Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wealth Creation through Simple Act of Giving


By simple act of giving you can create great wealth. We remain poor as long as we keep our fist tight and refuse to share. This article shares some of the insight into this wealth creating principle.


One of the fundamental principles of wealth creation is to give.Unfortunately very few people understand this principle and spend their lives competing and grabbing in order to succeed. Bible says give and so shall you receive but most of us fail to pay heed to this simple advise in our struggle for survival.

Few months back I read a book by an accountant who had hundreds of important clients. This accountant kept a meticulous record of people who gave to charity and those who did not. To his surprise he found that all those who contributed to charities did financially better than others. My experience has been similar. Whenever I had the generosity to give I was rewarded hundred times over. And whenever I became tight fisted I suffered. The impulse to give puts you in touch with the best part of yourself and the whole universe conspires to help you out.

Pitanjali, the great Indian philosopher, spoke of the same principle when he propounded his theory that every motion in this universe is circular. The earth and planets circle the sun. The earth rotates around its axis. Rain water falls to the earth, forms into streams and river that flow towards the sea only to rise once again as clouds and rain. The tree rises from the earth and after its fruitful life goes back to the earth. Everything in nature moves in a circle and comes back to us. Similarly when we have good thought and feelings about others they come back to us in form of untold love. When we give money and help others we position ourselves to receive great wealth and riches. This is the law of nature which very few realize. Ask Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and they will affirm this theory. They are in fact living examples of creating wealth through giving.

What can one give. Is it only money? No we can give our understanding, our effort, our
love and knowledge. There is no end to what we can give. For example, it is a known fact that customers in the real world just love getting something for free. The same goes in the virtual world. If you are a website owner or webmaster, give your visitors something that is totally free and you can bet that they will appreciate your gesture. What is the most valuable thing that you can give to your visitors for free? The question may sound hard but the answer is quite very simple – INFORMATION! In the history of mankind, our era has been called "the information age", precisely because information has become central to our daily lives. So when you give your customers information, you are, in effect, giving them something that is truly valuable in this day and age. This is just one example. You can find innumerable opportunities to give in your immediate environment.

Never ever give with the thought of receiving something in return or making the receipient dependent on you. Always give to help others to strenthen themselves and stand on their own feet. Participate in their growth. Never ever let them grow in your shadow. This can be the greatest gift of all.

When I was looking for a business opportunity I looked at incorporating this great principle of wealth creation. I found that this principle worked best with network marketing. The motive may be to create wealth for yourself but you can not succeed until you help others to succeed. You have to share your knowledge, effort, time and ensure success of others to succeed in this business. In network marketing there is no competition like in a normal business. You have to participate in development of your team members to succeed. Every successful network marketer incorporates this principle. This is the reason I love network marketing. It is a business model where you can succeed only if you help others to succeed. It incorporates the principle of giving. Most people fail in network market when they violate this basic principle.

To create wealth is to give. Never stop giving even if you have little. This is the great principle of life. Act of giving expands your soul and mind. Just give and watch the whole universe conspire to make you wealthy.

Author: Praveen Kumar

About Author:

Praveen Kumar is a success coach who helps others to start home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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