How to Create Chances to Sell your Jewelry (part One): Developing the Habit of Selling
Opportunities are not casualty or good luck: opportunities are the result of knowledge and awareness. Challenge yourself and discover how to become a better seller!

There is nothing like a dream to create the future.
Victor Hugo
I’ve heard and read many times the “I’m not the selling type personality, I don’t have the character” argument. I thought that of myself actually. I was even so childish to think that yes, I could make great jewels, but I would never sell them or live from it. I was so wrong! . I couldn’t see I was expecting for “something to happen” without noticing nothing would happen if I didn’t make it happen myself.
Opportunities are not casualty or good luck: opportunities are the result of knowledge and awareness. Every succeeding crafter in this world is not only a skilled master in her/his technique, but also a succesful seller. There are the same chances to succeed for almost everybody; why some do while others don’t?
This is very simple: a seller makes sales happen and does not wait for sales to come. When we believe we are not something, we are just stating we believe we cannot be something. It is not a fact but a belief. It can be changed then. Changing your point of view about yourself is the key to become a successful seller.
And NO, you don’t have to have a specific type of personality. You don’t have to a cold salesperson, nor start lying or covering any truth, because you already are something: a Jewelry Artist. Isn’t that enough to make you proud of yourself? You have a wonderful profession, you work with your hands in beautiful noble materials, and you make people look more beautiful and magical with your creations. Your work is bought with love as a gift to another, becoming a messenger of affection and generosity. You are probably self-taught and are thinking of starting your own business in a very competitive field, which means you are brave and are prepared to be steady and learn well the foundations of this business/vocation.
Sounds admirable, ah? Well, that is YOU! Don’t you see how lucky you are? Having that amazing conditions, it is only a matter of habit to start creating your own opportunities, and only a matter of habit overcoming all your self-inflicted obstacles. So, from now on, let’s say Jewelry Artist instead of seller, and I will show you how it’s only a point of view question.
A Jewelry Artist loves jewelry, jewelry making and wearing jewelry. When someone compliments the necklace you’re wearing, do NOT answer: “oh, that’s…nothing…I…made it …when I was bored”. How are you going to make someone want to own a piece like yours if you’re not proud of it? Instead of the former answer, you better say “Thank you! I made it myself – I’m a jewelry designer! Look, this is a fumeĆ© czech bead and this are freshwater japanese pearls… I have an online business… would you like a business card?”
Believe me, the first time I did it I was sweating! Then you realize that not only nothing bad has happened, but also that the person in front of you is smiling and admiring your work. Admiring you. In a few words, you’ve told that person that you are a professional, that you sell your jewelry, that you have a business going and that you know what you do and what materials you use. After a few tries, it has become a habit – and that has meant a very good quantity of appointments and purchases! In fact, this happened to me last evening at a new rock shop that I visited, and when the owner praised my bracelet I started a conversation like the one above that leaded to a discount because I was a pro – they wanted me to come back and buy more because I sold myself well.
A Jewelry Artist does not underprice. You will not become respected by your customers if you don’t respect yourself. Though I always advice to be humble on you pay per hour of work as your skills grow, humble does not mean stupid. It is a business psychology law that slight overpricing increases the perceived value of things. You are selling jewelry, probably one of the items with a higher perceived value, so respect yourself! People would tend to think that there is something wrong with your jewels if your prices are low; if you want to cover a wider range of prices, work on your designs to make them more simple or look for cheaper materials. And if a customer just wants something that is unacceptable for you, just say no.
A Jewelry Artist always offers help and alternatives. Listening to your customers is essential. If someone asks you for a product that you don’t actually make, but would consider making, immediately ask for feedback. Almost everytime customers are more than happy to have their opinion asked. Email them with questions and ask about everything you’d like to know BUT the design. You’ll be surprised to see how customer suggestions can become best-selling items. You are here to fill a need, so listening to other people’s needs should be a main target.
A Jewelry Artist promises less than asked and delivers more than asked.
This is a very important point in what comes to custom orders and repairing services. If someone wants a piece I’ve made in another colour or wants me to fix or alter a broken piece, I always answer “I will try” instead of “yes”, even though I know if I can repair the piece with a glance. If I need three days to make it, I will ask for five days and then I will deliver it in the three I knew I would need. Most of the times are very simple things like adding a little chain on a necklace or making a new jumpring for an earring so I don’t charge nothing – which usually ends in my customers looking at the new creations while I fix the piece and, quite a few times, a purchase.
Is this so difficult? Really, I don’t think so – you need commitment in developing the habit of being successful but it really worked for me, so I’m sharing it with you. Once you’ve overcome the “firsts”, you become more and more confident, and as a result, more aware of the opportunities around you. And yes, there are more opportunities in front of me than the few I have time to explore… many more. That means that not only I have a Plan B, but also a C, a D, an E….and those opportunities are there for you too! In the second part of this article, we’ll look closely at some simple strategies to increase your opportunites in everyday life. Till then…be proud of yourself and go make some wonderful jewelry!
Author: Carolina Gonzalez
About Author:
Born and living in Tenerife (Canary Islands) Full-time jewelry artist and owner and designer of NeoVamp Jewelry, a OOAK fine bijouterie business. Expert in wire-wrapping and former illustrator and tattoo artist. I have also extensive knowledge in symbolism and healing properties of stones and colours. Every piece I make is completely handcrafted and unique, often recycling vintage jewelry.
I've published a free course about Doll Customizing, a personal passion, and was interviewed by Rena KLingenberg in January for the Success Stories section of her site. In November last year I was interviewed by the Canary Islands TV Channel on the live show Canarias Directo.
My future plans include writing more articles and downloadable tutorials, as I'm being asked constantly about my wiring techniques.
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