Desperately Seeking Simple
How to build a team of business partners and loyal customers with simple interactions.
Those three words became my mantra when I was searching for a home based business.
During my search, I spent many late nights bleary eyed in front of my computer monitor, reading lots
of hype, plenty of promises, tons of information, much more then my brain could absorb, and all the while I kept thinking, all I want is something simple, something that I can see myself doing and possibly teaching others to do as well.
Well, I found exactly what I was searching for and now, eighteen months later, those three little words continue to be my mantra and they have helped me to build both a loyal customer base and my growing team of business partners.
Every one of us involved with a multi-level marketing company need and is competing for the same thing, people who are interested in purchasing our product and/or joining our team by signing up for our business opportunity.
How different are those people than you or I? Are they not also desperately seeking something simple?
Keep this in mind with all your interactions with perspective business partners and customers. Whether you are communicating on the phone, through email, or with an auto responder, simplicity is the key.
Remember, your prospect needs to see how they will fit into your business. Unless they can envision themselves doing what you are doing and teaching others to do the same, there will be hesitation about joining your team.
Whenever you are contacting someone by email, simplicity is so important. Everyone is
busy and will often just skim their emails, so here are a few tips to ensure your emails
will be opened and read.
1. Use a clear subject line, avoiding flashy words. Only use urgent if it truly is.
2. Make a good impression by always presenting a professional image. Avoid the use of emoticons and never forward chain emails.
3. Keep your focus by sending only one topic per email. Attach the original email when replying and limit use of reply all.
4. Be aware of the tone of your email, often the written word may come across as anger or sarcasm.
5. Keep your email signature brief, your logo small and do not include more then one or two website links.
Use the same tips when composing messages for your auto responder.
Your website must contain useful information that your potential business partner needs or wants. Provide them with a call to action step in order to obtain more information. Allow them to inform and educate themselves at their own convenience.
Be clear on why you joined the business. Your potential business partners need to be able to identify with you and your situation.
Many times your why will be the beginning of building a relationship with others.
Again, keep it simple. Be honest. Write about your interests and hobbies, your family structure, educational and work background and your goals.
People will want to connect with you first, before they will consider being a part of your business. Building relationships should be your number one priority.
Does your website have an upbeat tone?
Do you know how you can hear a person smiling over the phone? Well, can people read and feel your smile and enthusiasm on your website? Enthusiasm is contagious.
The more excited you are about accomplishing something that is important to you; the more excited others will be about being part of it and helping you to do it.
What about emotions? Can people read your emotions in your words; can they feel your passion? When someone can read your passion for your life, your products, your business, your team, and your activities, they will want to partner with you and share in that enthusiasm and passion.
Whenever you can convey your emotions, your desires, your passion for your life and business, you are developing charisma. The more charisma you possess, the more people will be drawn to you and will want to learn from you and duplicate what you do.
Determine what people are looking for in their lives. Perhaps they need an extra income, are looking to retire, take their children out of day care, or build their dream home. You can provide them that opportunity with your business.
So, what are your responsibilities?
1. Be a marketer of yourself first, not your products and business opportunity.
2. Build a relationship with your possible customers or business partners.
3. Streamline all your interactions, keeping them simple, with no hype or promises.
4. Provide the information requested and then allow your future partners to inform and educate themselves about your business.
5. Continue to update and tweak your personal website, keeping the information fresh.
To summarize, when keeping in touch with current and potential customers or business partners, keep all your interactions short and to the point.
Provide useful information, updated news about your company and any special offers you may have for your products.
Strive to be always seeking simple.
Author: Karen Singer
About Author:
Karen Singer is passionate about her customers and team partners, she is coaching others to success using simple methods of self-motivation, positive feedback and inspired action. To learn more about Karen and her business go to: related phrase:
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