities. As well, defence contractors need surveyors to determine whether a certain land area is ideal for testing new products. Surveyors in the military or in defence contracting firms make a solid wage and provide a public service in the defence of the United Kingdom.

While there are plenty of surveyors in the UK defence industry, graduates with experience in surveying often go into the engineering field to use their skills. Engineering firms need maps, blueprints, and other documents created with the help of surveyors. Surveyors head out to work sites to determine whether the geographical location is ideal for a certain project and what long term issues may come from developing on a certain piece of land. Graduate surveyors also work as consultants to design teams, as they provide input on the land shape and geological issues that may affect a project. Graduate surveyors often find engineering positions to be the most lucrative, as the success of conceptual development depends entirely on the land used.

The third option for graduate surveyors is to work in academia, usually at the university level. Surveyors who are exceptional in their course work and take on advanced educational opportunities can work as teachers or research assistants at UK universities. As well, talented surveyors can teach the next generation of surveyors about the skills needed to succeed in the profession. Finally, the trend toward vocational schools in the United Kingdom means that there is a market for young professionals who want to help graduates learn the ins and outs of surveying.

Author: Rupal Patel

About Author:

Rupal Patel is the Marketing Manager at JustClick, who are a leading source of Graduate Jobs and Graduate Careers, also offering a Graduate Lifestyles portal with news and reviews on current affairs.

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How To Submit Your Cover Letter To Potential Employers


There are many ways to submit your cover letter and resume to employers. This article explains the best ways.


The way you submit your cover letter can be just as important as what your cover letter and resume contains. The first thing to do is determine what format the company you are applying for prefers. Often, this will be indicated in the advertisement for the position if you are applying for an already listed position. If not, be sure to call and check with human resources. There are some companies which will automatically reject a cover letter and resume if it submitted in the wrong format.

Unless the company indicates they wish to receive employment inquires, cover letters and resumes by snail mail avoid using this method. The reason being is that companies receive a large amount of mail. It is not uncommon for things to be lost, incorrectly routed or mistaken for junk mail. If the company accepts inquires, cover letters and resumes by regular post they will indicate how to address the envelope.

Using electronic mail in order to submit your inquiry should also be avoided. Unless, like with regular mail, the potential employer indicates that is how they wish to receive cover letters and resumes. The reason behind this is because many people have filters, or your mail may be considered spam and deleted before it is ever looked at.

There are a number of times when you will see contact information and a fax number. In this case the employer wishes inquires to be sent by fax. This is a good way for them to avoid getting a large number of regular posts in or a large number of emails.

The best way to submit a cover letter and resume is to do it in person. This gives you the opportunity to see the company, office and people that are potential co-workers. It will also give you a feel for the working environment and that is an important aspect to accepting a position. It also gives a face to the cover letters and resumes being received. This can be a good selling point and keep you firmly placed in the human resource manager or manager's mind. This can go a long way to helping your cover letter to make the top of the pile. There are a few important things to remember: Dress like you are going to an interview and carry the cover letter and resume in a way that will not cause wrinkles. It is good to present a copy like it was fresh off the printer. When submitting avoid times when you know that business might be busy, like late afternoon, or Fridays. This will give you the opportunity not only to submit your cover letter and resume to the appropriate person but also chat with them for a moment.

Remember the best way to submit your resume is in person unless the company you are applying to has indicated it's preferred method to receiving inquires, cover letters and resumes.

Author: Michael Murray

About Author:

Michael Murray is an author of career articles and owner of Cover Letters Report, a site all about how to write a cover letter.

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Is a Data Entry Job, Working From Home Right For You?


While working at Data Entry Jobs sounds like the perfect job, you have to assess if you are ready and committed to take on a data entry job and make it a success. The attraction is that it is an amazing alternative to the daily chore of going out to work for someone else.


While working at Data Entry Jobs sounds like the perfect job, working from home isn't for everyone. Having said that, it could be just the thing for many people, you just have to assess if you are ready and committed to take on a data entry job and make it a success. The attraction is that it is an amazing alternative to the daily chore of going out to work for someone else.

What is important is that you take a long hard look at your circumstances, your lifestyle, your commitment and your ability to motivate yourself. Don't just go out and resign your job before you have even tried starting a data entry job. Take a while to ask yourself some basic questions:-

- What are my strengths? - What are my weaknesses? - Do I enjoy flexibility? - Can I plan the family activities so they do not interfere? - Will my family support my new career? - Do I have self-discipline?

Decide what your strengths are. There is not one type of person that is just right for this type of work. Everyone has strengths and you need to decide if yours are the ones you need for this kind of work. Some strengths that might help in this kind of work could be:-

- You like attention to detail - You enjoy working on the computer - You like to work on different projects - You are dependable

These are just a few to give you an idea. There are so many things that you could consider a strength that would benefit you working from home.

Now take a serious look at your weaknesses. Decide if they will cause a problem or if you can work around them. For instance, you might say that your weakness is that you can't get up in the mornings. This could be a problem if you schedule your only work time at 8 a.m. but if you schedule your work for the afternoon or the evening then this would not be a problem. This is part of the benefit of working from home - you can decide for yourself how and when you want to work.

How flexible are you? If you are a person that thrives on flexibility then you will especially enjoy taking on different data entry jobs and allowing yourself to work at various times and for varying lengths of time. If you are not a very flexible person (be honest!) then you can still make a great job of this by being more diligent about scheduling your time and also by planning your jobs ahead.

If you are planning to work at a data entry job from home you will have to consider your family. While it is important to set aside time without interruption, it is not realistic to think that the family will never interrupt. There will always be times when you will have to change your priorities. A good discussion with your family outlining what everyone's expectations are would be a great idea.

