Yes You Can You Make Money Online At Home
Yes you can make money online and do it at home. The nice thing is you do not have to spend a lot of money either. Here's how I did it.
I had a goal to make money online at home. I was tired of working everyday for someone else. I liked the idea I could start part time, but I felt that to make money on the internet I was going to need to start a home business and spend money advertising it.
I am now full time at this. When I started 4 years ago I could barely send email, so I was very cautious about spending money on my business. Most of what I did spend was on buying opt in leads and importing them into my autoresponder, which we could do at that time.
Today I spend less than $300 a month total on my business. The rest of my investment on a daily basis is in Time. I suggest you do the same. Pick one skill and spend time on mastering it. If I was you I would learn basic HTML first. Get that down then go to article marketing. This means writing and submitting articles. So far you cost is $0, with the exception of monthly hosting. You are going to want to get your own website either by building it yourself or get a starter website going by hiring someone.
Next I would master forum marketing. Join and submit 5 forum posts to at least 3-5 different forums everyday. Cost for that is $0. I would still spend $0 until you have developed a skill and mastered it. As you begin to make money invest some of your profits in automating your business. To make money online and do it at home at this point we are talking about having access to the internet and hosting your website.
Next you will need good autoresponder for future follow-up. You are going to want to build a mailing list of your own. I use Aweber and I have for 4 years now. One of the real keys to making money online is building a mailing list.
The other tool I invest in is submitting articles. The best thing for this is either Article Marketer or Article Submitter Pro. Getting your articles out to the top directories can be down manually, but this takes more time. Being able to automate this process is worth spending the money as soon as you can.
Meaningful traffic to your website comes down to backlinks. If you are not sure what that means spend some time in the forums you joined reading everything you can on getting traffic to your websites. Cost for that is $0.
Lastly be consistent. Working in spurts does not work. Invest time everyday. It may take a year, but you will begin to see results first in traffic and then in income. Yes you can make money online and do it at home.
Author: Jeff Schuman
About Author:
Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money online at home website for hundreds of make money ideas, articles, and opportunities. related phrase:
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