Monday, February 11, 2008

Your own travel business

700% Increase in 'sales' - Eye-witnessed!


Most of the learning required to start a network marketing business and achieve an encouraging progress is easily available to any interested netpreneur, the only problem being few are involved enough to learn and apply. This article displays the end-results of one's action or inaction.


It was a dark and stormy night...heck no, it was broad daylight instead so there's no mistaking what I saw.

A man had set up 'shop' on one side of the road that runs adjacent my home. It was a great day for the kind of 'biz' he practiced. It was a day when there was plenty of sunshine in the hearts of folk that passed him and I expected him to make a lot of hay this day - capitalizing on that inner sunshine.

But something was wrong with his 'hay-making' that day. In place of the taken for granted hay-bundles there were just a few straws! While idly pondering over this I noticed another man getting ready for a similar business.

And in half-an-hour this man created 'sales' a terrific 700% over the first guy. Same 'home business' same 'product' same time, same prospects YET a 700% increase in sales!!! While the first guy barely converted 6 prospects through his marketing skills the new-comer bewitched 42!

Always on the lookout to learn something new I can apply to my net-biz I took a closer look at the marketing skills applied by this newcomer and this is what I learnt.

As soon as the other guy saw the street and the large number of people (prospects) on it - all dressed up - he knew he had found a 'niche', he instinctively recognized 'abundance' (Online - search for a niche, a product in need)

Now he knew he had to set up base some where on that street, but where? He stood around for a short while, saw the previous guy getting shooed away to the other side by the established business and then chose his location; almost exactly where the previous guy was but just a wee bit away not to antagonize the regular business. (online - stay close to the big boys but don't get into direct competition them - it is foolhardy!)

Setting up shop meant displaying his wares. This he did in a fashion where there could be no mistaking what his business was. Even a glance from far was enough for the folk to recognize his trade and decide - in advance - to patronize his 'shop' (online - setting up shop would be like having our own website to showcase our business as accurately as possible. A well-chosen domain name reflecting the business as clearly as possible could be the interest-creator from far - even before folk have visited the site. Pre-selling, Right?).

The moment he was set he began 'selling'. From that moment on he focused entirely on 'selling'. It did not matter who the prospects were, young, old, short, thin, not-so-thin, tall, well-dressed, extremely well-dressed, nothing mattered - he advertised his wares to all! He used all available ways and means he could to connect with his prospects. To some he showed his 'business', to others he told what his business was. He used voice to call to prospects from afar. He used voice to call to prospects that had passed him by but not noticed his 'shop'. He used body-language, he smiled, he even used the hooded-eye contact to trigger the emotional response he sought. And He Succeeded! (online - Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. Use every available form of advertising to get the word out... ezine ads, clsfds, free advtg, paid advtg, ppc, seo, traffexch, articles... anything and everything that falls within your budget of time, ability, and money).

He had a extremely clear sales page with the 'order' button prominent and unmistakable. Not one single prospect turned away at the last moment for not finding the 'order' button quickly enough. (online - ditto! When the buyer is in the 'buy mode' nothing should come in his way. The order button should, if possible be made to slide over and under his cursor - all he having to do is 'click' 'ka-ching'!)

And he didn't go away when the crowds thinned. No Sir, he waited until the very last prospect passed him by. And he promptly solicited this last prospect too, in the same fashion and with the same vigor as he used for the very first prospect. (online - work the pond well, don't leave money on the table in search of another pond where there may or may not be similar buyers, grow new fish in the same pond if you have to)

Needless to say the first one to set up shop was left gaping in amazement from the other side of the street where he had been shooed-off to. Everything the second guy did the first had not. To make a bad situation worse he saw what was working and what was not but did nothing. (online - if the first one's us then it is time we learnt to learn, and if we can't learn, then at least imitate, but imitate the best and next thing we know, we will end up learning too. As in all cases action is everything; knowing is nothing if you do nothing)

OK, this article was a bit cryptic with all those words in inverted commas so here is what actually happened.

My first-floor balcony overlooks the road leading to the church I go to. The two so-called businessmen were actually beggars, and their 'business' the stretched out hand - palm upwards. Their business location was a temporary spot on one side of the road. Displaying their wares meant advertising their infirmities to trigger the alms-giving button of church-returning folks. The order button was the the receptacle for accepting alms - a bowl. (The first one did not have this???)

'Niche Market' ? - the second guy instinctively understood that folks returning from New Year's Mass would be rightly primed for a giving experience. I think he even knew that the pastors must have sermonized on the need to think of the poor and unfortunate while the well-to-do go back to celebrate in their homes - and he capitalized on it! A true marketer indeed!

For those that don't like the comparison between our business and theirs (and rightly so) please ignore the assumed similarities and instead focus on the possible learning experience.


Jerome D.

Author: Jerome Dsouza

About Author:

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Random related phrase:

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