Some people just know that they have great self-discipline while others are not sure. If you think you do then you won't have any problems. If you are not sure, don't despair. It is amazing where self-discipline comes from when you are interested in what you are doing. Many people find that the mere fact that they are working for themselves is a huge motivating factor. It is a very different feeling from grinding out the work for some one else. You may not have a boss breathing down your neck, but many people are surprised to discover that they will push themselves harder than any boss would have.

It is definitely a good idea to learn about how to prioritize and organize your work. As with any job or home business, there will be jobs that you will really enjoy and jobs that you will want to put off. Take some time to learn some simple routines for organizing such as making lists of things to do that day. Your lists could be split up into priority A and B so that you keep on track each day and stick to the most important tasks.

Organization is important, especially when you work at home. Make sure you have an area where you can sit at your computer and carry out the data entry jobs with everything you need close by. Try to separate your business things from your personal things.

In conclusion I would say that most people could be suited to working from home at data entry jobs if they just take the time to think things through and prepare themselves mentally and physically. The benefits of this kind of work are worth the effort it could take to adapt to this way of life.

Author: Louise Nova

About Author:

Louise Nova, an entrepreneur for many years, started a successful business at the age of 20. Currently in the data entry industry, she has seen amazing results from this simple business. Visit Data Entry for the best data entry information online.

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Kitchen Remodelling and Saving Money, is This Possible?


Are you a homeowner? If so, there is a good chance that you may be a little tight on cash. As nice as it is to own a home, it is expensive to. Despite being low on financial resources, you may still want to remodel your home, particularly your kitchen. Although you might not think that it is possible, there are a number of different ways that you can go about changing your kitchen around without having to spend more money than you need to. Perhaps, the most obvious way to save money, when it comes to remodeling your kitchen, is deciding whether or not your kitchen really needs to be remodeled. As a homeowner, you have every right to remodel your kitchen, if you wish to do so; however, if money is tight it may be a good idea to rethink your decision, at least until your financial outlook improves. Although it may be a good idea to hold off on the kitchen remodeling, you may not necessarily want to. As previously mentioned, there a number of relatively low-cost ways that you could go about remodeling your kitchen.


Are you a homeowner? If so, there is a good chance that you may be a little tight on cash. As nice as it is to own a home, it is expensive to. Despite being low on financial resources, you may still want to remodel your home, particularly your kitchen. Although you might not think that it is possible, there are a number of different ways that you can go about changing your kitchen around without having to spend more money than you need to.

Perhaps, the most obvious way to save money, when it comes to remodeling your kitchen, is deciding whether or not your kitchen really needs to be remodeled. As a homeowner, you have every right to remodel your kitchen, if you wish to do so; however, if money is tight it may be a good idea to rethink your decision, at least until your financial outlook improves. Although it may be a good idea to hold off on the kitchen remodeling, you may not necessarily want to. As previously mentioned, there a number of relatively low-cost ways that you could go about remodeling your kitchen.

One of the best ways to go about remodeling your kitchen without going broke is by taking it one step at a time. Although your goal may be to remodel your whole kitchen, inside and out, it can be costly do it all at the same time. By doing your remodeling in steps, it may make it easier for you to afford the overall cost of a kitchen remodeling project. For instance, if you would like to replace your kitchen cabinets, it may be a good idea to start there first. After your kitchen cabinets have been replaced and you have additional money for remodeling, you may want to move onto the next remodeling project, say changing the light fixtures in your kitchen. Taking one step at a time may not only make it easier for you to afford the cost of remodeling, but it may also help to make sure that you are choosing the right materials, supplies, and designs.

Where you buy your supplies and materials from may also have an impact on how much a kitchen remodeling project costs. Whether you decide to do all of your remodeling at once or do it a little bit at a time, you will want to keep an eye on where you are buying your materials from. If you are looking to save the most money, you may want to think about shopping at one of your local home improvement stores. Most home improvement stores, especially those that operate on a national level, carry everything that you need to undergo a kitchen remodeling project. In addition to the tools needed, you may also be able to find the supplies or materials that you need, such as kitchen sinks, kitchen sink pipes, kitchen floor tiles, as well as kitchen light fixtures.

You can also save money, when remodeling your kitchen, by doing all of the work yourself. It may be easier to use a professional contactor, but it is also more expensive. Even if you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of kitchen remodeling, you may be able to learn. There are a number of resources guides that can be found online, in your local book stores, or in your local library. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to attend a kitchen remodeling class, course, or seminar. These resources, not matter what they are, may make it easier for you to remodel your kitchen yourself. In fact, most of the time, all you need is a plan and a set of directions to follow and you should be good to go.

Despite all of the above mentioned tips, you may still find it difficult to remodel your kitchen, money wise. If this is the case, you may want to place more of a focus on redecorating. Simply by changing your kitchen curtains, replacing some of your kitchen appliances, or even by changing your kitchen towel theme, you could get the new kitchen feel that you were looking for. While it might not be exactly what you had hoped for, it is an alterative that may just give you what you need.

Author: Stephen Morgan

About Author:

Stephen Morgan writes about all sorts of Domestic issues on the Internet and Check out the following for more information about the above: Kitchen Cabinet /

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8 Top Tips To Help You Making Money Online


Making money online is simple, but it is not easy. I have listed 8 tips to get you started.


Making money online is simple, but it is not easy. It is all about following a system. It is all about testing and testing again. And then implementing the strategies that work. And repeating these methods over and over again. I have listed 8 tips to get you started.

