How Do you Decide if you Want to Learn More About Owning a Coastal Vacations Business?
Jani Teeter, Level III Coastal Vacations Director with the Coastal Synergy Group explains why she has created a no-fluff, non opt-in website for individuals investigating the Coastal Vacations Home Based Business Opportunity.

Are you tired, fed up and frustrated by the many home based business marketing websites around the internet that make big promises but provide little to no factual information before you enter your personal contact information to again access into the website you are looking at? Are you concerned about jamming up your e-mail inbox with spam and fluff and hype auto-responder messages? Don’t like getting home from a long day at work to find your voicemail clogged with lots of messages from all sorts of different people you don’t think you requested a call from? Or worse, concerned that filling out a form on the internet might open you up to all kinds of scams and even potential identity theft? Are you looking for a genuine and credable, realistically profitable home based business and find you don’t know where or how to get the information you need about the Coastal Vacations home based business opportunity?
Do you know that very often, completing a form on the internet without reading all the “fine print” can lead to lots of spam e-mail and irritating calls from telephone solicitors? While some internet lead generation marketing companies are highly ethical, they ARE few and far between.
Jani Teeter, a Level III Director with the Coastal Synergy Group had these experiences when she was looking for a way to create financial and time freedom for herself as a single mother. She has had to shut down several e-mail accounts and change her telephone number on several occasions. Recently, she has decided to launch her own personal website that does not put others looking for the straight information about the Coastal Vacations home based business opportunity in the same position she herself was in a few short years ago.
“I want to give people the choice to review all the general information, facts and details about this business before they decide to get in contact with me. If they know about the business already, it helps me answer questions that relate to their own personal situation and see if this is the business opportunity they are looking for without wasting anyones time un –necessarily”. Jani started her business with the Coastal Synergy Group in September 2006, and found success rapidly by simply following the well tested system the CSG has in place. “I love the leads provided by Cutting Edge Media. That company really delivers- and the advantage of the movie and premium campaigns is that people inquiring are given the option to start walking through the CSG’s 3-step online marketing tour right away. I continue to use their campaigns, and encourage my team members to do the same. The system works- if you do- its been proven by other happy CSG members time and time again”.
So why create a personal website in addition to buying online advertising with CEM?
“I saw a need, and fully believe in using several different sources to promote your Coastal Vacations business. I also wanted to get people straight, credible and verifiable information about Coastal Vacations, The Coastal Synergy Group, The Coastal Success Team and myself without having to jump through virtual hoops. I have included testimonials from my team members on the website, complete with contact information. Potential business owners that are looking for a serious and genuine business opportunity can find out right away if this business, system and myself fit their personal needs. They don’t have to take it from me, what this business, the CSG and myself are all about. An additional benefit is that my team members and associates also have an additional form of lead generation that is available to them- free of charge. Anyone that contacts them to learn more becomes a training sale. At the same time, I can teach them about various marketing and promotions techniques that will take them to the next level in their own businesses. Everyone wins!”
But is it working?
“Yes, as a matter of fact- it is! My site was officially finished on Friday May 4, 2007. I have been pleasantly surprised by the unexpectedly quick response I am getting so far! I’m not looking for everyone to join my team and work with me, but those who resonate with my personality and philosophy are finding me! Its that old saying in action- build it and they will come! I’m having lots of fun, meeting great people and learning new things constantly!”
Not a bad start for a previous healthcare worker and single mother with no previous experience in internet marketing or the travel industry.
Jani highly recommends finding your own niche in the Coastal Vacations business. Everyone has unique skills, personalities and abilities they bring to the Coastal Vacations family. She firmly believes that it is the right leadership that will help you find your own success- whatever your personal vision of success is. She believes in choosing carefully from the many different directors and groups that make up Coastal Vacations. Do your homework, ask questions, get the straight facts, and prove to your own satisfaction that Coastal is one of the very few credible, non multi-level marketing home based business on the internet today. Don’t fall for smart marketing tactics that promise the moon and play on your very real and valid fears about starting a business of your own.
Success with Coastal is available to everyone, regardless of previous experience or personal background. Find the right leader to help guide you towards your goals, and that you will be able to work with. Jani believes that there is no system or substitute that can replace personal, one on one guidance and mentorship. Know the Coastal Vacations business model, know yourself and then choose the Director that best suits your needs and learning style. The rest will happen just as it should.
Author: Jani Teeter
About Author:
If you are seriously considering Coastal Vacations as the vehicle to get you where you want to go in your life, please visit Or, pick up your complimentary 2 night, 3 day vacation at your choice of over 40 popular travel hotspots and see for yourself the quality and value available to lifetime members of Coastal Vacations, get answers, make a comment or suggestion about the website and speak personally with Jani Teeter
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