How to Make Money In Home Based Business - From Rags To Riches Story, Part I
A work-at-home couple shares their story how they came from almost penniless to prosperous. Shows how anyone can do the same in any home business using the principles of the Law of Attraction. Learn how to develop a wealthy state of mind. Three steps to success.
A lot of income opportunity type letters start with how broke a person is...
Yes, we were down to our last few dollars and neither of us had a job.
Actually we came from practically zero (no job) to owning a 22-acre tree farm, modern home with out buildings, fruit trees, and spring fed mountain stream right near the house. It is valued at $500,000.
All this came from our money made from the home business and not working at a 9-5 job.
The difference between hype sales letters and our story is - our experience is 100% true. We lived in the woods in an old RV, had no running water and used a classical wooden outhouse that was left on the property from 50 years ago.
We have testimonials and pictures to prove every word we say is true.
My husband Roi and I came out west to attend an esoteric wisdom school. It took most of our time and almost all our money to attend. We didn't learn to walk on water, but we did learn that we were soon broke and had to leave the school.
We pondered the lessons life had given us and decided - whatever happened - we needed a job or someway to make money working from home. Home was an older RV like we said.
We had a small advantage because both our sets of parents had worked from home. His and mine were both from Arkansas although they didn't know each other.
My parents made sandwiches to sell to the local Army and Air force bases for WW II. After the war they marketed their home made sandwiches to bus stations, beer halls and little grocery stores.
Roi's parents started their home business by buying a dozen baby chicks at the Chicago World's Fair in the 30's. They bred and raised baby chickens until they had a large hatchery producing thousands of these Worlds Fair winning baby chicks per month.
One of the best educations you can give your child is to include them in your home business. Have them help you as soon as they can stand up and talk. There are always things to do when you are working at home.
The children can make money working from home, helping the family business. You give them money anyway. Why not give them a sense of value? Let them earn confidence and a good work ethic at an early age. It lasts a lifetime!
Back to how we started with almost nothing and made money working from our home business.
We kept our overhead low because we didn't have a job. We paid $24 a month rent for the small spot of land in the middle of one hundred acres of forestland. Our next step to working from home was getting a telephone line run into the property. We could do without running water and indoor plumbing, but we needed lights and phone to do business.
One thing that we did learn during the three years we attended wisdom school was: "If you feel you are in lack-you can't get anything but more lack".
We pondered on how could we get around the poverty consciousness that we had.
The problem: How would we create a home business to make money?
Remember hearing this saying, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer!"
The simple reason the rich get richer is because they are not coming from lack. Therefore they don't believe in lack. The poor get poorer is because they don't know how to bridge the gap in consciousness to a belief in abundance. They see lack and scarcity all around them.
When you're looking at your problems you are re-creating them.
Because of our simple lifestyle we had time to think and figure out a way to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity. We worked in our organic garden, we went dirt bike riding, and we built miles and miles of hiking and riding trails through the woods. Life was good. We felt rich in benefits.
Our main question remained: How could we realize our dream of having a home based income when we were living in the middle of woods with almost no amenities?
The Law of Attraction is always working without prejudice; it doesn't discriminate.. It gives us back exactly the thoughts we hold in our minds. The school didn't tell us how to overcome the feeling of- you'll never get ahead.
Feelings are always creating more of the same. Feelings and thoughts of scarcity must be changed before your business can take off.
We started changing our thoughts and feelings about prosperity. We realized that we had abundance in many ways -just not in funds.
We didn't realize it at the time but we had struck a pure vein of gold in our thinking and word use. We had dropped the poverty consciousness and all feelings of being poor by our concentration on the abundance we had.
We had moved our mind set into prosperity consciousness.
Almost magically the Universe (Universal Mind) was delivering the completion of all our dreams and desires.
We celebrated all the physical manifestations.
In Part II and III of "How to Make Money in Home Based Business - From Rags To Riches," we'll show you even more of what is available and how to align your energy, dreams, and desires with the Law of Attraction, the Universal Mind and how to crank up your silent partner to work for you.
If you would like the full procedure you can get a step by step process in our new 86 page e-book "How To Triple Your Home Based Income - By Using Two Secret Words."
The simple procedures you'll learn will propel you and your home business into even greater wealth in a short period of time.
Author: Taylore Vance
About Author:
Taylore Vance, home business/prosperity expert, mentor and coach at Prosperity Tips Learn How You Can Triple Your Home Based Income... Income By Using Two Secret Words Online Opportunities and hundreds of job ideas.Random related phrase:
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