Consider using low pressure sales tactics to increase your sales page conversion rate. In many niches, including self help niches, low pressure sales works far better than the normal Internet marketing routine, which can often turn off prospects. Instead, use blue fonts, realistic claims and avoid hype altogether.

Always use more than one call to action in your actual sales page. Some people prefer short sales pages and others prefer long sales pages, so give either to both. If they want to continue reading, provide a long list of benefits. If they would prefer to stop reading and immediately skip to the purchase, allow them to do that, too.

Use care when crafting a headline for a sales page. This is easily the most important part of the entire page. If you lose visitors at the headline, they will click off the page and never return. If you at least intrigue them somewhat with compelling copy, you will at least have one chance to bait them into buying.

If you sell an audio product, consider taking clips from your product and giving them away for free on your sales page. These free but incomplete pieces of your entire product will entice visitors to go from being tire-kickers to potential buyers. This is especially true if you use these audios to get visitors onto a mailing list.

If you are selling videos, consider creating a demo to give to your customers for free. The demo should provide useful information, but should also be incomplete, so that the viewer has to purchase the product in order to get the full benefit. This is a powerful sales mechanism which can improve conversion rates significantly.

If you list the benefits of a given product, you will want to use good images as bullet points. For instance, using clear, fast-loading check marks can significantly improve your sales page conversion rate. Additionally, you will want to pay attention to the colors you use. Red and blue usually work best.

Consider improving your conversion rates by carefully syncing your traffic sources with your landing pages. For instance, if you are pulling traffic for a specific keyword, you will want to sync that group of buyers to a specific sales page or autoresponder series on your site that lines up with what the group might want to purchase most.

Give away free reports that act as a natural upsell. These reports should go to great lengths describing the details of a powerful plan to do something. At the end of the report, you should then work your way to upselling the reader by providing a link to a product that makes the process easier. This will pre-sell your customers, increasing your conversion rate.

Author: Kurt Naulaerts

About Author:

Simply knowing what you read in this article isn't enough. To learn how you can be successful and to learn more about Kurt Naulaerts and Paul Favors and their business, you will want to visit their website.

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The Genius of Persistence


Persistence is omnipotent, greater even than genius.


Every time we plug an appliance into the wall, it's because he figured electricity out for us. His incandescent bulb changed our world. He literally spread the light of his genius around the world.

Thomas Alva Edison.

150 years have passed since he was born.

What is the most remarkable thing about him is that he was not the most technically brilliant mind of his time.

In fact, Nikola Tesla considered him rather dim.

Here is his comment on Edison. ``If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.... I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.''

Nor was this mere abuse. Those who knew Tesla and his work were astonished. On May 18, 1917, at an AIEE annual meeting, B.A. Behrend made this laudatory poem: Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, "Let Tesla be", and all was light.

The Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, and scientist was an astonishing and prolific inventor.

His inventions included a telephone repeater, rotating magnetic field principle, polyphase alternating-current system, induction motor, alternating-current power transmission, Tesla coil transformer, wireless communication, radio, and fluorescent lights.

In all he had more than 700 patents.

Although he worked for Edison for a short while, the two men could not get along. Ironically, in the conflict between Edison's direct current and Tesla's alternating current, Edison won more public approval and the inferior technology was readily adopted.

Thomas Alva Edison was brilliant.

Nikola Tesla, however, was dazzling.

Here is how Chancey McGovern describes one of Tesla's famous experiments

"Fancy yourself seated in a large, well-lighted room, with mountains of curious-looking machinery on all sides. A tall, thin young man walks up to you, and by merely snapping his fingers creates instantaneously a ball of leaping red flame, and holds it calmly in his hands. As you gaze you are surprised to see it does not burn his fingers. He lets it fall upon his clothing, on his hair, into your lap, and, finally, puts the ball of flame into a wooden box. You are amazed to see that nowhere does the flame leave the slightest trace, and you rub your eyes to make sure you are not asleep."

Yet today, and even in his time, Edison has stolen all the accolades.


It's because Edison was a persistent plodder who won mainstream approval and worked steadily enough to create more inventions. He was an excellent businessman who knew how to market and promote his inventions. He was also extremely productive.

Tesla, in contrast, was an eccentric genius, given to financial incompetence, compulsions and phobias.

Reporters loved him because he was always coming up with sensational comments. He made wild statements that won him public disapproval, like having received communication from other planets, like claiming that he could split the earth like an apple, and like claiming that he could create a death ray capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes at 250 miles.

In the end, persistence won over talent, sensible living over wild imaginative indulgence, and business acumen over financial mismanagement.

Edison died rich and famous; Tesla, poor and scorned.

Today, everybody remembers Edison, but the name Tesla generally draws a blank look when mentioned.

It's a sad story. Sometimes even overwhelming genius isn't enough to guarantee a successful life.

Persistence, more than brilliance, marked Thomas Alva Edison as the greatest electrical inventor in the history of the world.

There is nothing greater than persistence. With it, the most obscure undertaking will win. Without it, the most brilliant concept will be ignored. Persistence is to success what carbon is to steel.

As Calvin Coolidge once said, "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Genius will not. Education will not. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

Author: Saleem Rana

About Author:

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas with you. Hunting everywhere for a life worth living? Discover the life of your dreams. His book, Never Ever Give Up is offered at no cost to stimulate your success.

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Turn A Home Based Business Into Residual Income


A home based business does not always start out as a residual income opportunity. For a person who starts their own home business, making it turn out a residual income is something they have to do. Fortunately...


