A Guide on Putting the Right Price Tag on Garage Sale Items
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In a garage sale, there are only two things a buyer considers when purchasing an item. And that’s first, the usability of the item and second, the reasonability in pricing. Pricing is very important in any sale, be it in a garage sale or otherwise.
And in pricing your items, you only have to answer only one question: Is the price worth it? Answering this question would lead you to properly pricing your items. Here are some tips:
1. Consider its functionality. Is the item in a 100% working condition? Is every part of it intact? Try to answer these questions as honestly as possible. If the item is still fresh, never been repaired, then you can price it a little higher than usual.
2. Consider its age. How long have you had that item? Was it always used or seldom used? Does it still look new despite its age? If your answer is yes to all of these, then you can sell the item at half-price or higher, with reference to its current store price.
3. Consider the demand. Is the item still in demand these days? Are a lot of people in need of the item? This is especially true on small items like digital cameras, cell phones, and the likes. If you think your product is still in-the-hot, then you can sell it at a relatively high price.
4. Consider its value. Does your item have an increasing or decreasing value over time? This is applicable on collections like coins and stamps, as well as antiques. These items are valued higher the older they get. Very unlike books and dictionaries, that decreases their value as time goes by.
5. Consider its rarity. Is your item unusual? Is it from a limited edition series? Rarity could also mean that the item has special markings or has a date in it that has high significance. Maybe it was signed by its famous maker, such as in paintings or books. If so, it can be priced higher.
6. Consider the assessment of an expert appraiser. Check out with an expert in antiques and other items of high value. They would be able to give a fair assessment of how much a particular item will be priced. Follow their expert appraisal and you are sure to be selling items worth its value.
Remember, your items may be of sentimental value to you, but that isn't enough reason to price it high. You’ve got to be realistic and sell each of your items within a sound range.
Author: Victor Tunggal Irawan
About Author:
Victor is a successful yard or garage sales practicer. He is the CEO of http://www.yardorgaragesales.com. He can help people how to have a profitable yard or garage sales.
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