Monday, March 10, 2008

Sacramento small business association

Money Worries? . . . Why You May Need Retirement Employment!


For many, the cost of living in retirement is becoming too burdensome to think about doing it without income from retirement employment.


There are only two types of retirees who would consider retirement employment. One is the person who wants to stay active. The other has no choice.

For many, the cost of living in retirement is becoming too burdensome to think about doing it without income from retirement employment. Two major factors must be considered.

1. According to current life expectancy figures, you could live 20 to 30 years after you retire at 65.

2. The cost of living will more than double during those years, even if inflation averages a modest 3% a year.

To make sure your savings last as long as you do, experts say, you can't afford to withdraw more than 4% to 5% from your nest egg each year, adjusted annually for the rise in the cost of living. Of course, you'll also receive income from social security and perhaps a pension.

Everyone's situation is different. But if you take the time to crunch the numbers on your behalf, you may find that you come up short. And entertaining retirement employment becomes a necessity.

Well, there are two pieces of good news.

First, there's an explosion of opportunities for retirement employment. Many corporations are looking to bring back retirees on a part-time or consulting basis. Other organizations like Home Depot and Walmart are deliberately recruiting retirees because they know they are hard-working, knowledgeable members of the team who are above average in attendance and competence.

The second piece of good news is that finding and landing good retirement employment is straightforward and easy if you follow the plan laid out in The World's Fastest Alternative Job Search System. This amazing non-traditional career advancement program can have you talking to prospective employers in a matter of days. And show you how to lock up good retirement employment in as little as two weeks.

What's more, this exciting program can help you reassess your talents, capabilities and marketable assets. You'll discover that you've accumulated some remarkable skills, both on and off the job. This fundamental reassessment can point you in some exciting new directions. And you'll learn how to repackage yourself to become an attractive candidate.

So, if it turns out that your money worries can be resolved by retirement employment, you couldn't have picked a better time to be in the job marketplace. The volume and variety of opportunities is at their peak. And the mounting interest in hiring retirees means the time may be just right for you!

Author: Paul Megan

About Author:

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info!

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