A home based business does not always start out as a residual income opportunity. For a person who starts their own home business, making it turn out a residual income is something they have to do. Fortunately, it's is not as hard as it may seem. All it takes is a little knowledge about residual income and little hard work.

Residual income is income that is earned on an ongoing basis without a person having to do work each time they get paid. This is different than the linear income we are all used to when we work a typical job. Linear income is earning income based upon the amount of time worked. With residual income a person can work one hour and get paid for days just for that one hour of work.

The set up for residual income is to have some way to make income without having to be involved. Websites are a great platform for this. A person sets up a website with their product catalogue. They insert a shopping cart feature and customers can shop and buy without the owner needing to do anything.

For a pure residual income the owner should have products drop shipped or downloaded online. In the case of dropshiping; once the orders are placed they go to the drop shipper and the products are shipped to the customer without the owner having to do anything. This is residual income because the owner only spent the initial time setting up the website and marketing. For that small amount of time spent they continued to get paid every time an order is placed.

Another option is to set up an affiliate program. In an affiliate program the owner would sign people up to be representatives for their company. These people or affiliates would go out and market and sell their products. For their efforts the affiliates would get a commission on every product they sell. To make it most profitable for the business owner, the commission would need to be rather small, but then the affricates may be unhappy.

That is where the other part of the affiliate program comes in. The affiliates would be able to sign up other affiliates. Every sale these new affiliates make would result in a cut of commission to the original affiliate. This allows the affiliate to earn more commission by signing up others to do the work instead of having to sell more themselves. An affiliate program benefit's the owner because they are having both marketing and sales handled for them by their affiliates.

Turning a home based business into residual income is not that hard to do. By setting up the right system a business owner can make their home business pay them again and again for minimal work on their part. It is a great situation and one that every home business owner should try.

Author: Michael Laleye

About Author:

"If you're looking for an easy, 100% auto-pilot way to make money on the Internet, you should get in on this cash-generating monster!" Home Based Residual Income Affiliate Business

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Affiliate Marketing Easy I Think Not


If your thinking about starting an online business and you heard that affiliate marketing is the way to go let me inform you that affiliate marketing is not as easy as you might think and requires a lot of research and skills that take time to learn.


What is affiliate marketing? I've heard it called associate marketing,link,pay per click,and reseller and it all means the same and on the surface it looks simple enough,an affiliate is someone who is advertising a third party product and will get a commission on any sales made through their link,how hard can this be,I will just go over to one of the pay per click search engines bid on some keywords for that product and make a lot of easy money.

If your thinking about starting an online business and you heard that affiliate marketing is the way to go let me inform you that affiliate marketing is not as easy as you might think and requires a lot of research and skills that take time to learn.

If only affiliate marketing were that easy everyone would be sitting at home becoming rich over night, let me give you an example using a new ebook coming out May 1st its called Who Loves Money,about 2 weeks ago if you did a search for Who Loves Money you would of found no listing for that phrase and no ads and could of put together a pay per click link for it for about 5 cents,check today and you will find over 15 million listing and 4 or more pages of sponsored links which are affiliates trying to make money and the ebook is not even out yet, and if as an associate you intend to cash in on this hot product you need to have your reseller link on page one and that could cost you up to $1.00 a click or more if you have no clue what to do and on top of that if they don't buy your out a buck.

This is just one tiny part of affiliate marketing but seems to be the first thing a new affiliate will jump into unaware of how the whole system works, you must always keep in the front of your mind that not every click will be a sale in fact depending on the product it may take 50 or a 100 clicks for each sale and even after you make a sale you may have to wait up to 60 days before your paid and if the customer returns the product you don't make one red cent.

Affiliate marketing requires you to attain a lot of new skills before you jump in and start a campaign, and if you wish to really take your affiliate marketing to a level that you can quit your job and work from home you have a lot of homework ahead of you before you get started, the good news is there are many good ebook's on the market that can help you achieve your goals. If your plan is affiliate marketing you must always remember to treat it as a business or you will fall along the wayside as so many before you have.

Author: Mike Durand

About Author:

Get in on the pre launch pricing of Who Loves Money and get 2 free bonuses when you sign up at this link Who loves Money

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Series Llc’s: not Good Enough for the Aba


In the last five years promoters have been touting the benefits of a Series LLC. But in a new report, an American Bar Association Committee has questioned the viability of the Series LLC.


In the last five years promoters have been touting the benefits of a Series LLC. But in a new report, an American Bar Association Committee has questioned the viability of the Series LLC.

We all know that an LLC can offer significant asset protection for real estate and other assets. If you have three pieces of real estate you form three separate LLC’s for maximum protection. But the series LLC, as claimed by promoters, can offer asset protection without having to form multiple entities. Instead, they claim, you can form just one LLC and place your assets into various series within the LLC where they are protected from each other.

We have never liked the series LLC because conceptually it all doesn’t make sense. If you form one entity and it is sued, all of the assets within that entity are exposed—whether they are in separate series (or buckets or whatever else the promoters use to describe them) or not. Significantly, there is not one court case extending asset protection to assets held in a separate series. I personally do not want to put my assets into an entity and hope for the best in a future court ruling. By using separate LLCs we have the certainty that assets in a remote LLC will not be exposed to claims brought against a target LLC. The series LLC does not offer such certainty.

The Series LLC has also been sold as a state fee savings device. By using a series LLC holding, for example, four assets it is claimed that you only have to pay one filing fee instead of four fees for four separate LLCs. That argument worked until the state of California decided that each series would be taxed as a separate LLC. So instead of paying just $800 for one series LLC in California you would pay, in our four asset example, $3200 for the series—the same as if you’d used four separate LLCs with greater certainty of protection. While not every state is as aggressive a tax collector as California, you can be certain that some will follow suit and charge a filing fee per series.

