Compromise - From Marriage to the Workplace
Compromise your way to success with advice from by Kirsty Dunphey one of Australia's most prominent young achievers and public speakers.

As a newlywed I've been asked so many questions lately relating to the wedding. I was asked a rather interesting and unique one recently though and it was "What is true love, how do you know when it's right?"
Not professing to be an expert on the topic I could only answer from the heart and say what came to mind... that was: "True love is that my husband gave me, for my wedding present, the box set of Sex and the City DVDs even though he despises the show." Perhaps if you asked him what true love was he may tell you that it's the fact that I only watch them when he's out of the house so as not to torment him!
It's a silly answer of course, but it does go towards shining some light on what I think makes most relationships work - whether they be personal, business or otherwise and that is compromise.
In real estate so many people think the deciding factor in selling or buying a property is what price you want to offer. In many cases however, extending or bringing forward settlement, including a fridge, repainting a fence may be what gets the deal across the line - but only if the agent is a skilled compromiser which means they're a skilled negotiator who can find the win-win for both clients.
As an employer I've had many discussions with people regarding pay structure, when I was an employee however if I wanted a pay rise I went to my boss with a well thought out plan. The plan showed him how a) he could save money by paying me more or b) how I could make the company more money to compensate for my pay rise. I searched for the win-win - I sold my position and I rarely walked out without the result I was after because I could show my boss how it benefited him.
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
Michael Jordan
How can you use compromise more to your advantage in day to day life? With your kids, if you know that next week you're not going to spend a lot of time at home because of work can you let them know in advance and make the compromise with them that if they can deal with that ok that you'll all go out to dinner - their choice of restaurant on Saturday night. Just a suggestion - I hope you have fun finding your own!
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Author: Kirsty Dunphey
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Kirsty Dunphey has first and foremost always been entrepreneurial. From her start at an early age working in her parents small businesses or opening her first business at 15 – she’s had the bug her whole life.
Starting two small businesses at the age of 15 and her own real estate agency at 21 Kirsty has been described as "Little bit Aussie Battler, Little bit Sassy Entrepreneur."
From there, Kirsty grew her real estate business to a network of 6 offices within 5 and a half years operating around her State with a team of over 50 people and a swag of awards to her name.
The author of Advance to Go, Collect $1 Million and one of Australia's favourite public speakers Kirsty shows that anything is possible - after all she went from a family with two bankrupt parents and herself being broke at 19, to being a self made millionaire at 23 and a multi millionaire at 25 through her businesses and real estate investments.
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