What are 4 Major Factors That Hinder 95% of Network Marketers From Achieving True Success?
What if you could learn the 4 major reasons why people fail in network marketing as well as, how you can avoid those things altogether so you can achieve true success in your business? There are 4 key issues that you must understand in order to expect your business to grow. To make the big incomes we all hear about in network marketing, you must learn what actions you should be taking and what things you should not be doing. Get the facts today and become properly educated on what to avoid.

1 – Lack of a Money/Knowledge of Target Marketing
If you don't have a budget, your business will suffer. How can someone treat mlm like a business if they don't even commit to investing in it each month. This is not a hobby, but a true business. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but you need to set aside a certain amount of money each month to invest in your business. Just as well, you must have a true understanding of target marketing and the art of attracting prospects to you. You must leverage your efforts through proper tools and systems on the front end, and then master the skill of developing relationships to retain people and truly support your organization.
2 - Lack of True Leveraged Effective Action or Any Action at All
I'm not talking about 'busy' action. I’m not talking about going to meetings, being on conference calls, and driving around town doing one on one presentations at the local Starbucks or at someone’s home. What I AM talking about is income producing DAILY action. You can work your business part time or full time, but not 'some time'. Being on a conference call or going to a meeting is NOT a true income producing activity. However, creating and marketing your own website online and attracting suspects to you and then converting them to true prospects through the use of effective tools, systems, and good old fashioned relationships IS an example of a true IPA – income producing activity. You must know and be able to track the difference between busy work and true IPA’s. True IPA’s can be tracked and measured right down to the income that particular activity produced.
3 - Lack of Consistent Flow of Quality Prospects
If you don't have people (and the right people) to contact every day, then how are you supposed to gain momentum and sponsor many people? Prospects (leads) are the lifeblood of your business. You may have a great opportunity, but if you are not in contact with people on a daily basis, you are not being productive in your business and you can never gain personal momentum. You can generate your own leads (which is the most effective way) or buy leads from a respected source.
4 - Lack of Proper Marketing Training
Ok, let's say you DO have a constant supply of fresh quality prospects (leads) to talk to everyday, will that solve your problem? No, because most marketers out there are using the WRONG approach with people and not getting the results they could. Contrary to popular opinion, uplines, etc., you do not spill information on people and then try to close them on your opp or product. You must gain the knowledge and skills necessary to you position yourself so others seek you out and you don't go 'prospect' people. That starts with being taught what actually produces results in prospecting and recruiting, rather than 'trying' what the other upline guy did and hoping it will work for you. You DO need skills in this business. You also need to know where to get those skills and how to apply them, so every month is a good month for you.
Author: Scott Rogers
About Author:
Scott Rogers is a Network Marketing Consultant/Trainer/Independent Marketer who Specializes in Helping Network Marketers Truly Succeed in Their Chosen Businesses by Providing Resources, Education, and Tools for Effective Business Building and Marketing.
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