Due to the issues of asset protection certainty and illusionary filing fee savings, we have not, and will not, prepare series LLCs for our clients.

The American Bar Association (“ABA”) now agrees with this opposition.

As a public service the ABA assists with the drafting of model laws that states can use across the country. Their committee, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, approved by the original Uniform Limited Liability Company Act ten years ago. With the increased usage of LLCs, it was time to revise the original act, and the committee spent three years reviewing proposed charges.

Importantly, after looking into the series LLC, the ABA committee decided not to endorse them. The committee noted that the series LLC originated in Delaware for use in mutual fund and structured finance transactions and then stated:

“What’s good for Delaware and highly sophisticated deals is not necessarily good for the LLC law of other states. A philosophy that works wonders for ‘high end’ transactions may be bad medicine for the thousands of more prosaic but nonetheless important closely held businesses that choose to house themselves within the LLCs.”

Concerns about the various unknowns posed by the series LLC were presented. These included whether the supposed “internal liability shield” would be respected in states that do not have series provisions, whether bankruptcy would consolidate all of the series into the parent and the general drafting and record keeping complexities of the series LLC.

In the end, the committee declined to accept the series concept. This is a significant development. When the nation’s brightest lawyers take a three year look and then pass on endorsement of the series LLC everyone—lawyers and clients—should take note.

Our firm will not put our clients into a series LLC. Beware of promoters who would sell you otherwise.

Author: Garrett Sutton

About Author:

Garrett Sutton, attorney, best-selling author and Robert Kiyosaki’s corporate advisor in the Rich Dad/Poor Dad series, is the founder of the Sutton Law Center. The firm assists individuals and businesses from around the world with asset protection, estate planning, trademark and corporate strategies. Sutton Law Center PC’s attorneys provide the legal and planning opportunities for personal, business and real estate wealth building.

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Testing the effectiveness of Performance Appraisals


Performance appraisal is one of the popular concepts among the multinational and local companies. The concept has been defined by DeVries et al., (1981) as the process which allows firms to measure and consequently evaluate an employee's achievements and behavior over a certain period of time. The basic purpose of using performance appraisal techniques within an organization is to align the employee's efforts with the overall objective of the firm.


Performance appraisal is one of the popular concepts among the multinational and local companies. The concept has been defined by DeVries et al., (1981) as the process which allows firms to measure and consequently evaluate an employee's achievements and behavior over a certain period of time. The basic purpose of using performance appraisal techniques within an organization is to align the employee's efforts with the overall objective of the firm.

There has been a widespread discussion within the academic circles as to how to define performance (, 2006). Drawing upon Briscoe & Schuler (2004) performance can be viewed as a combination of several variables, such as motivation, ability, working conditions and expectations. It has been established that there are certain factors that affect employees' performance more than others. These factors, according to Dowling et al (1999) include the compensation package; the nature of task; support from higher management; the working environment and the overall corporate culture.

There are many advantages mentioned in the literature regarding the use of performance appraisals within an organization (, 2006). It has been suggested that it improves the communication between the higher to lower level management; identify areas of improvement; show employees training needs; help in promotion, retention and termination decisions; and means of managerial control (Fletcher, 1992). In order to take full advantage of the performance appraisals, the goal in designing such systems should be congruent to the overall aim and vision of the company. For instance, it is evident that there is a direct correlation between the performance of employees and their rewards as businesses do seek creation of wealth as their primary goal. Therefore one of the increasingly adopted uses of performance appraisals is to motivate employees to perform better by linking it with reward packages.

The concept and its uses can be further explained with the help of the example of Nokia. Nokia has incorporated performance appraisals in its compensation plans for its employees. The company has adopted the philosophy of pay-for-performance and therefore measuring and gauging different performance indicators of each employee is essential to the company. Nokia is an innovative firm with a global matrix structure and a typical line management configuration at the country level. Therefore the performance appraisal system called ‘Investing in People' has been designed as 360 degree feedback and electronic briefing sessions (Pollitt, 2004), which are perfectly aligned with the structure and overall aim of the company.

It can be concluded from the discussion that valuable organizational objectives are served with the help of performance appraisals and organizations should use the technique by aligning the performance parameters with their overall mission and vision.


Briscoe, D. & Schuler, R. (2004), "International Human Resource Management" 2nd Ed., Routledge

Dowling et al (1999), "International Human Resource Management - Managing People in a Multinational Context" 3rd Ed., International Thomson Publishing

DeVries, D.L., Morrison, A.M., Shullman, S.L., Gerlach, M.L. (1981), "Performance Appraisal On The Line, Center for Creative Leadership", Greensboro, NC

Fletcher, C. (1992), "Performance management: its nature and research base", in Developing a Performance-oriented Culture (Eds), Association for Management Education and Development

Pollitt, D. (2004), "Nokia Connects HR Policy with Company Success", Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 12 No. 6, p30-32

Papers For You (2006) "P/HR/244. Performance appraisal and 360 degree assessment", Available from

Papers For You (2006) P/HR/208. Performance appraisal and employee feedback", Available from [21/06/2006]

Author: Verena Veneeva

About Author:

Copyright © 2006 Verena Veneeva. Professional Writer working for

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More Information on the Move With Sage Saleslogix Mobile V4


What’s even better than Sage SalesLogix managing customer information in your office? Having the same data on the road, accessed with your Blackberry, PDA or Pocket PC, with Sage SalesLogix Mobile v4!


