High Achievers Most Guarded Secret
Successful investment advisors surround themselves with best of everything, including but limited to: the best people, the best training, the best strategies, the best tactics, the best resources and the best opportunities. The reason why? Success people don't want to sit around and try to re-create the wheel. They realize that someone else has already spent hundreds of hours and literally thousands of dollars doing all the grunt work to be successful.
High Achievers Most Guarded Secret
Finally Revealed-
Do you know any high achievers, if you do, you know they surround themselves with exceptional resources.
Successful investment advisors surround themselves with best of everything, including but limited to: the best people, the best training, the best strategies, the best tactics, the best resources and the best opportunities.
The reason why? Success people don't want to sit around and try to re-create the wheel. They realize that someone else has already spent hundreds of hours and literally thousands of dollars doing all the grunt work to be successful.
High Achievers want to do everything faster, cheaper, and smarter then their competitors every chance they get. They do not want to waste time or money spinning their wheels trying to find out what work and what doesn't.
You always will hear people say, if I knew then, what I know now I could have been earning $20, $30, or $50,000 month 10 to 15 years ago. High Achievers does not have that problem. They seek, discover, and attach themselves to resources that will help them achieve their vision.
Of course you have to have a vision or goal is mind to begin with and most successful people do, no matter if they are an executives, entrepreneurs, or professional athlete. As an investment advisor your goal can be anything, because you control your destiny. If you don't have a goal let me set one for you. From this point on your goal is to earn $50,000 a month. This is only the beginning. So now what do you have to do to earn $50,000 a month and what resources will you need?
The resources can be something as little as additional training or something more profound, like masterminding with like minded advisors who are already traveling down the yellow brick road to riches.
Masterminding is a supplement to additional training not a replacement. This is not a one or the other situation.
Masterminds are great because it allow people like you, who want to be high achievers to gain real world hands-on experience and knowledge from people have already done what you are trying to achieve. If a group of like minded advisors who are ready earning $20, $30, or $50,000 month can teach you exact what they are doing, so you don't have to waste hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars trying to figure it out how to get on the fast track. Would you want to talk and collaborate with them? Of course you would. That's a mastermind.
The term Masterminds was created and made famous in Napoleon Hill book Think and Grow Rich which was create from a series of books and report called the Laws of Success. Napoleon work was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, the steel industrialist in 1907.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon defined Masterminds as: "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the sprit of harmony." He also said, "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be liken to a third mind."
Napoleon Hill discovered and documented the fact that all of the 504 successful people he interviewed had a mastermind supporting/surrounding them. It was very consistent. Some were very open about it, while some protected their mastermind from view from the outside. But all used the principle massively and purposely.
Other people have defined masterminds as the process of bringing together multiple perspectives, maturity, experience, and wisdom from fields of accomplishments. To come together, to collaborate, to focus, to combine laser like precise attention on you, your business and improving it's performance, profitability, and impact.
For years high achievers has kept a deep dark secret. The secret is the leveraging of intellectual "know how," by tapping into the minds, methods, the experience, the maturities, and the mindsets of different successful people within and outside your business environment, your communities, your industry, and your field.
You want to deliberately and continually surround yourself with people who can lend to you the benefit of all the experiences...all the pitfalls... all the opportunities...all the years and year of experimentation...all the investment of time of human capital, of intellectual capital, of financial capital...they have already made ahead of you. And allow them to give you perspective, ideas, recommendations, and constructive suggestions and advice.
I absolutely encourage everyone in any business to join a mastermind or mentor group of their profession. Why would you want to take all of the extra time, all the extra expense, all the extra heartache doing it either ineffectually or doing it totally wrong when there are people eager to collaboratively help guide, counsel, adjust you before you make a commitment to do it right?
You will be able to model other people success immediately
You will be guided by a group of mentors which have "been there, done that"
You will be exposed to a wide source and variety of ideas which you would not normally be exposed to.
You will drastically cut the time it takes an idea, strategy, or tactic from a thought to implementation.
Less trial and error. Streamline problem solving with group of like-mind individuals.
You have people who can empathize with your situation and offer suggestions which are very specific and appropriate.
Encouragement, motivation and accountability to your goals
Access to people, resources, and library of information
Network of support in a non-judgmental community
Research show that the reason why most people don't reach their goals is not due to the lack of ambition, motivation or knowledge. According to research:
37% is due to lack of information or know how to apply what they know.
29% is due to lack of resources or access to the tools, systems, and people that make the difference.
Did you know that Thomas Edison (inventor), Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone mogul), Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motor Co.), and Harvey Firestone (Founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.) were all members of a Mastermind Group? This group of leaders knew something many of us did not. They knew they couldn't create in a bubble, and therefore relied on each other for priceless feedback, ideas, accountability. This group of leaders met several times a year and named themselves the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers also controlled much of the industries in our county for many years.
In 1727, Benjamin Franklin convinced 12 of his to friends to form a club dedicated to mutual improvement. The club would meet every Friday to discuss the topics of the day. The club later named their meeting Junto, which is defined as a private forum for discussion and a stealth instrument for leading public opinion. One of the functions of the group was to brainstorm publicly beneficial ideas. Another function of Junto was to bring together ingenious acquaintance into a club of mutual improvements. Junto lasted for 40 years and eventually became the heart of the American Philosophical Society.
People who have done the impossible have all had masterminds. Jesus personally selected 12 men and told them to follow him. The world was never the same.
Orville and Wilbur Wright were told they could never build make a flying transporter. Not all did they build the first airplane, but also created a billion dollar industry that never existed prior to their first flight.
Andrew Carnegie aggregated a team around him and built the world's biggest steel manufacturing company.
Other Notable Masterminds
Declaration of Independence
12 Members of a Jury
Other Notable people interviewed by Napoleon Hill for The Laws of Success:
Theodore Roosevelt- President of United States
Charles M. Schwab- President of United States Steel Corp.
John D. Rockefeller- Founder of Standard Oil Companies
F.W. Woolworth- Founder of F.W. Woolworth Co.
Woodrow Wilson- President of United States
Wm. Wrigley Jr.- Founder of Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.
Julius Rosenwald- Chairman of Board, Sears, Roebuck Co.
The hardest and most important part of any task in getting started in the first place. So here are some baby steps to get you started.
1.Find a Mastermind with that supports the goals you want achieve and hold you accountable.
2.The Mastermind should be composed of many different people with their corresponding perspectives, voices and opinions. This is absolutely vital.
3.Find a Mastermind that requires their clients to conform to basic rules of civilized behavior.
a.No arguing, negativity, value-judging or interrupting.
b.All member are required to attend and participate
c.The members should have mutual respect each other
Good luck and much success to those who take action!
About Xspology.com Inc.
Xspology.com is an executive coaching firm located in Atlanta, Georgia whose service specializes in creating optimization processes and marketing strategies for financial and investment advisors. Advisors can download 10 sample strategic marketing and optimization reports at Xspology.com.
For further information contact:
Bobby Ellis, President and CEO,
Phone: (404) 964-2927
Author: Xspology.com
About Author:
Bobby Ellis is the founder of Xspology.com an executive coaching firm focused on helping business owners advance their: strategic marketing, process optimization, systemization, and client relations.
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