How to Create Your own Niche
A niche is something that sets your business apart from your competitors.
A niche is something that sets your business apart from your competitors. A Specialized Market is needed to compete with other businesses. You need a unique niche. Just make sure your competitors are not using the same one. Following are some ideas you can use to create that unique specialized niche.
Your niche could be that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but you will gain the extra customers. You could offer a lower price to establish your Niche. Offer a discount sale if you can't afford to lower the price. It could be that your product achieves results faster. This niche is very effective because people are becoming more and more impatient and want results fast. Your credibility could be your niche. Some people think if you have been in business for a long period of time, you have more credibility.
Some of your five senses could open a niche market for you. Your product tastes, smells, sounds, looks, or feels better than the competition. When you target the senses, you're triggering basic human reactions. Your product could be light and compact. People may want to take the product on a trip. They may have little space, so they need a compact item. Your special niche could be that you've won a business reward. When you win a reward, tell your customers or visitors about it. This increases their trust in your business.
The longevity of the product could be used as a niche for your product. People don't like taking the time and spending more money buying replacement products all the time. Your niche could be that your product is easy to use. People don't want to buy a product that they have to read a 20 page, hard to understand, instruction manual. Better safety features could be used as a niche. Your customers want to feel safe when they use your product. Made by hand, home grown and home baked could be important niches. Most people believe that products made by hand, or made at home, have better quality.
Your niche could be that you stand behind all your products. People want to know that you back-up any claims you make about your product. This could be in the form of a guaranty, warranty or free replacements.
Another way is to think like your target audience. Put yourself in their shoes think like them. Give them polls and surveys to find out what they are thinking. Then capitalize on your finding and develop a niche that none of your competitors have found. Use your brainpower, ask yourself questions like; how can I set myself apart from my competition? What could I offer that my competition can't?
Now that you have your niche, that's just half the battle, you must test it. Does your niche appeal to your target audience? Will it attract people away from your competition? If it does, you're done, until your competition comes up with a better niche. If your niche doesn't, then repeat the process above and test until it works. If you want to eliminate your competition and be successful you will use this process several times.
These are but a few ways that can set you apart from your competitors in finding and maintaining your niche. Always keep an eye open for new niches that will set your business apart.
Author: Jerry Hilbert
About Author:
Jerry Hilbert, Roseville, CA USA. Jerry is CEO of Internet-Peso, operating out of Roseville, California. Our Web Site offers Home Business solutions for those looking for Ideas and Opportunities. Jerry also operates an Adsense DirectoryRandom related phrase:
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