What's even better than Sage SalesLogix managing customer information in your office? Having the same data on the road, accessed with your Blackberry, PDA or Pocket PC, with Sage SalesLogix Mobile v4!

SalesLogix Mobile v4 is full-featured customer relationship management (CRM) software that integrates seamlessly with Sage SalesLogix. It lets you add, view and edit customer contacts on the fly, plus transmit and receive data from the company's centralized database. You can be better informed when in front of a customer, access up-to-the-minute information from headquarters, and generally use your time out of the office to become more productive – all from a handheld device. Capabilities You've Been Waiting For

Here are just a few of the things you can do with SalesLogix Mobile:

· Take notes · Manage accounts · Schedule meetings · Update opportunities · Check ticket information · Complete activities · Input or review customer contacts · Do quick look-ups · Conduct more detailed filtered searches

Fast and Easy

The beauty of having SalesLogix Mobile is that it synchronizes with SalesLogix in the office. One click, and your data is transferred, either via wireless, dial-up or a network connection on a PC. Also, you can receive updates from headquarters automatically. That means that you're working with real-time data, even when you're out in the field.

With SalesLogix Mobile, you can schedule and track activities, thanks to a drag-and-drop calendar that's really easy to use. If you need to access product and pricing data, it's just a click away. You can even check up on a customer's tickets and service history, resolving any issues that might arise quickly and on the spot.

Sturdy, Flexible Design

SalesLogix Mobile is built on a robust platform to be deployed on popular Pocket PC and/or Blackberry mobile devices. It can perform one-click dialing, and will recognize handwriting to boost your efficiency. Locate client and lead records instantly by searching using any field, like name, address, phone number, company, or any other category of contact information. If you want to change the look and feel of the interface, customization is simple with visual design tools. Also, the software provides you with access to data stored in customized fields within SalesLogix, such as tables, extensions, pick lists and more.

SalesLogix Mobile v4 is a priceless integration into your SalesLogix system. Many users find that it quickly pays for itself through increased sales and efficiencies. Best of all, it will allow you instant access to all of your customer and opportunity information --wherever you are -- transforming any chance meeting into an opportunity to write new business.

Author: Zach S. Hoffman

About Author:

Zachary S. Hoffman Search Engine Operator, Inc. Dental Websites Dental Directory

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How a Coach Can Help Supercharge Your Sales Meeting


Sales meetings offer great opportunities to benchmark performance, as compared to other methods, like plans. A sales meeting helps in additional skill development, updating the team on new products and pumps them up to exceed your next week or month targets.


Sales meetings offer great opportunities to benchmark performance, as compared to other methods, like plans. A sales meeting helps in additional skill development, updating the team on new products and pumps them up to exceed your next week or month targets. A sales meeting can be very productive, provided it starts and concludes in a planned manner. The main purpose of a sales meeting is to get your sales staff ready to sell. But usually sales meetings end up with boring lectures, which eventually leads to mere waste of time. Most salespersons hate meetings as they are often without an agenda.

However, many times, the salespersons are overloaded with information, which also leads to irritation. The key to hold a successful meeting is to make it interesting, positive and result oriented. Business coaches enable employees as well as managers to perform well in a meeting and not merely nod their heads. They teach them the skills to be an active participant and identify their areas for improvement.

A business coach suggests certain ways through which you can supercharge your sales meeting. The points are mentioned as follows:

. Start the meeting with zeal: A business coach always encourages speakers to begin the sales meeting in an interesting manner. It helps to attract and hold the attention of all the participants, till the end. Try to be articulate and present each word with proper tone and pitch. Always be careful with your punctuation, as it is considered to be one of the most distracting factors in a meeting.

. Insist on punctuality: Make sure you begin the meeting right on time and specify punctuality. Nothing can be more disturbing than participants strolling into the meeting hall, while the meeting is in progress. Besides being disruptive for the meeting, it also affects the group discipline and lenient behavior towards such an unprofessional attitude allows them to repeat it more frequently.

. Help recognize the efforts of your sales team: Emphasizing on the importance of recognizing employee effort is a very essential part of business coaching. Business coaches encourage managers or the team leaders to congratulate and thank salespeople for putting in their endeavor in meeting goals on time, closing deals and making money for the company. It reinforces positive behavior in the team and motivates everyone to perform well. A sales meeting need not revolve only around business and can always have some relaxing moments. For instance, you can always share stories on how the company overcame certain difficult business issues in the past. It not only adds to the interest of participants, but also motivates employees to show brilliant performances. You can also suggest certain guidelines to salespersons, to help them prepare for the next meeting in advance.

. Encourage people to share: Try to encourage all the participants to get actively involved in the meeting, by having them present product demonstrations or share sales tips at each meeting. Besides, sharing ideas and information will help close more sales and make profit.

. Explain the objective: Make sure you explain the objective of the meeting and always explain the importance of selling those sales objectives to the target market. You can do it by giving good reasons to the team, regarding how each item placed in the agenda plays a significant role.

Author: Kris Koonar

About Author:

Business Coaching Opportunities are rated as one of the best new business models. To learn more about Business Coach Training please visit

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What is Winning the Game of Business?


When I move ahead toward a business or personal goal I have clarity behind my actions. I understand my real purpose for taking these actions. I am in alignment with what matters most to me. The difference has been monumental.


