Looking for a Work at Home, With a Home Business Idea to Make Money Online?
Are you looking for a way to work at home, with a home business idea to make money online? If so I have a very simple and free technique you can try. It will require sometime and you will not see results overnight but with persistence it can happen.

Are you looking for a way to work at home, with a home business idea to make money online? If so I have a very simple and free technique you can try. It will require sometime and you will not see results overnight but with persistence it can happen. The main thing with this technique is to keep on applying and working the method everyday. At first you may see a small amount of money trickle into your account but many people are making 5,000 to 10,000 a month using this technique.
First you have to find something that you know a lot about. It could be a hobby, or anything else. For example, maybe you know a lot about coaching football, or you may know a lot about raising a family as a single parent. The bottom line is find something you know inside and out. Next, make sure their is a market for it. In most cases their will be a market for what you know. If you are not sure if there is a market for your knowledge, start doing some research. After you have finished your research, you need to come up with a list of specific keywords your target market uses. Do not use general keywords, they will not help out much. For example, if I knew a lot about coaching high school football, I would need to think of keywords that people searching for high school football would use. Once you have your list make sure you save it.
Next you need to set up a blog account for yourself. Go to Blogger.com and setup your account. Next look for a button which says Google Adsense, click it and follow the directions. Google Adsense will display ads on your blog, when a visitor clicks on the ads you will receive a small commission. This how you will make money, many people are earning huge incomes from this. Once you have setup your blog, it is time to post your knowledge. I'd say every other day you should post how to tips regarding your subject of choice. Be sure you add some of your keywords from your list. This is a great work at home, home business idea to make money online but we are not done.
We now need to get traffic to your blog so you can make money. First you need to submit your blog to the search engines and to the blog search engines. You can go to ineedhits.com to have your blog submitted to the search engines and feedshot.com to have your blog submitted to the blog search engines. Their services are very good and very affordable. Next you must update the search engines every time you add a new post to your blog. In order to update the search engines go to pingomatic.com and submit your blogs information and then update. Be sure to update your blog each time you post.
Ok the last step is to find other related blogs and forums post relevant comments with your signature file in the post.
This is not a get rich over night technique but if you work your blog consistently you will slowly begin to see the results. Remember your persistence will payoff if you apply yourself. This a great work at home, home business idea to make money online.
Author: Eric Fields
About Author:
Looking For A Work At Home, With A Home Business Idea To Make Money Online? was written by Eric Fields. If you are looking for more ways to get traffic to your blog go to http://www.zipbz.com
Copyright 2007 Eric Fields
This article may be reprinted provided no part thereof is edited in any way and this resource box is included.
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