A Profitable Strategy-Keep a Business Journal
So why should you keep a journal? Journal writing is the most proactive activity you can do to start, build and run a successful business. The main reason I keep a journal is to be very clear about what I've done and where I want to go.
You heard it right, keeping a business journal can be a profitable strategy for your business success. You're probably thinking, "Right, I'm not going to keep a diary about my business day and anyway I hate writing!"
You probably are so busy that keeping a journal is the last thing you want to do. I know there's a million and one excuses and I was right there with you at one time. That is until I committed to daily journal writing.
So why should you keep a journal?
Journal writing is the most proactive activity you can do to start, build and run a successful business. The main reason to keep a journal is to be very clear about what you've done and where you want to go. Keeping a journal will allow you to keep track of your progress. It helps you to see where you were, where you want to go and what you must do to keep progressing in you business.
Writing in your journal is having an honest discussion with yourself. There are always so many thoughts racing through our minds. When you write down your frustrations, challenges, thoughts, and inspirations, it clears your mind of negative feelings. This can relieve your anxieties and doubts, so you can maintain your focus. This is the perspective you need to progress with your business. In addition, it makes your thoughts and ideas real and tangible, so you won't forget them.
Do you ever have a great idea or solution to a problem? If you don't write it down, it's hard to act on it or worse you'll forget the details.
The time you spend writing in your business journal will actually save you time. This is something that you have to do and see for yourself.
The daily entries will help you realize where you've been. By having a record of your success and failures you'll have the ability to know what works and what doesn't work. Having these entries help you to keep doing what is working and drop what doesn't work.
Start keeping a journal everyday. Write in it first thing in the morning, so you are very clear about what you want to accomplish for the day. Write in it after you are done working, so you can record your problems, challenges, frustrations as well as your successes.
This one practice will keep you very focused and clear in your business.
One key requirement to making this work is to be honest with yourself. You need to be completely honest about what you write. This is for you and the success of your business. If you just read emails and the latest weather report for your upcoming trip, write it down. If you had a list of things to do and you did something else, write it down.
What I'm trying to get at here is write down exactly what went on that day. This will be your record of accountability. I'm sure you want to have a successful business, right? This is your way of actually seeing what your doing or maybe not doing. Then you can say, "Hey I need to get my act together and get back on track to realize my dreams!"
Also if you are getting a lot done, you can have confidence in knowing you're on the right track. Having it written down also gives you the ability to remember your successes. Celebrate and feel good about that.
This is an opportunity to get down on paper your thoughts about a problem you just can't seem to figure out. It's also used to find an answer to a problem or challenge that came to you in those many moments of inspiration. Better yet, when you're confused about an aspect of your business or you life, write it down. When you get it all out on paper, you gain power to do something about it. Writing out the challenge or problem with all the anxiety, frustrations and barriers starts the process.
You can then write out all the possible solutions and thoughts about your problem. You can get it all out of your mind and become very clear about your challenge. This process activates your mind and thinking process to start looking for a solution to the problem. Well almost every time you do this, the ideas and solutions will start flowing.
You can also write about, what motivates you today? How are you feeling? What you are looking forward to? What are you dreading? Make your journal a window into your life. A real look at you, your business, and what you are trying to create.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Those that fail to remember their past are doomed to repeat it?" Well your business journal becomes the history of your business. When you have it written down, you can look back often to see what you did when you faced a challenge or how you felt when something happened. It is a written snapshot of your successes and failures.
So when you decide to start a business journal or rather a success journal, here are some tips to make your journal writing time effective.
1-Figure out what you are going to have on hand to write in your journal. Some examples are a 3-ring binder, hardbound journal or on your computer. Whatever it is, make sure you can relax and really be in a place where you can think and write.
2-Create daily entries- At the end of each day ponder your thoughts and feelings about how your business is going and where you would like to go. Write these in your business journal. Make sure you do this everyday for at least 21 days without missing and you will form you're journal writing habit.
3-Review regularly- Your business journal is there to help you work through your thoughts and see your progress. So make sure that you review your entries regularly.
One final thought. You might think that this is tons of work and it will take too much time from your business. I thought this way to. But as you do this, you'll find that daily journal writing will save you time and money. It will keeps you focused, clear and motivated. I've found it to be one of the keys to my continued success and I know if you will start, it will be for you too.
Author: Dennis Stokes
About Author:
Dennis Stokes is an online entrepreneur. Visit him to receive your own 90 page special report and newsletter. Get the straight talk, insiders secrets, tips and strategies for your business success. Visit http://www.denstokes.com to claim this valuable report.
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