Steve Kennedy

For years I thought success meant accomplishment in business, making lots of money, and earning prestige and status. And, if I did all of these things, I'd be rewarded by feeling great. I had a beautiful wife, two healthy, wonderful kids. We even had the dog and the white picket fence. All my life, I'd been taught that goals like these, when achieved, guaranteed good feelings. So I believed, worked very hard, and here's what I accomplished:

• A 5-million dollar company with 50 employees,

• Built my own dream house,

• Plenty of money,

• New cars in driveway,

• Elected town official,

• Flourishing retail business in my home town,

• Awards for public service

• Trophies for sports...and even more!

There is one goal missing from that list:

• Happiness

Did all these achievements supply me with happiness, with contentment? Many thought they would. I sure did, but was I wrong!

For two busy decades I pursued the above goals. I was all about attainment. I'd do just about anything if I thought it would help me attain and thus, feel good.

Remember: I had no idea - I was all about achievement - while I was working so hard to achieve.

I was completely missing the real point. I was painting the car and not checking the engine. The outside of the car,my life, looked great: Shiny, clean, impressive to the world. I thought maintaining that was the correct and proper goal. I didn't realize for the vehicle to operate properly, there were complex inner workings to be looked at, understood, and worked on. I had not lifted my own hood and looked inside at the engine within me.

I wasn't happy.

After every milestone was passed, and after that first flush of achievement faded, I noticed it was replaced by an inexplicable feeling of emptiness. I was baffled as to why I wasn't happy. I just didn't know what was missing.

Being an achiever, I set out to fix this situation. It was dawning on me that maybe I needed to lift the hood. So I read every personal development book and watched and/or took every program, seminar and workshop I could find. Still, the reason for my lack of happiness wasn't clear. A feeling of guilt haunted me or, I hounded myself for being ungrateful. I said to myself: Look at what you've got! You should feel happy? You ungrateful man!

This thinking, this self-punishment, only added to my gloom.

I spent the next five years working on what was going on inside my engine. It’s intricate: Inside oneself. I checked old wiring, and found out I was not ‘hard-wired’ to certain behaviors, after all. I examined ‘parts’—old beliefs, old ideas—and saw they needed work, or even replacement. As I moved deeper into the elaborate mechanism of that engine, of my Self, I began to see that I’d launched my life from the wrong premise. When the pistol was fired and the man in the game of life yelled: “Go!" I took off running, like most people, only seeing each goal as a hurdle to be overcome. I also wanted to be out ahead of the pack and often I was. I didn’t see there was an entirely different race being run, further away, not obvious and with few guideposts. Decades back, I hadn’t understood what my goal should have been. I hadn’t known what I really wanted. I just took off running. Few or no questions asked.

The premise I'd been unaware of wasn't what I thought I should want. It wasn't even more accomplishments to bring me more recognition. It also wasn't what would generate the most money…rather, it was:

What would make me happy?

I'd never even thought about that! I hadn't known such an idea could even be a goal.

I'd forgotten, or never understood that I had certain core values that were unique to me. When I wasn't honoring those values I was out of tune with what truly mattered to me, so I lived in conflict all the time. Inside I was being torn apart! Now I suddenly saw the engine under the hood: my first breakthrough! That led me to discover what was missing in my life.

It was: I'd lost touch with who I really was. I found out I had a soul and it was crying out: What am I here for, what do I really want?

I discovered I was a human being, not a human doing.

How do I want to be and to feel? I had no idea!

This was the beginning for me. I saw I needed to be in a very different race to really win in the game of life. I also saw I need help to train for this other way of living life.

I found out about life coaching. I started to work with a coach and for the last 4 years I've had incredible results. I was able to identify my core values; I was able to look at the whole picture of myself not just the one-dimensional character that I had produced, that had blindly run that other race. I saw many of my core beliefs were based on old assumptions that I had never tested for truth.

This helped me identify what really matters most to me. I learned that I'm no longer willing to live out of integrity with those core values. I had to learn how to use my own inner guidance system.

I learned:

What feels good is in alignment with my core values; and what does not is not.

Sounds simple! Simple yes, but not necessarily easy.

I had a powerful struggle learning to override the beliefs I held that blocked my way to real contentment. I also had to struggle to believe that what I really wanted and desired, was possible.

I did the hard work.

Today my life is filled with so much joy, fulfillment, freedom, balance, calmness and connection.

I am happy.

Five years ago if you had asked me: "What's lacking in your life?" I'd never even guessed that joy, fulfillment, freedom, balance, calmness and connection were the things I was missing. That these were what most mattered to me.

Now when I move ahead toward a business or personal goal I have clarity behind my actions. I understand my real purpose for taking these actions. I am in alignment with what matters most to me. The difference has been monumental.

That is truly winning the game: When you learn what matters most to you.

Author: Steve Kennedy

About Author:

Steve Kennedy is a professionally trained and certified co-active coach with a passion for "The Game of Business." With over 25 years' experience in creating, building and managing a dozen successful businesses, Steve's ability to partner with clients and adapt to their culture has been key to his success. Steve understands the challenges people face in the business world. Steve just authored an exciting new book titled, ‘Winning the Game of Business: The Entrepreneur's Quest for Ultimate Success’, due late Spring 2007 To find out more about Steve visit:

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Be a Part of Billion Dollar Business - Chip Designing Made Easy


Want to be a part of a Billion Dollar Business portfolio - Rather want to know about Chip Designing Concepts



The word of Chip designing means building an integrated Chip, by integrating billions of transistors to achieve an application. An Application could be suiting a particular requirement like Microprocessor,Router,cell phone,etc. An Integrated circuit designed for a specific application is called as ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuits).

