What is your Inner Genie Telling You?
All of us have a genie inside of us. Our personal genies help us achieve our wishes, and acts as our confidence builder and motivator. It is my belief that in order to make wishes come true, certain attitudes and beliefs must be in place.

All of us have a genie inside of us. Our personal genies help us achieve our wishes, and acts as our confidence builder and motivator. It is my belief that in order to make wishes come true, certain attitudes and beliefs must be in place. You must have the confidence and self-belief that you can make your wishes come true. One of the most well known confidence building exercises is to list your own strengths and natural abilities. By looking at the list it can make you say “Wow, I really am good!” This will naturally lift your self-belief and confidence.
The next thing to look at is motivation. How do you define motivation? All of us may define it differently. According to thefreedictionary.com, motivate means "to provide with an incentive, move to action, impel." Simply put, motivation is just something that drives you to action. What is stopping you from being motivated and taking action? Is there something that you wish to change in your life? It requires some confidence to do that.
Here is the formula that tells you how much the change means to you!
A change can be something that is either necessary or just a luxury. Making a decision on whether or not the change is required is pretty difficult. This formula will help you understand the forces at play in making a decision.
This is a simple equation that you can apply whenever you are faced with the responsibility of making a decision as to whether something should be done or not.
This is how it goes…
D x V x P > C
First of all, you must be really discontent with the way things are at present.
You should have a clear vision of the situation that you look forward to attaining through the change. You should also be clear as to why you want it.
You should be aware of the steps involved to implement the change. An action plan detailing the things you need to do has to be drawn up.
D x V x P is the formula of your desire for change.
What will you have to let go in order to make way for the change? How much will the change cost you? Will it affect your beliefs and ideologies? The underlying rule is that you will proceed with the change only if your desire to change is greater than the costs of the change.
Author: Christine Belknap
About Author:
Christine's passion is to encourage and coach people to unlock and achieve their full potential. She wrote the book “Connect To Your Future”, which includes 26 strategies for achievement and success for today’s new and upcoming professional. The strategies are centered around the following essentials:
1) Know Yourself - it is essential to be aware of your career & life vision, your strengths, what really matters to you, and a clear understanding of your personal brand in order to lead yourself to success.
2) Build Your Skills - The skills you learn in high school, college, and grad school will get your foot in the door to a job. You now need to become employable - that is - you want to build your skills so no matter where you are working, employers will want to keep you.
3) Stretch Yourself - Continuously build awareness of how you can stretch yourself and stand out from your competition. Realize how you can reach and fulfill your potential.
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