How on Earth Do you Choose a Network Marketing Company in the Internet Age?
Network Marketing before the Internet was a business of finding people, building relationships and teams. It meant that leadership was critical to building a successful business. Things happened more slowly. Loyal relationships strengthened with time. The reality of the Internet with the power of communications, speed and information overload is a challenging environment. The basic principles of building a network marketing business are still true, however the rules have changed!

Network Marketing or MLM is one of the most rewarding and fun businesses you could ever be involved with. MLM before the Internet was a business of finding people, building relationships and teams. It meant that leadership was critical to building a successful business. Things happened more slowly. Loyal relationships strengthened with time.
The reality of the Internet with the power of communications, speed and information overload is a challenging environment. The basic principles of Network Marketing or MLM is one of the most rewarding and fun businesses you could ever be involved with. MLM before the Internet was a business of finding people, building relationships and teams. It meant that leadership was critical to building a successful business. Things happened more slowly. Loyal relationships strengthened with time.
The reality of the Internet with the power of communications, speed and information overload is a challenging environment. The basic principles of building a network marketing business are still true, however the rules have changed! In my experience there is a new MLM appearing on the Internet almost daily! Well, maybe not daily, but its close. If its not a new MLM it is a new something else – a tool, a report, a special one time offer, a not to be missed opportunity of a lifetime that you have to get NOW!
You know what I mean! How do you know what you should pay attention to, and what you should just delete from your inbox? Let’s focus on businesses.
When you peel away the hype, what you find is that if you apply the same selection criteria to choosing a business for online as well as offline offers, it is so much easier to make decisions on what to join, buy or promote. In my experience there is a new MLM appearing on the Internet almost daily! Well, maybe not daily, but its close. If its not a new MLM it is a new something else – a tool, a report, a special one time offer, a not to be missed opportunity of a lifetime that you have to get NOW!
You know what I mean! How do you know what you should pay attention to, and what you should just delete from your inbox? Let’s focus on businesses.
When you peel away the hype, what you find is that if you apply the same selection criteria to choosing a business for online as well as offline offers, it is so much easier to make decisions on what to join, buy or promote.
Now here’s the thing. Darren Falter, an independent analyst and author of the book “How to choose a network marketing company” gives very useful advice. It goes like this.
“The 21st century is upon us. This is the information age. Hype is out and information and facts are in. The criteria for selecting a company are: the product industry, timing, compensation plan, the company management, and what is special about the product.”
Now there is a whole book written on this, so I’ll just expand on the timing part: Darren Falter’s conclusion is “Experts agree that selecting a company in the start-up phase is extremely risky. Although there are some terrific rewards associated with being one of the founding distributors in a network marketing company, the risks seem to outweigh the rewards. The same exciting growth can be experienced by selecting a company in the ‘momentum” phase (this is has got past start up and is in strong growth), but at this point the risk is significantly reduced. As network marketing continues to evolve, distributors will realise that getting in early will become less and less important. An entrepreneur’s primary concern will be selecting a company that has long term stability, not short term flash in the pan profits”.
Thousands of new Network Marketing companies launch every year thanks to the Internet. You can literally start your own company from your bedroom if you want. If you like to join new things, you will find plenty. Just remember that you are taking a risk with start-ups. 95% of new businesses fail. You are risking your money, your time and your reputation. As well as missing out on building a solid business with a well established company.
Having said this, if there is a new business that has a product that will benefit you and the cost is pretty low, then there is not a lot of risk in getting involved. Sort of a try it and see approach.
However, if this is going to be your focus, your business and you way of changing your life, check it our properly.
So my advice is this. Evaluate the company, the management, the product, and how long the business has been operating. Then decide if that business is right for you. There are several really fantastic companies out there; these are businesses that have a track record of success, products that everyone needs, and are paying out a lot of money to their business members. You can check out my recommendations here
So the best thing to do is find what is right for you and then take action. Remember that you get paid on results.
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Author: Janet Ellershaw
About Author:
Janet Ellershaw has many years of experience in the business world, including running her own successful business and working in the corporate environment. She is a pharmacist with a passion for keeping people healthy, as well as a business woman and property investor. She is happily married and has 3 wonderful children.
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