The Importance of Tracking for MLM Marketing Success
People who want to make a 6 figure income in the best MLM Marketing business opportunities will require to measure progress. What you can't measure, you can never know your progress. How else are you going to know when you have hit your desired outcomes? Points I cover in this article: * What exactly is tracking? * What can you measure within your MLM Marketing home biz opportunity? * How to effectively track in your MLM Marketing home biz opportunity

People who want to make a 6 figure income in the best MLM Network Marketing business opportunities will require to measure progress. What you can't measure, you can never know your progress. How else are you going to know when you have hit your desired outcomes?
You will learn in this article:
* What exactly is tracking?
* What can you measure within your MLM Network Marketing business opportunity?
* How to effectively track in your MLM Network Marketing business opportunity
::: What exactly is tracking? :::
Tracking is:
- Control mechanism
- Recording of an event
- Monitoring a process or the results of an action
As we can see there are many ways to define what tracking is and it all boils down to having a system in place to measure something for the purpose of improving on it. If you do not measure something then you can never know how you are performing on it.
Imagine a football game, basket ball game or any other sport without anyone keeping track of the scores! The game would be in total mayhem. No one would know who won and worst of all how would we know when the game has finished?
This goes same in your MLM Network Marketing business. If you don't keep track of the time and what you are doing during that period - how would you know how productive you are? You may have been sitting down and wasting time, but because you have not measured what you have been doing, then you won't know that you have been wasting time.
When you measure, you give yourself the ability to set a benchmark and be able to constantly improve on that to achieve success within your MLM Network Marketing business.
::: What can we measure within our MLM Network Marketing business? :::
There are many things we can measure in our MLM Network Marketing business, some of the things we can measure are:
- How we use our time (tracking time)
- Amount of prospects we have shown our business to in a week
- How productive we have been on a scale of 0-10
- Amount of income during a period of time
- What have we done today that is bringing our goals closer?
- What we learned today?
::: Performing tracking within your MLM Network Marketing business :::
To do lists are great, however in this millennium a new way of doing things is necessary. To be able to achieve success a to do list is a waste of time. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with a to do list. Take a look at what steps which you can take today that will bring your goal closer to you. Then choose 3 to 5 things you can do today.
Get a countdown timer or stop watch and measure your time and what you have done with that time every 30 minutes and keep a log. You may think that this is going to take a lot of your time, but what will actually happen is that you will gain much more time as you are racing with the clock. Remember the clock keeps ticking whether you are aware of it or not. Your time is the best thing you can measure. Money can be replaced, your time never can.
Go for it,
Kozan Huseyin ~ Multilevel Marketing opportunity Expert, Internet Marketer, Life Coach, Author.
Author: Kozsun Huseyin
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