Unearth Your Right Livelihood: Ten Laws for Finding Work that You Love
Learn how your life can dramatically improve when you discover a career path that matches your abilities and deepest inner motivations.
Who doesn't want to wake up in the morning looking forward to their job with a positive outlook, knowing that coming back the next day is something they optimistically anticipate? However, this is not the reality for most of us. Most of us dread going to work and dread even more going back the next day. Why is this? We spend fully one third of our lives at work. Shouldn't we put more effort into finding a career path that we can enjoy, feel challenged by, and allows us to grow?
Each of us is an individual blend of unique gifts, talents, and passions. Combined together, the expression of this unique blend should offer us a career path that is perfect for our individuality. However, it isn't always easy to understand how our skills combine, nor is it easy to identify job descriptions that embody our skills. This can take a lot of work to determine how to channel our skills into an optimal career direction. Thus, we end up working in careers that our parents picked for us—or that we stumbled into—rather than what we may have chosen for ourselves through conscious intention and self-awareness.
Finding our right livelihood is a matter of pairing our interests with skills we have acquired while doing something we have a passion for in a way that generates us income. Our work should first and foremost be viewed as a vehicle of self-expression; something we do to express our individuality and not something we do just to derive an income. Wouldn't it be wonderful to look forward to going to work, knowing that each and every day for the rest of our life our work allowed us to thrive? By combining our vocation with our values and interests we just may find our right livelihood!
To assist in discovering one's right livelihood the following ten points are guidelines to provoke inspiration and offer a sort of check and balance for analyzing where a person's current career path may align with their skills and innate abilities.
The Ten Laws for a Happy Career
1. The innate purpose of work is self-expression and the more of yourself that you can express the happier you will be with your career.
2. The ideal work is found where your interests intersect with your skills and talents.
3. Work should be an expression of your values and beliefs.
4. Your ideal work is not an employment decision but a lifelong calling that you pursue because you are drawn to it like a magnet.
5. Your work should be a form of service for the greater good of humankind. Somehow it should improve the lives of your fellow citizens on this planet.
6. The more your career is in line with your purpose, the higher will be your level of satisfaction.
7. The key to finding your ideal career is remembering and understanding what you were first drawn to in life.
8. Finding your special path in life requires that you believe that there is one.
9. When you make the decision to pursue your purpose in life, you will find that the universe helps you along the way.
10. If you find passion is lacking in your life, then it may be because you are not actualizing your purpose in life. When you are pursuing your purpose, you will find passion in life.
Take some time and ponder the ten points. You may even want to take some time and journal on each and ask how they fit with your current employment. Perhaps you'll feel inspired, or maybe you will determine that you may benefit from some soul searching. If the latter is the case, you might consider taking some self-awareness courses to help you identify your passions and interests. There are many excellent career resources—like books, tapes, and seminars—that can assist in guiding you through processes that are designed to unearth your right livelihood, and deep inner calling.
Author: Lisa Rae Sway
About Author:
Lisa Rae Sway finds writing thrilling, just like driving in her red Miata with the top down on a sunny day. She loves to share what she learns, convey heartfelt messages, and offer insight and advice on a variety of topics. She doesn't claim to know everything, but has a bodacious desire to learn and make the world a better place. What's a life coach for personal development?Random related phrase:
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