Do You Have A Customer Appreciation Plan?
If you haven't gone out of your way to tell your customer how much you appreciate them, what makes you think they will go out of their way to tell you, and others, how much they appreciate you?
Think about the many products and services that you purchased during the past twenty or thirty days. Of all of the companies that you did business with, exactly how many told you in one way or another how very much they appreciated your patronage? One? Three? Five? Ten? More often than not, I am afraid that the answer will be none!
The next time you are standing in the check-out line of your favorite store with several people in front of you, count how many times the customers actually thank the employees for the products that they just bought. Do you realize that customers do that? Isn't that backwards? The employee should be the one thanking the customer for his or her business.
Many times companies do not make it clear to their employees how very important each and every customer is to the business. Not only that, training is not given in regard to employee-customer relationships. Therefore, many employees lack the necessary skills that are needed to express their appreciation to the customer.
Many companies do not give much attention to customer appreciation. They can ill afford this if they want their business to grow. Not many years ago business was great so the emphasis on customer appreciation was not needed. Times have indeed changed! Now consumers are spending less money. It only seems right that in today's society customer appreciation should be a top priority. Here are a few tips to get you headed in the right direction:
Each member of your staff should understand the true worth of the customer. What is the customer worth in monetary terms? If your employees understand that customers mean more money, then they will readily express their appreciation. Most people understand that it takes more money to find a new customer than it does to hold on to an existing one. Your employees should be educated about the dollar value to the existing customers but also in trying to find new customers.
Outline in writing your expectations of what you want to happen with customer interactions. What exactly do your employees have to do in order to achieve a level of appreciation with each customer that meets your satisfaction? An example of a proactive expression of customer appreciation could be a simple and pleasant "hello". No matter how you conduct your business, that is, face-to-face, over the telephone or by way of the Internet, each customer should feel valued by your company. If you are not striving for consistent customer appreciation, you could lose a valuable customer!
Since showing appreciation is a skill that is learned, you should empower your employees with the necessary skills to do the job. Not only do these skills need to be taught, but they need to be reinforced many times before it becomes a habit. It would be a good idea to hire a mystery shopping company in order to check for the skills of customer appreciation. A recognition program should be set up to reward those employees who meet the company's expectations. This is a small price to pay in order to ensure that you have loyal customers!
It would be wise to create a customer appreciation plan. Just as you have a business plan to keep your business headed in the proper direction, so you should also have a marketing plan to help increase sales as well as attract new customers. It would be a good idea to have a customer appreciation plan in place in order to reward the loyal customers who do business with you. This plan should be designed to recognize and reward loyal customers. Put a frequent buyer program in place and hold customer appreciation events. Remember that customer appreciation is not just a one-time thing. Showing your customers how much you care will ensure their loyalty to your business.
Another good idea is to appoint a customer appreciation ambassador. Choose an employee who really cares about people, one who understands the true value of a customer and who comes across with an attitude that is helpful and caring toward your clients. They should understand that appreciation shown toward customers is a priority.
All of us like to be appreciated. If you want to have a loyal customer base, then it is of the utmost importance to show appreciation to your customers. The life blood of your business is getting customers and holding on to them. Make sure you do not lose another single customer because the customer thinks you do not care. Tell them each day that they are cared about and appreciated. They just may keep coming back to do business with you!
Author: Ken Harrington
About Author:
Ken Harrington is an expert in the field of Referral Marketing. He helps businesses grow beyond what they previously thought was possible. And all for a fraction of the cost of their current marketing strategies. Visit FirstUp Marketing to find out more.
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