Are Corporations Ruining Employees Lives
Management discretion is not working and employees of Corporations are being fired and treated unfairly due to policies that are created by Corporations.

The sounds of disappointed American worker’s are heard on the trains complaining about Corporation Managers that are making their lives miserable at work. In some instances employee’s of large Corporations are being fired because of their Managers who are using personal vendettas as a way to terminate employee’s who have dedicated more than a decade of their lives for Corporations. This is a call to every Politician that is in the United States and in a position to make a change because people are suffering at the hands of Management discretion. The policies are just unfair when it comes to employee’s verses their Managers. Unions and Human Resource Representative in the majority of Corporations are not doing what is in the best interest of their employees. Managers are using their power and their influence to fire persons wrongly and employees who are mostly working from check to check cannot afford legal representation, so these Corporations are literarily getting away with unethical practices. One interview was totally heartbreaking when it was conducted as to the treatment of one employee whose Manager swore that he would get the employee after threatening to break his arm in a closed office. There was another employee who he told that he should slap him into the wall, and complaints to Human Resources was not followed through and the both employees were fired by the same Manager for breaking procedure. Names cannot be used in this article because one employee looking for a lawyer to implement legal action against a Corporation and requested that their Corporation and themselves be anonymous. The bad thing is that Corporations like these are getting away with ruining employees lives in an effort by the Manager to prove that he is in control. It was once black against white but now it seems to be Manager vs. Employee.
There is a new Governor in town one with a no nonsense attitude for dealing with wrongful acts and hopefully he can change some of this unfair treatment, that employees have to deal with everyday. The Corporate policies need to be documented and documented truthfully because there will be someone who is coming who will not allow Corporations to treat employee’s like trash. Strong leadership is what everyone is asking for. There are too many complaints that their Managers do not treat employees fairly and some Manager’s is violating their rights, and this problem seems to be citywide. An employee who has worked hard to make a Corporation is offered nothing for their hard work, and only very few reap rewards with promotions but most will work until retirement if they are lucky and have gotten nowhere within a Corporation.
Woe to those Managers who feel that they are in invincible and feel that they can get away with violating employees rights because eventually the cat is going to get out of the bag and it is hard when payback comes back to you. Fair treatment is something that is warranted; also, it is the moral and legal thing to do.
Manager training should not be left up to Corporations to provide the training but there should be a standard set forth by the State and someone policing it to make sure that the standard is being followed.
The Family Leave act is not being adhered too because when a person has a work life situation it is left up to the Manager to decide on what is the business need, and that is when favoritism comes in to play. A person saying that they have a childcare issue is legally within their rights to request a schedule change, but most Managers become biased when it comes to whom allowing these types of work life schedule. The documentation that a person can produce should be the deciding facts when it comes to work life balance and this is the only way to see what is fair and what is not. Manager penalize certain employees for lateness and the allow documentation to be forged by other employees and this is not right. Accusation about employee’s performance is supposed to be confidential and not shared with other employees during lunch breaks. Managers should not send employees to the store for their personal items because it is disrespectful and humiliating. An employee complained about going to the store for a Manager and then that employee was not a member of the team, this type of treatment was absurd. The bad thing was that the Manager began sending that employee outside to check on jobs that were not that employee’s responsibility but somehow got it to be authorized by Human Resources at One Corporation. This article is for all those who know that this is true but have no one to turn too. Send your complaints to and let us make an issue because you deserve to be treated fairly and if you are in a situation like the one these people mentioned in this article let us create some noise and make sure that Employers change their tune when it comes to being fair.
Author: Arthur L Burton III
About Author:
Arthur L Burton III, CEO of, Author of Three Published Novels, Board of Directors Member of The Greater Zion Hill Community Action Network, and Certified Emergency Medical Technician, and e-zine journalist.
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