The Unique Selling Proposition – What is It?
In order to successfully market itself, a business needs to focus on what is special, different or unique about it. This is best done by expressing the uniqueness in a short single statement.

I. A Unique Selling Proposition focuses
In developing a USP a business owner is forced to carefully look at his business to see those things which differentiate the business from another one. If you cannot concisely describe what is unique about your business, it brings in to doubt its potential success. It also focuses your staff on delivering what the USP promises to customers.
II. A Unique Selling Proposition identifies
It identifies to your customers and potential customers what is so different about your product or service that is different from your competitors. It answers the question, “Why should I do business with you instead of your competitors?”
III. How to construct a USP
There are a number of questions to ask about your business to help construct a USP:
In looking at your business, what is so unique that differentiates it from your direct competitors? List these and decide which to concentrate on.
Which of these items provide the most benefits (not features) to your customers?
Which are not able to be copied by your competitors easily or at all?
How easily can these be communicated and understood by your customers or potential customers?
IV. How to use your USP
The usual ways of communicating your USP are promotion programs such as direct mailing, media advertising, on packaging and through sales or agency staff.
V. How successful is it
The simplest test of your USP is how well known it becomes and how well it sells for you! If you are carrying out customer surveys or questionnaires, this item can be covered.
Author: Bob Pearce
About Author:
Following a career as a Naval Engineer Officer and many successful years in Senior Management positions, and in Small Business mentoring, Bob has chosen to use the benefit of that experience to help business Owners and Managers create successful businesses. His website contains a lot of free advisory information, and his eBook on Strategic Planning is a simple, easy to follow approach to set the pathway for a successful business.
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