Selling yourself
Did you ever wonder why you have a problem selling your products or recruiting members into your business? Maybe it isn't your selling technique at all. Maybe it isn't that the person didn't like your product or business. Maybe it isn't the fact that the person "doesn't have time".

Did you ever wonder why you have a problem selling your products or recruiting members into your business? Maybe it isn't your selling technique at all. Maybe it isn't that the person didn't like your product or business. Maybe it isn't the fact that the person "doesn't have time".
Maybe it is the lack of confidence you feel in yourself that you can actually achieve the goals you set forth for yourself in your business. Although you may be able to tell yourself that you believe in yourself and are ready to get out there and get things rolling, are you emitting the positive attitude and confidence to all you meet? Do you truly believe that you CAN build your business or are you just going through the motions of telling yourself that right before you approach a prospect for the purpose of face value?
The problem with this is that people tend to be able to see through a false sense of security and detect the doubt that lies beneath. Once they unveil this doubt that you have in yourself, they tend to inherit some of that doubt themselves.
Ask yourself this question..... "If I do not believe in myself, how can I ask others to believe in me"? In order for you to succeed in life you must believe in yourself and "expect" to achieve. Once you start replacing the word "if" with the word "when" more often in your vocabulary, you will begin to see a change in your attitude and the response of others.
Try to replace "IF I reach this goal or that" with "WHEN I reach this goal or that". You will be surprised at how much such a small thing can impact your thinking! Granted, the habit is hard to break after a lifetime of IF's. When you catch yourself using that word in a business goal, stop and correct yourself. That will make it easier to break the habit altogether.
When you approach a prospect, stranger or friend, look them in the eye and let them see that you are confident and honest about what you are doing. Once you begin to "fix" the inner you and start believing in yourself, you will start to see the outer you begin to blossom and prosper.
© 2007 Bonnie Ramsey
Bonnie Ramsey
Independent Distributor
for Scent Sations, Inc.
Author: Bonnie Ramsey
About Author:
About the author: Bonnie is a recruiter, trainer and coach in her own business. She is a writer of poetry, short stories, articles and a monthly newsletter called Business Scents. You can subscribe to her newsletter at
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