Your Job Search Competitors . . . This Could Get Ugly!
You better have a strategy or two to deal with job search competitors at the risk of losing out to them without even knowing it.
OK. We live in a highly competitive society. But when it comes to job search competitors things can get downright nasty.
Unfortunately, we don't recognize the problem because we're rarely required to meet face-to-face with the person who's in competition for the job we're dying to have. Your prospective employer is not going to hand you a list of candidates you have to beat out for the job.
As a result we get complacent. Out of sight, out of mind, we think. So we're not prepared sharply enough to do battle with our job search competitors. But, believe me, they're there. And you better have a strategy or two to deal with job search competitors at the risk of losing out to them without even knowing it.
Most of us think of competition in terms of a traditional job search. That's the kind most of us have been brought up to think is the way to find a job. You know . . . prepare a resume, mass distribute it to advertised job openings, a bunch of companies, a few job sites, some agencies and recruiters. And then wait for an invitation for an interview.
If we're operating in that kind of traditional mindset, then our job search competitors are paper tigers. In other words, we think whoever has the best resume beats the competition.
That couldn't be further from the truth. Those of us who work everyday with the dynamics of the 21st Century job marketplace know that traditional, old-fashioned job search methods don't eliminate job search competitors, it produces them!
When you post your resume on a job site like Monster or Hot Jobs . . . when you answer a job opening ad or distribute your resume to a bunch of organizations or agencies . . . you're creating your competition. You're putting yourself right in the middle of everyone else who's going after that job. It could be hundreds, even thousands. You've just dramatically reduced your odds of even getting a hearing, much less a job.
The World's Fastest Alternative Job Search System points out that only way to eliminate your job search competitors is to establish a unique one-on -one relationship with a prospective employer. And do it without coming on, hand in hand, looking for a job.
Fortunately, this remarkable plan shows you exactly how to do establish that kind of non-competitive relationship. And it shows you how to do it in a matter of days. In fact, if you follow the plan carefully, you can be entertaining a job offer in as little as two weeks.
Sure takes the sting out of job search competitors!
Author: Paul Megan
About Author:
Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info! http://www.fastest-job-search.comRandom related phrase:
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