Friday, February 22, 2008

Bussines credit

Job Search Alert: Watch Out For Automated Interviewing!


According to recent reports, you should get used to the idea that the next person interviewing you won't be a person but a computer!


Here' a job search alert to sharpen up your job hunting success. According to recent reports, you should get used to the idea that the next person interviewing you won't be a person but a computer!

Companies are not having problems attracting candidates but identifying successful ones. Our job search alert points out that systems can handle thousands of interviews a day, filter out unqualified applicants and rank the rest for hiring managers to review at their convenience.

If you apply for a job and get a card or email back with a phone number and PIN, that's a job search alert that your next step is automated.

Here are some tips:

1. These are not maddening customer service lines that can upset you. Don't treat them like that.

2. A negative attitude will hurt you.

3. Don't handle the interview as if you were talking to a computer. Talk to the hiring manager.

4. Stay upbeat in your voice quality and the words you choose.

5. Keep focused on the direct answers to the questions. But then embellish with specific contributions you could make.

Our job search alert recommends that you be prepared for questions like, "Senior design engineers can often be difficult to work with. Please tell us about your experiences with them and how you have learned to work effectively with them."

Another type of question may go like this, "You are helping a 4 year old child and their parents pick out shoes. When you try to measure the child's foot, the child gets scared and resists. What would you do?"

No matter what preliminary screening devices are used, no one is going to hire you without meeting you face-to-face. So, when you're in a job search alert mode, it's important to have all your ducks in a row.

That means you have to know what all your work options are. When you do, you can help shape a job description to fit your preferences. You'll be amazed at how open employers are to your feedback if you're able to communicate yourself assertively. It's what makes hot jobs HOT!

Here's the best job search alert of all! If you're serious about finding a good job--and doing it fast--then you need to check out the amazing alternative job search system. When you follow this remarkable step-by-step plan you can expect to meet face-to-face with your next boss in a matter of days. And lock up a high-paying job in as little as two weeks.

It all part of the exciting non-traditional career advancement revolution. It recognizes that the old-fashioned job search techniques aren't right for the sophisticated 21st Century job marketplace . . . unless you want to spend months looking for a job.

Author: Paul Megan

About Author:

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info!

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