Todays ASIC Chips is prettly complex packed with larger chunk of transistors targetted to a specific manufacturing process for fabricating the integrated circuits, in a sub nanometer regime, involving lots and lots of challenges, like knowledge of various protocols, architectures, models, formats, standards, knowledge about CMOS logic, Digital Design concepts, taming the EDA tool for the various design requirement's like area, timing, power, thermal, noise, routability, lithography aware, knowledge about Various variabilities like channel length, Vt, line width variations, lens abrreations, IR drop effects,inter-die, intra die-variations, effects, and various noise-effects like Package noise,EMI noise,power grid noise,cross-talk noise and ability to test and validate and know to model and characterize all these effects upfront in the design-phase,steps to increase yield to increase profitability curve, with short span of time-to market to minimize the risk and maximize the predictability and an modular approach to Success. Now let's dwelve in to the "Art of Chip Designing"

Used lot of Technical Jargons, nothing to worry about we will get in there soon...Be with me promise you understand the Concepts behind Chip Desiging.

Before Designing a Chip? Need to Brain Storm

1. What market the Chip is targetted for?
2. What are the Protocols involved in the Chip?
3. What is going to be our Processor/Bus Architecutes?
4. what is the power/IR-drop/timing/Area/Yield/ targets and how to budget it in the Chip?
5. What is the process in which the Chip going to be manufactured?
7. what are the various third party IP's/Memory requirements?
8. what is our Design flow and EDA tools and methodology involved?
9. What is the estimated Chip Cost?
10. Above all the bottom line of any business model is money, What will be our Profit model ,estimation of our ROI(Return of investment).

To know the Concepts of Chip Desiging,FREE Access!!!

Analogy of Chip Design Architecture Vs Building Architecture

Why an Analogy with Building Architecture,It is just to understand the concepts of Chip desiging in a better way, as we are very familiar with Building Architecture, then it will be easy for us to map Chip Design architecture.

VLSI(Very large scale Integration) flow was evolved similar to the flow involved in Building Construction.Now let us dwelve in to the constuction flow to better understand the VLSI Chip design flow development.

When ever we start to construct a building, we will have an architecture, how the building should look like , the exterior looks and all, similar to that we will be designing an architecture in the chip-design, based on the requirement of the product, what the product is addressed for and whom to serve what needs, the so called specification, will having the modules.

Now lets go in to the implementation part of both the Building & Chip.

We at first come with the floorplan of the building, similarly we come with the floorplan of the Chip, Based on the connectivity/accessibility/vaasthu we place our rooms, similarly we have the constraints to place the blocks. Like we build the building with bricks, for Chip Design we have libraries, which are like pre-designed bricks, for a specific functionality.

Now let us try to understand the power-structure or electrical connectivity in our Building. Initially we have an Electrical plan for our building, where we have a requirement that all our electrical gadgets needs to get power. Similar to that we have a Chip power requirement, The required power is supplied through the power-pads, over a ring like topology to have a uniform distribution across all corners of the chip, and the supply has to reach all the standard-cells(bricks for Chip-Designing).,this is called as power-grid topology in the Chip-Design, now the requirement is how well we design our Power-grid, to reduce the IR-drop so that our standard-cells get proper power requirement.

I would not make justice, if I dont discuss about clock and clock-tree in the Chip-Design flow. We have synchronous way of designing and asynchronous way of designing(difficult to verify). Majority of chips follow Synchronous way of coding, for which Static Timing Analysis is possible. For the relevancy of the flops the clock to those flops should reach at the same time from the crystal, with in some skew targets with in the chip.In order to make this happen, a step called as clock-tree is performed after power-grid is created.

Let us try to visualize the concept behind Place & Route in Chip Design. We need to undergo lot of modelling concepts, to understand the process of Chip-Designing. To have a better understanding of this concept of place and route, let us assume a society where people who are speaking different languages are living , and let us visualize that people talking of the same languages are living in a community, then the communication is much easier , similar way in the chip-designing, the standard-cells who are having design relation-ships, are placed closer in the Placement flow this concept is called as regioning. Now with in the regioning, of the groups of the standard-cells, the cells which are really sharing data, has to placed close-by so that there timing is achieved and well optimized.This step is called placement, Connectivity across the standard-cells is called as routing, the challenge is having optimized or reduced wire-lengths.

Now let us try to try to understand the concept behind signal integrity in the Chip-Design , often called us SI Effect. As our process is shrinking day by day, and our silicon-realestate is costly, we try to accommodate more and more standard-cells in the limited area, so the cells are placed in very close proximity, so the switching of one can have an impact over the others behaviour, which can make the path to be faster or slower, this issue is called as signal-integrity. So similar way in our construction in order to maintain the integrity with in the house(neighbour free-zone), within the limited zone of modurality, we try to create fences, across buildings, similarly we can think of a concept called as Shielding, the high frequency signal net with the power-nets running across. We perform spacing across the buildings, similar way we can perform spacing across the nets, which are in close proximities.

In order to validate the silicon from the manufacturability issues, the concept in the Chip Desigining is Design for Test(DFT). One of the DFT techniques is scan-chain. To understand the concept of the scan-chain, we can visualize that we have a front-door entry and a back-door exit, and a person passes from the front-door and exits from the back-door exit of the building, that we are sure that there is no blocking within the rooms in the building, to make that person stuck , similar to this analogy the flip-flops are connected to-gether creating a scan-chain and test-input values are passed from the scan-chain input of the chip and expected data is visualized in the scan-chain output of the chip, then the assumption is the chip is free from manufacturability issues like stuck-at faults(stuck-at one or stuck at zeros).

To know the Concepts of Chip Desiging,FREE Access!!!

Author: Balamurugan Selvaraj

About Author:

Chip Design Veteran

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