Friday, February 22, 2008

Custom business checks

MLM Training - What I Learned from Listening to Recorded MLM Prospecting Calls


Early on in my MLM business I made a lot of mistakes! But I also learned how to correct them. Read on to discover what I learned from listening to my recorded prospecting calls. I attribute some of my success to this incredibly effective MLM training technique.


Early on in my MLM business I made a lot of mistakes! But I also learned how to correct them. Read on to discover what I learned from listening to my recorded prospecting calls. I attribute some of my success to this incredibly effective MLM training technique.

The definition of the word observe is: To be or become aware of, especially through careful and directed attention; notice.

Now observing what's going on doesn't just apply to being on the phone - it also applies to when you're in front of the person or for those of you who speak to groups of people, observing the people in the audience.

Observing what's going on with your prospect involves "taking notice" of what's going on with them, not just "seeing" it. How do they react to what you're saying or doing or showing them? What are they doing while you're saying something to them? What can these observations tell you?

Let's say that you're talking to an MLM prospect and you hear a baby crying or making noise in the background. Now, you know they're probably distracted by that. So, simply say, "Is that your baby I hear?" When they say, "Yes," (perhaps they even apologize for the noise) say, "Boy or girl? What's his/her name?"

Then ask, "Do you need to put the phone down and handle anything?" This will do more for establishing a good relationship than just about anything else you can say or do.

If you think about it, this is keeping right in line with the theme of being interested in the prospect and having the intention to make their life better.

Often times, a networker is so focused on presenting their opportunity or selling their product/service that they don't actually observe what's going on around them.

I remember when I first got into the MLM business I was doing a product demonstration and the prospect had three kids who were very interested in me and what I was selling. Interested in dumping the product all over the couch and all over me would be a better visual of what they were interested in.

What I really failed to observe was the children. Sure I saw them; who couldn't! But I didn't observe them per the definition I used above. If I had observed "through careful and directed attention" - I would have seen that the key to the prospect was through the children. The children were paying all this attention to me; I could have talked about and demonstrated the children's line of products!

Very often I record my conversations with prospects (you probably already know that because of the live calls you've heard on Professional Inviter) and after I'm off the phone I replay the recording and the funny thing is that I can always pick up things on the recording that I didn't pick up on during the call! After doing this several times it heightened my powers of observation. I highly recommend you utilize this MLM training secret!!

Use this MLM training technique and you'll be amazed at what additional information you can pick up on that will help you better communicate with your prospect. Fail to observe what's going on around you and you will surely miss out on important details. Becoming more observant is critical to your MLM success.

Author: Tim Sales

About Author:

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free MLM training newsletter and listen to free training at

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