Friday, March 14, 2008

Business objects report

Big News! Your Employer Is Very Anxious To Keep You Happy!


Rapid staff turnover is expected to escalate. That means that just when your employer is devoting more time to finding new talent, they have to find ways to encourage current employees to stay.


Your employer is learning the hard way!

Here's a job change alert that can make a big difference to you and your employer. More and more organizations are acknowledging that they better find ways to keep you happy!


Well, experienced and talented workers are entertaining offers from someone else. So, your employer (like most others) is probably scrambling to find ways to retain valuable employees before the exodus.

And things aren't getting any easier for employers. Here's what your employer has found. A recent Harris and Associates survey shows that more than 50 percent of workers expect to change jobs within the next five years!

Furthermore, rapid staff turnover is expected to escalate. That means that just when companies are devoting more time to finding new talent, they have to find ways to encourage current employees to stay.

Managers can no longer afford to take for granted the steady, productive employee who is a good, if unrecognized quality performer. Sadly, employees report, they have been provided very little by way of mentoring or appreciation. So, managers are contributing, often unwittingly, to the turnover.

The good news is that, if you are considering a job or career change you can make this dynamic work in your favor in two ways:

1. If 50% of your fellow employees are contemplating a job or career change in the next five years, so are 50% in other organizations. This spells opportunity for you.

2. You have added leverage to upgrade your job status both within your own organization as well as in a prospective new work environment.

The secret to using these changes effectively is to always know what your options are.

So, you want to stay on top of the ever-changing job marketplace. Don't miss out on critical career news and innovative job change alerts. Stay informed! These days it's so easy to have immediate access to current trends and strategies. The internet is you best friend. And knowledge is power.

Remember, your current job and future career advancement provides the fuel that drives your lifestyle. If you don't believe that, check out the sometimes catastrophic impact of losing your job. It pays to be well-informed about the current job marketplace . . . and your status within your own organization.

That means you can have a leg up on your employer and take advantage of their need to retain valuable employees. Look, you want to nurture your job status and career growth like you would an investment. The escalation of staff turnover is another workforce dynamic that can work for you!


About Author:

Paul Bowley manages EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and innovative e-business strategies . . . since 1985. Check out THE WORLD'S FASTEST JOB SEARCH PLAN! And grab our stunning FREE REPORT!

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