Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jacksonville busines journal

Forget Massive Profits Biz-Opportunity Seeker


Blood, Sweat and Tears. If you are a biz-opportunity seeker, forget rapid success. It is 100 % unrealistic promise. Just a dream. Internet home business can be desparate seeking and trying with a lot of errors but also joy feelings from small successes.


I am sure you have heard this promise. To a biz- opportunity seeker it means, that if you have no experience, you have to get one. Ideal start would be to be able to use, what you already know and modify that into internet marketing.

1.Massive Profits Immediately.
This is a total hype. You have to stay away from programs, which promise something like this. For you the start is learning and studying, mostly without any income. Studying is your best and most profitable investment, so remember to invest regularly.

2.Good Things Come Slowly, Bad Things Immediately.
An example of good thing, which will bring results slowly is the know how. And once a biz-opportunity seeker has got that, no one can take it away. An example of bad thing is to jump promoting without any idea or plan and hope that the results will come.

We can also say that good things come slowly but bring steady results without big disappointment. And bad things other way round.

3.Do You Know Wherefrom The Money Come?
Is your work so properly planned that you know where the money come from? The worst case is to trust accidents and good luck, without any plans. It is like shooting without seeing the target.

4.Do You Know Which Actions Bring And What Results?
For a biz-opportunity seeker, he is still a seeker until the results come, it is important to track all promotions. Do you remember what you have promoted, do you have targets for every single promotion?

5.To Be A Biz-Opportunity Seeker Is Not A Hobby Or Childrens Play.
You can do home business part time or when you have time, but you have still the same requirements as to know how. You must become an expert through studying.

6.Prepare To Study Hard In The Beginning.
An airplane needs massive amount of power to speed up before take off but when it flyies at 10.000 meters, the pilot can put an autopilot on. A home business start is the same kind of a process for a biz- opportunity seeker.

7.Studying Is More Important Than Doing.
As a biz-opportunity seeker believe this: internet business is an expert business. There is no shortcut, you have to know before you do.

8.Make Your Plan Better All The Time.
Use tracking to get feedback and finetune or change your plan regularly. Internet changes every single day. There are millions of biz- opportunity seekers, who try and copy good, working ideas.

9.Follow The Market.
Your web site can be nr. 1 with some keywords in the search engines search results but on the next day you cannot find it. You as a biz-opportunity seeker have to know, why this happened and make necessary adjustments.

As I try to say that when you are seeking business opportunities, you are actually seeking skills for yourself. There is a lot of promises and tips but remember that you have to take the responsibility. It will be YOUR business. Your expertise.

Author: Juhani Tontti

About Author:

I make a steady, long term income from my web site. I have 3 free ebooks for you.

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