Boost Skyrocket your Affiliate Commission by 433% by Protecting your Affiliate Links
My investigations show that it is possible that your affiliate commissions can be stolen by other people! Also, there are several ways to protect your affiliate marketing links and commissions. Now, I am going to give you simple ways to protect your affiliate marketing links and affiliate marketing commissions. You’ll discover simple easy ways to protect links and commission to hackers in this article.

My investigations show that it is possible that your affiliate commissions can be stolen by other people! Also, there are several ways to protect your affiliate marketing links and commissions. Now, I am going to give you simple ways to protect your affiliate marketing links and affiliate marketing commissions. You’ll discover simple easy ways to protect links and commission to hackers in this article.
READ THIS: If you are truly serious about affiliate marketing and how to protect your affiliate marketing links and commissions.
My researches reveal that there are numerous software products on the market that range from 15 - 50 dollars for special types of software that'll assist you in protecting your affiliate marketing commissions. The effectiveness and ease of use for the programs range greatly, so before you buy one, you should always learn as much as you possibly can.
Encrypt your affiliate marketing links
One of the easy ways to protect your affiliate marketing commissions is to encrypt your affiliate marketing links before advertising. TinyURL service is one of a great place for you to start with. Otherwise, if you are promoting products or services from the most famous affiliate marketing network, CJ, you can encrypt your affiliate marketing links easily from merchants’ page.
Redirect your affiliate marketing links
Technically, your affiliate marketing links can be embedded in the format of PHP and HTML for redirection. There are many free scripts for protecting your affiliate marketing links and redirect your links. I highly recommend you to use script for PHP format. It is more secure than HTML format.
Banner servers
Banner servers are not only served banners, as many of the more recent servers will also display text links as well. The link coding that's associated with served ads is normally long, so that the visitor won't be able to see on the status bar where the redirect is heading.
Click tracking software
Click counting software will not show the target URL as the links point inwards to the software, which is normally installed on your own website.
Once someone has clicked on the link, the click tracking application will then redirect the visitor to the URL that you have specified within the script. The click tracking software will also provide a great way to monitor the usefulness of your ads and not just relying on the reports that merchants will provide.
Protecting your commissions is extremely important, as you want to get paid for what you do. Even though fraud is possible with affiliate marketing business, you can protect yourself and your affiliate marketing commission. Fraudsters have certain techniques and tactics they use, which you can protect yourself from.
If you have your own affiliate marketing business, the last thing you want to experience is either credit card fraud or affiliate fraud. They do happen on a regular basis, simply because those who have it happen haven't taken the necessary steps they should have to protect themselves.
Conclusion, there are many hackers who are looking for stealing your affiliate commissions out there. The most effective ways for protecting your affiliate marketing commissions is to protect your affiliate marketing links. I believe that those above ways can help you far away from hackers.
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*Reprint Policy: Reprint in full with writer's name, contact information, active links and brief bio.
Author: zmilliondollars
About Author:
Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.
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