Who is the Fourpoint Group
Understanding who we are, what we do and why we do it.

I have had this question raised multiple times and found it important for people to realize who it is I represent as a Fourpoint group member and a business/wellness consultant.
The Fourpoint group is composed of a team of professionals (Lawyers, Doctors, parents, Teachers, retirees..etc ) from all parts of the world who all share the common goal of offering others real solutions to reach their goals.
They help people realize that in this day and era becoming an entrepreneur from home is indeed a possibility and a reality many have achieved. they " improve the lives of those we touch by helping them achieve their goals."
The actual name (Fourpoint group) is used to refer to the four points of wellness the Fourpoint group aims to help people achieve which include; physical wellness, financial wellness, environmental wellness & personal wellness. Their headquarters lie in the United States of America in the state of Idaho.
The company itself has won many awards over the years and some of those include:
-Inc 500 Hall of Fame
-Healthy Workplace Award
-IACI Environmental Excellence Award - in 2003
-Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded - Ernst & Young
and CNN awarded our President and CEO Frank
VanderSloot the Entrepreneur of the Year Award
for the Northwestern United States in 2001.
-Blue Chip Enterprise Award - In 1991,Idaho
-Business Leader of the Year
-Distinguished Community Service Award - given by
Boy Scouts of America in 1998.
-Service to community award - presented by the
Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce in 1997.
-Inc. 500 List of Fastest Growing Businesses
The Company was Etsablished in 1985 and has been on a steady rising curve of success that is estimated to double over the next 5 years. They have been able to continue on this curve even in times of national economical struggle.
All people involved with the Fourpoint group know that this is a company and business they can be proud of & one many people want to become a part of. The Fourpoint does not promise false dreams and they do not promise riches over night. For we all know that working hard is essential and by the simple laws of nature, including those of return on investment, you need to put in work , effort and some sacrifice ,to reap what you invest in multiples.
The Fourpoint group offers no Hype, no gimmicks, & they have zero inventory and zero distribution of products. This is a hands off ethical business that needs nothing but your full attention. Still, you are able to put as much or as little time into it as you see fit, you are given the freedom to govern your life.
We all know that in the past Century there has been a rise in many physical and mental ailments that only a few of us have been able to escape from. Asthma, depression, ADD, ADHD, allergies, cancer, autoimmune disorders, these are a few of many medical problems that have replicated over the years and have spidered into most of our lives.
The Fourpoint group is a health and wellness business that educates people about many of the causative factors medical research has linked to these and other conditions and through Them you discover alternative ways to better your and your familys physical health, the environment that you live in, your financial income and your personal life.
Author: Iman Ashour
About Author:
30 year old female physician living in Halifax, Canada. As a health care professional who chose to work from home and as a member of the Fourpoint Group, she is dedicated to helping others establish a healthy, successful and vialble home business.
Dr Iman Ashour
Learn to live well
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