Sales Prospecting Tools©
It is easy to add a complete prospecting system to our daily routine. It may be the single most important thing we do for our careers. Here are the simple steps.

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One of the most critical activities that we in sales must do is Prospect. Regardless of the negative feelings we have for Prospecting, it is the only way we can assure our business will grow.
I know that many sales people have some of the same problems I do. One of them is sheer laziness, so anything new you want me to do had better be simple or I probably won’t do it.
That is how we came up with The BLITZ CALL® System for Prospecting. It is simple for 3 reasons. First, it is easy to learn, it requires only about 6-7 sentences. Second, it takes less than 2 minutes, and third, you only need to do it a couple of times a day, or a few times a week.
BLITZ CALLing is based on one critical fact we in commercial/industrial sales must accept. People don’t buy on our first call. Therefore, a BLITZ CALL is not a sales call, it is a Prospecting call pure and simple.
You then must follow up at least twice to get into selling territory. I didn’t make that up, look at all the studies; people buy after the 3rd call. Which means we must follow up or we don’t get the sale. Another interesting and somewhat depressing fact is that most sales people give up after the 2nd call. So simply sticking to it will help you make sales.
So here in a nutshell are some simple yet important sales prospecting tools.
1. Get a complete system, BLITZ CALL or any other.
2. Learn that system.
3. Follow up.
4. Stick to your Prospecting week after week, never stop.
Sell Well and Often,
Bill Truax
© Copyright 2007 WJ Truax
Author: William Truax
About Author:
Bill Truax is a sales and sales management consultant from Cleveland, Oh. He has 3 books, 2 CD’s, seminars, and workshops on The BLITZ CALL System for Prospecting and Making Cold Calls for the commercial/industrial sales professional. Visit for more information.
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