8 Tips of Persistence That Will Increase Your MLM Staying Power
As a professional network marketer, you are in a business that can be challenging at times. If you know the statistics, many would be network marketers quit after numerous failures. Only some are able to carry on despite all opposition and challenges until they obtain success. Here is why.
As a professional network marketer, you are in a business that can be challenging at times. If you know the statistics, many would be network marketers quit after numerous failures. Only some are able to carry on despite all opposition and challenges until they obtain success.
If you are in a mlm company that has all the supports in place for you to be successful, but you have still been contemplating giving up, know that one of the major causes of failure is lack of persistence. If you want to achieve in your home business, you must arm yourself with a mindset of persistence no matter the obstacles you face.
Here are 8 tips from Napoleon Hill's classic, "Think and Grow Rich" that you can use to train yourself to be persistent.
1. Have a definite purpose. The first step and the most important is to know what you want. A powerful motive or "why" is the driving force in maintaining persistence to help you overcome difficulties.
2. Maintain your desire. Make sure you have a specific object or desire that will help you maintain your mindset of persistence.
3. Be self-reliant. Believe in your ability to carry out your plan. This will increase your persistence thermometer!
4. Have definite plans. You need to have organized plans to encourage persistence. It doesn't matter if they aren't that good to start with. Just make sure you have plans.
5. Have an accurate knowledge base. It helps if you know your goals and plans aren't based on guesswork, crazy theories, and the like. You must have knowledge based on experience and observation to encourage persistence.
6. Be cooperative. A mindset of sympathy, understanding, and having a cooperative attitude towards others helps you to develop persistence.
7. Amp up that will power. If you make the habit of concentrating your thoughts upon plan building so you can achieve your definite purpose, your persistence level will continue to increase.
8. Be a creature of habit. Persistence does not come automatically. It is the result of habit. Your mind absorbs your daily experiences. So, focus on never letting your persistent mindset go no matter the ups and downs you go through in life as well as in your network marketing business.
Hill says you develop persistence by doing the following four steps. Anyone can do these steps and it does not require any huge effort on your part.
1. Always have a definite purpose backed by a blazing desire to achieve your goals and dreams.
2. Always have a definite plan that you consistently act upon.
3. Have a mindset that stays closed to any type of negativity and discouraging influences. This can
include negative statements and suggestion by your colleagues, friends, relatives, etc.
4. Make sure you have a friendly alliance with at least one person who consistently encourages you to act on your plan and purpose.
If you have been thinking of leaving your network marketing home business due to discouragement, take heart at Napoleon Hill's words. They don't require you to spend money, or a huge effort on your part. Develop a habit of persistence and you will never have to worry about falling into the ever-swelling ranks of the quitters.
Author: Monique Hawkins
About Author:
Monique Hawkins is a retail representative for a network marketing company. She believes all can be successful in network marketing with the right skills and mentoring. To discover how to end years of failure and frustration with MLM, visit mentormonique.googlepages.com/bementoredforlife
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