3 Secrets to Successful Prospecting©
Prospecting is really simple once you get a system. Prospecting is seldom taught, but always required. It is also the least used selling skill, but one of the most important since prospecting is the only skill that will get you into a situation where you can use all your other selling skills. Here is how to do it.

For the commercial/industrial field sales professional Prospecting is one of the most important activities we can do.
However, most of us hate to Prospect and will avoid it at every opportunity.
My goal is to teach a simple but effective Prospecting skill and at the same time create an attitude and habit for Prospecting that will carry you through out your sales career.
Here are the secrets;
First, Prospecting is seldom taught, but always required. So, find yourself a Prospecting System with which you are comfortable, learn it and use it. Prepare.
Second. Prospecting is not a complex skill, but it is a critical skill. Just like any skill it can and must be learned. But once you learn it you will have to use it or your “Prospecting muscles will atrophy.” And you won’t have the skill any more. Just like golf, tennis, or bowling, if you don’t practice, you won’t be any good. So Practice your Prospecting regularly.
Third, in commercial/industrial sales Prospects buy after the 3rd call. We all know this since it is talked about all the time. So the first call – the Prospecting call – is simply an introductory event. Yet, statistics also tell us that most sales people give up after the 2nd call if the Prospect doesn’t buy. So Persist
It seems so ironic to me that companies spend thousands of dollars on Selling Skills Training, but virtually nothing on Prospecting Skills Training. Yet Prospecting is the one skill that will get you into a position where you can use your Selling Skills!
In conclusion, the secrets to successful prospecting through out your career are simply Prepare, Practice, and Persist.
Sell Well and Often,
Bill Truax
© copyright 2007 WJ Truax
® BLITZ CALL is a registered trademark of WJ Truax
Author: William Truax
About Author:
Bill developed The BLITZ CALL® System for Prospecting and sells The Prospecting Kit for self learning, conducts seminars, workshops, and train-the-trainer programs. He has made over 10,000 Blitz Calls himself working in the field with sales professionals as a training consultant. All information is available at www.BlitzCall.com
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