The Most Powerful Persuasion Format Ever
The most successful people in the world know the most powerful persuasion format ever. These are strategies you can use easily and naturally to begin to Make More Money NOW.
This pattern is so fundamental to all good persuasion that taking the time to really master it will pay off hugely for you- in far greater proportion to the time it takes to learn it.
Remember verbal pacing and leading from my other articles? Pacing=talking about either what is true and verifiable in a persons ongoing experience or talking about what is commonly accepted as true. Talking about what is commonly accepted as true is also called using truism.
Leading=Talking about what you want the other person to believe that as yet is not verified.
Remember- All of your behaviors including everything that comes out of your mouth is either a pace or a lead, or not. It is up to you begin to make the decision to elegantly communicate in patterns that are powerful or not.
The pacing and leading persuasion format: Pace, Pace, Pace- Lead Pace, Pace, Lead Pace, Lead Lead, Lead....(to your outcome) PPPL PPL PL LL
Personal training tip Example: "As you sit there, reading this information, letting your eyes follow each word, you can to begin to discover how this information will allow you to increase your persuasion power. And as you think about how that might happen, and listen to what those ideas are inside your own thoughts, it may stimulate you to get excited at how much easier this makes the process of convincing someone to do what you want. In fact, feeling that excitement begin to build, now, causes you to want to practice, to perfect this technique."
This technique is strong enough to get people to go along with whatever you say, so much that the more you utilize it the more it will make you suddenly increase your sales. This also establishes your credibility and furthers the rapport you are building."
Now, can you go over that example and pick out the paces and leads?
Yes set What is a "yes" set? Where a person feels compelled to say yes to whatever you are saying. One of the main reasons to use verbal pacing and leading is that it automatically sets up an unconscious yes set.
A yes set traditionally is a set of questions designed to elicit a "yes" response from the person you are persuading. The theory is that if you get enough yeses during the presentation, when you ask for the commitment, agreement or order they will say "yes"
Lets stay with the yes set for a bit.Heres an example of the traditional conscious yes set:
Salesman to prospect: Mr. Smith? Prospect: Yes Salesman: Mr. John Smith? Prospect: Yes Salesman: Thank you. Mr. Smith, my records indicate that you are the vice president of purchasing. Is that right? Prospect: Yes. Salesman: Great. May I ask you a question? Prospect: Yes. Salesman: If I can show you a way to save costs on your inventory, you would be interested in taking a look, wouldn't you?
YUCH Do you see the pattern? What else happens for you as you read this? If you are like a lot of intelligent consumers, you are also alerted to the upcoming assault?!! So,
What is the answer? How can you get people saying yes without using out moded tactics such as that? The answer is in verbal pacing and leading. What is verbal pacing and leading?- It is a sophisticated technique that links things that are sure with things that you'd like people to believe are true.
Here are some examples of things that qualify as pacing:
1. You are reading this. 2. You can feel the temperature around you. 3. On the news last night... 4. As you participate in this learning experience... 5. On my way to see you today, I was thinking...
The reason that those qualified are that they are true and verifiable or qualify as truisms (things that are accepted as true). Leads- are anything that you want people to believe.
So here are some examples of things that could be considered leads:
1. You are excited about this information. 2. You are becoming committed to learning more about this. 3. Verbal pacing and leading makes persuasion easier. 4. Verbal pacing and leading creates a lullaby type of effect. 5. This training will have ongoing benefits that you haven't even become aware of yet.
Can you begin to see the difference between pacing and leading?
Pacing statements are statements that are true! You cannot take exception to them! That is what makes them so powerful for our purposes.
Leading statements are what you want the person you're persuading to believe. They are not proven necessarily but they are what you want your prospect to believe.
There is a format to follow that will assist you in using this technique.
The format is as follows: PACE,PACE,PACE-LEAD PACE,PACE-LEAD PACE-LEAD LEAD-LEAD...(to your outcome)
Example: As you review what you've read so far and the seconds pass while you think about this in your own way allows you to begin to understand the value of using this technique to get more of what you want when you want it.
And as you begin to understand the value of this, thinking back to a time when this might of made a difference can stimulate you to begin to anticipate the benefits that will be yours as you begin to use it.
While that anticipation builds now it causes you to take just a second to tell yourself how thrilled you are to have found this at a time when you can really use it. NOW, the more that realization begins to sink in perhaps even outside your awareness that the real key to persuasion is having skills like this that you can use the more that causes you to already start to wonder who you will first share this new skill of yours with.
Now lets go back over this paragraph and analyze it. First, before we do that, read it one more time. Can you understand how the pacing and leading creates a powerful influence that literally compels your experience? Here are the paces and leads:
Pace- review what you've read. Pace- the seconds pass. Pace- while you think about this in your own way. Lead- understand the value of using this
Pace- understanding the value of using this Pace- thinking back to a time...might have made a difference. Lead- anticipate the benefits...use it.
Pace- anticipation builds Lead- tell yourself how thrilled you are to have found this. Lead- realization begins to sink in Lead- the real key to persuasion is having skills like this. Lead- wonder who you will share this new skill with first.
Try this. Read just the leads above. Preferably read them aloud. If those had been all that was written, they wouldn't have had near the power as when you have the pacing statements with them.
Each time you read a pace, your unconscious goes "yes". Only this is so subtle (Albeit powerful) that nobody thinks of it as an assault. Instead, you have created an environment that is comfortable, one that supports the other person in moving with you.
Heres another example for you: As you sit there, reading this information, letting your eyes follow each word, you can begin to discover how this information will allow you to increase your persuasion power.
And as you think about how that might happen, and listen to what those ideas are inside your own thoughts, it may stimulate you to get excited at how much easier this makes the process of convincing someone to do what you want.
In fact, feeling that excitement beginning to build, now, causes you to want to begin to practice, to perfect this technique.
This technique is strong enough to get people to go along with what ever you say, so much so that the more you utilize it the more it will make you suddenly increase your persuasion results. It also establishes your credibility and furthers the rapport you are building.
Also, note that the paragraph begins with an external orientation and moves the reader to an internal orientation, thus further facilitating the persuasion process.
Author: Alvin Donovan
About Author:
Alvin Donovan, founder of the investment bank, is the co author of Make More Money NOW and has also been a consultant/faculty member for several of the world's largest management institutes.Random related phrase:
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