Can you Do Everything?
Real leaders know their limitations and they know that showing vulnerability can build respect among their followers.

Can you do everything? If you can, please stop reading and start writing. Please reply to with your secret, right away. I know the rest of us would benefit from your expertise.
But just in case none of you respond, let’s talk about asking for help.
Do you mind when someone asks you for help? If a co-worker is overwhelmed or needs assistance, would you rather watch them freak out from stress or would you rather help? Most of us do not mind being asked for help and in fact even like it. And yet, many times we hesitate to ask others for help. Why? Fear.
Fear of looking weak. Fear of looking ignorant or unintelligent. Fear of rejection. Fear of embarrassment and maybe even fear of sharing success. These fears are playing on our insecurities and our ego. Yet we know logically, that we like it when others ask for our help. But remember, we are discussing a fear, which is an emotion and not bound by logic.
What would it look like if we forgot about the fear?
We could be role models for others, by showing leadership through reaching out for assistance. It takes more strength to be vulnerable than it does to lead by ego. We could draw others closer to us by admitting that we do not know everything. By requesting help we may become more approachable and instead of rejection, we might experience acceptance. When we are smart enough to recognize that we need help, we prove that we are not ignorant.
Still not convinced?
What if we learned something new? What if our working relationships became stronger and our network of trusted associates grew? That sounds good. Maybe some of us would stop applying self-imposed pressure to excel, mistakenly assuming that we must do so completely on our own. And just maybe we would experience less stress and more joy.
So remember, recognize when you need help, someone is just waiting for you to ask.
Author: Margaret Meloni
About Author:
A coach for Information Technology professionals, Margaret Meloni publishes the ‘The Positive Punch’ eZine each month. Contact Margaret at
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